Chapter 5: hail to the kings

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While Bruce was taking care of the twins (as much as he hated it) y/n, sakura and ingrid headed to the business district to begin the purge.

Y/n: alright we proceed as planned...ryuuji must die.

Ingrid: according to the sources kuroi is located in the outskirts of the city.

Y/n: then we head there.


Bruce was walking around aimlessly feeling dead inside from the his act kept replaying in his mind over and over again...and he hated it with every fibre of his being, he saw a bar and walked in, he told the bartender to bring him rum as he pulled out a cigarette and lighted it up and started smoking, as he was smoking a voice in head began speaking.

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Voice: release me...unleash me!!!

Bruce: get out of my head...

Voice: I own this body!! It is MINE!!!

Bruce ignored the voice as he kept drinking but something was wrong...he felt like he was being watched so he headed out of the bar, he noticed a woman standing on a roof of a building as he headed into an alley and pulled his knife out.

Bruce: 'alright, whoever you just caught me in a very bad day.'


In a dark abandoned building, a woman with a pinkish red hair in a bobcut with red eyes wearing a red leotard and black fishnet, that woman being the taimanin traitor, the mother of y/n: oboro.

Oboro: so the bitch killed my boy huh...but then again he killed my lover and now the little shit think he can take it all...I don't think so...don't you think so my love...?

?: I think you're right...

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From the shadows came y/n's father...the vampire "king": Edwin black.

Black: he is in need of a punishment...and death it shall be.


Y/n, sakura and ingrid have finally reached the outskirts of the city, y/n looked around with an amused smile, both sakura and ingrid looked at him confused.

Sakura: um...y/n?

Ingrid: what is it my lord?

Y/n: oh this is going to be wonderful.

That only grew their confusion even more.

Sakura: what're you on about?

Y/n: he's felt it too am I correct ingrid?

Sakura: who's back?

Ingrid: Edwin black...but how?

Y/n: I'll tell you's oboro...if you remember correctly I after I killed him i spared her...after that she disappeared...not that I really's obvious that she revived him.

Sakura: how are we gonna stop him?

Y/n: one step at a time darling...once we are finished here...they're next...

Ingrid: and what about mr blackheart?

Y/n: he can handle himself...he's a  one tough son of a bitch, now let's get this show started.

?: I must agree.

Y/n: well well well if it isn't the incubus king...ryuuji koroi.

Koroi: I must is an honour to meet you, but i already know why you're here...and it won't be easy.

Y/n: I'm quite surprised that your lap dog ain't with you.

Koroi: let's just say...she has a beast to tame.

He then turned around as multiple portals opened revealing a large number of modified orcs.

Koroi: erase this insect from existence.

He then began walking away from the trio.

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The orcs then charged at the three as sakura was the first to charge at them followed by ingrid as she summoned her sword and began slashing at them, y/n gave them a devilish grin and summoned his scythe and began chopping their heads off.


Bruce was doing a backflip and wiped the blood off his mouth and looked at his pursuer which turned out it was the mother of yukikaze mizuki: shiranui mizuki.

Bruce: you're good...I'll give you that, but enough with the warm up.

Shiranui: I must agree with you.

Bruce: but before I rip you apart I know you didn't choose me as a random what's your goal here?

Shiranui: remember under eden?

Bruce: so that's what it is...I destroyed some degenerate fuck's business and now they're coming for me is that it?

Shiranui: and my lovely king wanted me to do so.

Bruce chuckled at her comment as he pulled a single adrenaline syringe and injected it in his chest, he then gave her a toothy smile as he threw the syringe away and pulled insane and pointed it at her.

Bruce: then let's get this over with.


The trio have just finished their massacre as sakura and ingrid stood next to y/n, as they were about to chase koroi more orcs appeared.

Ingrid: there's no end to them!

Y/n: he's not getting away!

Sakura: then go! We'll handle it!

Y/n: you sure!?

Ingrid: yes my lord! Now please go!

Sakura: and besides I think it's time to show those low lives that I mean business!

And then a dark purple aura surged around her as her hair began to change from orange to pale blonde and her eyes from blue to yellow and magenta.

Y/n smiled and began his chase after koroi.


Shiranui was about to stab Bruce with her spear but he managed to deflect the attack with his combat knife and fired a couple of bullets which she managed to dodge, she then summoned multiple water tendrils and sent them at bruce, he managed to dodge most of them but one tendril found its way to his left arm impaling it.

Bruce: ugh! Damn it!!

Shiranui smirked and charged at him one more time but then oboro landed between them and sliced shiranui's head off clean surprising bruce.

Oboro: always hated that bitch.

Bruce: the hell...? I killed you!

Oboro: do you really think that...the one you killed was a fake.

Bruce: there are more of you?

Oboro: only me now...the rest are no more...and you'll be next!

Bruce: I was hoping you'd say that.

?: but you'll be answering to me.

Bruce looked behind him and saw none other than Edwin black himself.

Bruce: well...the man himself decided to show up...

Black: you know...I've had my eyes on you the first time you showed up here...

Bruce then remembered the whole washimine clan ordeal which made still doesn't sit right with him, he then gave black a very chilling glare.

Black: knowing the "primal beast" is in my yard...I had to make you join me.

Bruce: sorry to disappoint you but...I work for no one.

Oboro: have made a mistake...a mistake you won't live to regret!!

She immediately charged at him as he dodged her fatal attack and pointed rogue and shot her in the head killing her instantly, as he turned around he felt an agonising pain on his left side, he looked to his left and saw his left arm from the shoulder had been maimed, he fell to his knees and screamed at the top of his lungs.

Black: hurts does it not?

He then grabs Bruce by the neck and noticed that he was silent until a woman with brown hair and blue eyes wearing pink suit jumped in and kicked black in the face.

Asuka: get away from him!

Asuka then looked at Bruce and saw his state.

Asuka: 'shit...i hope I'm not too late'

(In Bruce's head)

In the darkness of the void, Bruce was standing alone looking around until he saw something far, he began running towards it but noticed that he was getting nowhere.

Bruce: shit...

?: took your crazy ass long enough...

Bruce turned around and saw none other than the big bad guy, or satan.

Satan: fancy meeting you here...y'know...I've had my eyes on you for a long LONG time now...and your way of handling business always put a smile on my face...I've been around a long time and I've never seen anyone does it like, I'll make you a bring me that bitch and you'll get another chance in life...I'll even sweeten the'll get a new arm!

Bruce: I'm dead...

Satan: no shit Sherlock...anyway what do you say...?

Bruce: I gotta answer this motherfucker...fine, LET'S DO IT!!

Satan: good, and one more thing...

Bruce: hm...?

Satan: unleash the beast within go.

(In the outside world)

Asuka fell to the ground with a grunt, towering over her was Edwin black in his demonic form, as he was about to deliver the killing blow to asuka both of them heard laughing...laughter that belonged to none other than Bruce, he sat on his knees as black approached him.

Black: still alive I see...

He then grabbed Bruce by the neck and raised him to eye level.

Black: any last words before I send you to hell?

Bruce then bursts out laughing which confused black, he quickly pulled insane out and pointed it at black's head shocking him.

Bruce: you forgot the other arm!

And then...

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All it took was a single bullet to put him down...Bruce then kept on laughing like he was in a comedy show, asuka tried her best to stand up but fell as Bruce approached her, he towered over her with the same crazed smile on his face then he saw a bunch of orcs staring at him in horror.

Bruce: looks like we're not done here yet!

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Bruce then slowly walked towards them as his new black metallic arm appeared, he then charged at them and let the slaughter begin.

(Meanwhile )

Y/n kept on chasing koroi, he then saw him standing in front of an army or orcs.

Y/n: that's it, Really?

Koroi: if you think you can take what I worked so hard for that easily...then you're sadly mistaken.

Y/n: then allow me to show you how I take what's rightfully mine.

Y/n raised his arm in the air as black and red fire surged around y/n arm as the fire began to take the shape of a sword, he lowers his arm as the fire died revealing the satanic sword.

Y/n: let's dance!

Every single orc then charged at him with blinding speed, with one swipe of his sword, y/n eradicated all of them almost shocking koroi, y/n then stared at him with murderous intent.

Y/n: your turn.

Koroi: this place shall be your grave.

Dark purple aura surged around him as his body began to mutate as tentacles appeared from his back, y/n watched his transformation unamused as koroi then began laughing.

Koroi: let's finish this!

Y/n: Took the words right out of my mouth, also...I'll show you what demonic powers looks like!

Red aura surged around y/n's body as his muscles began growing, his eyes began glowing as his teeth turned into fangs.

Koroi: a cosmetic change...disappointing.

Y/n: missed the point!

Koroi was confused by that but he noticed something behind y/n...a silhouette of satan behind him which enraged him, he then charged at y/n as he stood until he got close enough, with one swipe of his blade koroi froze in his place.

Koroi: h-how?!!!

Y/n: you call yourself a king...?, pathetic...he's all yours.

At that point, satan appeared and stared at koroi which made him tremble in fear.

Satan: boys certainly have been busy...but thank you nonetheless...anyway better check of your boy...he's clearly putting on a show there.

Y/n: *sigh* alright alright...I'll see what he's up to.

Y/n opened a portal and walked through it, on the other side he saw the carnage Bruce caused, he also asuka leaning on a lamppost.

Y/n: asuka...what a pleasant surprise, I take it that's your doing Bruce?

Bruce: you're goddamn right!, those fuckers didn't stand a chance!

Y/n saw the body of shiranui, oboro and his father which surprised him.

Y/n: oh...? So you managed to kill the old man...colour me impressed, and asuka...?

Asuka: yeah?

Y/n: thanks for keeping an eye on him.

Asuka: it's a matter of fact...we're even now, anyway you two better get going...reinforcements are on their way.

Y/n: you heard the lady...time to go.

And with that the two had left the scene and headed back to their hideout.

(2weeks later)

Revy: fuck me...still can't believe I'll be out of this oversized shithole.

Sakura: I'll miss this place, by the way where are y/n and bruce?

Revy: doing their regular checkups...

As revy finished her sentence, Garcia, Roberta, y/n and bruce walked in meeting room, the news of bruce losing his arm hit Garcia he began clinging to bruce, speaking of bruce, now he is a lot calmer then a lot calmer, anyway they left the mansion and headed to the docks where they saw rock, benny, dutch, Fabiola and ingrid waiting for them.

Dutch: ready to go?

Bruce: she won't know what hit her.

Revy: took the words right out of my mouth.

Fabiola: all of us there is going to bring a lot of attention, especially miss Roberta.

Y/n: nothing to worry about...anyway let's get going.

They got into the P.T boat and began their trip to roanapur.


Ruby and asagi just finished their sparring session, ruby looked at asagi with a smile.

Ruby: you actually abandoned that ridiculous reverse grip...I'm impressed.

Asagi: thanks...

Suddenly one of ruby's goons walked in.

Goon: miss bloodstone! I have some urgent news!

Ruby: what is it?

Goon: the black bullet is coming!

Ruby: alright...thank you.

Ruby immediately headed to her office and contacted balalaika.

Balalaika: ruby...?

Ruby: they're coming.

Balalaika: good.

(To be continued)


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