Chapter 6: Welcome to roanapur.

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In roanapur, asagi was confused about ruby's sudden change of attitude so she decided to confront her.

Asagi: ruby, what's going on?

Ruby gave asagi a cold glare which disturbed her.

Asagi: r-ruby?

Ruby: the black bullet is coming...

To say asagi was shocked would be an understatement, she was way beyond shocked, she froze in her spot as cold sweat was running down her spine, ruby on the other hand stared at asagi with cold look.

Ruby: so here's what's going to happen...since he's the most feared in roanapur...balalaika will set up a meeting with him and his pack...after the meeting we'll see, be on your guard.

Asagi nodded and went to her room, she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Asagi: y/n is coming...the black bullet is not an issue...but y/n...

Then her reflection started talking to her.

Reflection: y/n won't be an issue as long as you accept me...

Asagi was startled by this, sweat was running down her face like a fountain, her reflection smiled at her.

Reflection: no're not seeing things...I am real...I. Am. You...

Out of reflex, asagi punched the mirror breaking it and began breathing heavily, then a voice spoke in her head.

Voice: all you have to do is...simply accept me.

Asagi fell on her knees and looked at the floor.

Asagi: s-sakura...I'm sorry...


In the P.T boat, garcia was on the deck staring at the ocean, he was then approached by y/n.

Y/n: hey kid...need company?

Garcia: hello mr l/n...yes I could use the company, thank you.

Y/n: no problem and no need for the formalities...

Y/n looked at the ocean and smiled.

Y/n: beautiful isn't it?

Garcia: yes...

Y/n: looks like you got something on your mind...would you like to share...?

Garcia: it's my brother...

Y/n: Bruce...? What's wrong?

Garcia: I'm just wondering what made him like this, he's cruel...heartless...

Y/n: well...he's been through tough times in his should know this by now...

Garcia: that's not what I meant...

Y/n: what do you mean then?

Garcia: I saw it...with my own eyes...him killing two children...a boy and a girl...both younger than me...

Y/n: gotta do what you gotta do...I'll see what I can do to make him take it easy...anyway let's enjoy this moment of peace...because hell awaits us.


Bruce was smoking in his cabin, then he heard a knock on the door.

Bruce: come in...

The door was opened revealing Fabiola.

Fabiola: master Bruce...

Bruce: no need for that should know this by now.

Fabiola: may I talk to you?

Bruce: sure...what's on your mind?

She walk in and closed the door behind her while Bruce opened the window releasing the smoke.

Bruce: so to me...

Fabiola: was it really necessary to kill those children?

Bruce:*sigh* Fabiola, in my line of's either kill or be killed.

Fabiola: but at least you could've showed them mercy!

Bruce: that's the thing...nine times out of ten mercy will only get you killed...

Fabiola: this isn't like made it a rule not to kill kids!

Bruce was getting frustrated with this whole conversation so he stomped on the floor and got up.


Bruce then took a deep breath and sat down and looked at the floor.

Fabiola(disgusted): you're a monster...

Bruce: tell me something I don't know...if that's all...please leave me be...

With no hesitation, Fabiola left Bruce alone, few seconds later Bruce kick the door.

Bruce: FUCK!!!


Roberta was checking her weapons until sakura joined her.

Sakura: hey Roberta.

Roberta: hello...

Sakura: I hope I'm not interrupting you...

Roberta: not at all...I was getting kind of lonely.

Sakura:'s boring here...

Roberta: and bruce isn't the same since...that night...

Sakura knew what Bruce did...she felt bad for him, she knew that y/n basically forced him to what do he had done...

Sakura: poor guy...he didn't deserve this...

Roberta: none of this...

Sakura noticed the pained look on her face so she put a hand on her shoulder.

Sakura: why don't you two talk things over...let him know he's not alone anymore...

Roberta: I have...but he feels that way...i know that there's a broken man under that strong mask...and I fear that one day he's going to cause destruction.

Sakura looked at her...she could tell that she loves him...and also knew how much of lost cause Bruce is.

Sakura: it'll be just gotta be strong for him...he'll come around eventually.

Roberta: I hope you're right.


Ingrid was checking her blade as she heard a whistle, she didn't mind that as revy sat in front of her.

Revy: damn...if I was y/n I'd fuck the hell out of you...

Ingrid sighed and gave her a glance.

Ingrid: need something?

Revy: just wanted to let you know we're getting close to out destination...

Ingrid: and now you done that...please leave me be.

Revy: a hottie with a bitchy attitude...just my type...

Revy then smacked her ass and walked away shocking her.

Ingrid: the nerve of that woman!

Revy then headed to Bruce's room.

Revy: hey BB! Get ready! We're getting close!

No response...

Revy: hey dipshit!! I said-



She headed towards the others and informed them.

(At night)

At the dock, the crew have finally arrived to roanapur, sakura, ingrid and y/n shared the same look, Benny then looked at them and gave them a small smile.

Benny: welcome to roanapur.

Rock sighed and gave them a smile.

Rock: home sweet home.

Dutch: amen.

Bruce then looks around him and saw something he'd never see again, his old car, a 1967 Shelby gt500E.

Bruce: never thought I'd see you again...

Y/n: this is your car?!

Bruce: crazy right?, I used to call her "speed demon mk1", 800 horses on the wheels and a bulletproof 6speed manual.

Y/n: holy shit...

Garcia: can we please go...I really don't want to be here...

Bruce looked at Garcia and nodded.

Bruce: right...y/n go with benny.

He then looked at benny.

Bruce: the usual place.

Benny: right...let's move.

And so they headed to the lagoon headquarters.


The group have finally reached their destination, the lagoon crew were the first to walk in, followed by Bruce, Garcia, Roberta, Fabiola, y/n, sakura and ingrid.

Bruce: oh this place brings back so many great memories.

Revy: I know you missed this place.

Bruce: you know me too well woman.

Roberta saw the way they were talking to each other and it didn't sit right with her which did not go unnoticed by y/n.

Y/n: 'oh shit...he's in trouble'

Bruce: anyway let's not forget why we're here, we're here one person and one person only...

Bruce then looked at sakura with cold eyes.

Bruce: Think you're up for it?

Sakura stared into Bruce's eyes with determination.

Sakura: she made her choice...

Bruce: alright...expect trouble...

Sakura: do you think that they know we're here?

Before she gets her answer the phone starts ringing.

Benny: I got it.

He went to the phone and picked it up.

Benny: lagoon company.

?: come to hotel moscow now and be sure to bring your "guests" with you.

Benny: a-alright.

Then the call ended, benny put the phone back as the group looked at him with curiosity.

Benny: They want us at hotel Moscow now.

Y/n: and there's your answer sakura.

Bruce: then let's not waste anymore time...let's move.

Revy: fuck...we just got here.

Then they left the building.


The group have finally arrived at hotel Moscow, the lagoon crew got out their car with Garcia and Fabiola, followed by Bruce's crew, when they got into the main lobby they saw the entire Russian mob in front of them, Boris then approached Bruce as they stared at each other.

Boris: follow me.

Then he led the group to the meeting room, he opened the door and let them in, once they entered the room they saw balalaika sitting there waiting for them.

Balalaika: well well well...if it isn't Bruce blackheart...or should I say Alex bloodstone.

Bruce: sofiya sure has been a while.

Balalaika: so let's cut to the chase, why are you here?

Bruce: you know why...hand her over.

Balalaika: you've got some nerve Bruce...coming here and demanding things...

Bruce: weren't you the one who invited us...? And where's Chang...he's always the first to come.

Balalaika: not see he got..."replaced"...and the new head is dying to meet you again.

Bruce: again...?

Bruce noticed someone standing in one of the dark sec of the room, it was ruby...she was just standing there with her arms crossed staring daggers at Bruce and Roberta.

Bruce: and I take it that you're the new head?

Ruby: I fucking snake!

Bruce raised an eyebrow from her sudden outburst.

Bruce: before I put your ass to the ground...tell me...what's your name?

Ruby: well since you have completely forgotten! I'll humour you! I'm ruby bloodstone!!!

(To be continued)


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