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Issei and Gasper help Kyo through a portal as they teleport back to the Gremory Mansion. Rias and everyone else sees them and run toward them. 

"KYO!" Rias cries. Issei and Gasper move away as Rias wraps her arms around Kyo and cries into his jacket. "You stupid idiot! You had me worried sick! I thought you were gonna die!" 

Kyo chuckles and winces. "Hurts to laugh." 

Fenrir and the other monsters walk towards the group, gaining their attention. Kyo limped towards Fenrir and placed his hand on his nose. "Thank you, friend." 

Fenrir rubbed his snout against Kyo as a response. Suddenly a white chain wrapped around Fenrir, making him roar. 

"The magic chains of Glapnier?!" Rossweisse cries. "What's going on?" 

"I might've had a little something to do with that." 

"Kuroka!" Koneko says. 

Kuroka eyes Koneko and smiles. "Looks like you've accepted your power. What a relief your ears and tail have finally made an appearance." 

"Maybe, but I will never be like you, Kuroka!" Koneko states. 

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see." Kuroka shrugs. "We are a violent species and peace isn't a big part of our genetic make-up. You'll see, one day." 

Another man than appears behind her with blonde hair and glasses. 

"Salutations. My name is Arthur of the Valia Team." The man introduces. "We will be taking custody of Fenrir from this point forward." 

"And why do you have interest in Fenrir, Arthur?" Sirzechs inquires. 

"Apparently, Iraka and Mayana have interest in the brutes' fangs." Kuroka explains. 

Arthur levels his sword at them. "This is the legendary sword, Colbrand. None of you have the strength to scratch it." 

Kyo grits his teeth as he summons his Demonic Slayer armor. "Not on my watch, pal." Kyo then sends a giant wave that breaks the chains off of Fenrir. The giant wolf then jumps away from Arthur and Kuroka and lands behind Kyo, growling. 

"These creatures are under MY protection." Kyo says thumbing at himself. "You nor Valia, nor my sisters, nor anyone is taking them from me." 

Kuroka scoffs. "Oh, please." 

"Kuroka, if you really care about your sister, you'd give up this path of bloodlust and join us. What do you even have to gain from any of this?" 

Kuroka stiffens before looking away. Arthur then makes a portal with his sword. "Let's go." The pair then leave. 

Kyo deactivates his armor and falls on knee, making Rias and Akeno help him up. "I hate it when I can't stand." 

"Now that that's settled, what do we do with them?" Rossweisse gestures to Loki's monsters. 

"Simple." Kyo shrugs. He opens his hand and makes a large red portal. 

"I'll send them to a place where no one will ever find them. Where they can run free and never be used as weapons." 

Kyo snapped his fingers and released the collars on all four creatures. The Midgard Serpent, Hati and Skoll all go in as Fenrir was about go in last. He looks back at Kyo and walks back to him. 

"Go on, Fenrir." Kyo nods at the portal. Fenrir doesn't listen and lies down, wagging his tail. 

"I think he wants to stay with you, Kyo." Kiba says. The portal disappears as Kyo then starts to collapse only for Fenrir to catch him with his paw. 

"I don't know about you guys, but after all this, I need at least 20 hours of freaking sleep." Kyo pants before falling out of consciousness. 

Rias shakes her head as she approaches Kyo. "Sometimes I wonder how I fell for you..." 


After several days of rest, the ORC was outside the mansion saying goodbye. Fenrir had also been shrunk down to size, being as tall as up to Kyo's shoulder. 

"Thanks again so much, mom and dad." Rias smiles at her parents. "We're off. Bye, Millicas." 

"But you only just got here." Millicas whines. "Do you have to leave already?" 

"I'm sorry, Millicas." Rias says. "But, yes we do." 

Grayfia puts her hand on Millicas's shoulder. "Lady Rias is incredibly busy. We can't be greedy and keep her to ourselves." 

Millicas sighs. "Okay. Guess you're right, mom." 

Kyo, Issei, Asia, and Xenovia all widen their eyes. 

"You gotta be kidding me." Kyo chuckles, crossing his arms. 

"Seriously?" Asia gasps. 

"So Grayfia is Sirzechs' wife!" Issei realizes. 

On the train ride home, everyone looked at Kyo as he was laying down against Fenrir's stomach, still trying not to vomit. They were also shocked that Koneko was laying on HIS stomach. 

Kyo queasily looked at Koneko confused. "Koneko?" 

Koneko thinks about what Kuroka said and shakes her head. "She's wrong. I'm here and I've found peace. Meow." 

Akeno giggles at the sight as she and Rias were by the window. "I never would've expected Koneko to get so cuddly with Kyo. Before this trip, it would've been impossible to imagine, but look." 

"Right?" Rias agrees. "It's adorable." 

Akeno looks back through the window. "So, I have a request. Here me out: could I maybe just borrow Kyo for just one day?" 

"He isn't a pair of shoes. Be serious." Rias then realizes what she meant. "I see, you plan on telling him the truth." 

Akeno nods. "Yes. I think I'm ready to come to terms with it now...for the most part." 

"Once again, Kyo steps in to rescue another person from their past." Rias smiles, staring at the black-haired boy. 

"My hero." Akeno smiles as well. 

Rias walks over and sees Kyo sleeping against Fenrir. She places her hand on his head. ~Yes, mine as well.~ 


Once they were home, Akeno was showering and thinking to herself. ~Mother, what can I do? I want to be strong...~ 

"All that training, made me forget about the REAL foe." Xenovia says gripping her hair. She and Asia were staring at their homework that they'd been assigned over the summer and completely forgotten about. 

"It's bizarre. Maybe they gave us this much homework as punishment for going on vacation." Asia suggests as Xenovia groans and falls on her back. 

"I bet everybody else has already finished all of their assignments." Xenovia sighs. 

"Not everyone, we're not alone." Asia says. 

Suddenly they both hear a large crash and someone yell, "GODDAMMIT!" 

Xenovia sits up. "Was that, Kyo? I would think HE of all people wouldn't have trouble with homework." 

Issei walks in, having just showered. "Something tells me it doesn't have anything to do with schoolwork." 

Kyo was in his room, dealing with Fenrir. "Turn around, what have you got in your mouth, huh?" Fenrir turns and Kyo sees he has one of his dress shoes. "I swear, I am wasting my time protecting you! Drop the shoe right now!" 

Fenrir eats some more of it before gagging and vomiting parts of the shoe he'd eaten. 

"Don't eat shoes!" Kyo snaps. "Don't. Eat. Shoes! You get under the bed and think about what you did!" 

Fenrir snorts at Kyo before crawling under the bed. Kyo cleans up the wolf's mess before sitting in his bed rubbing his temples. ~Ay yay yay. It's like Charn's haunting me through Fenrir.~ 

Kyo then looks at his hand. "Father?" 

"Yes, my son?" Erakhan replies. 

"I was wondering, are you sure that I've unlocked all the forms of my Balance Breaker?" Kyo questions. 

"Of course. What reason would I have to lie to you?" 

"As my father, I know you'd wanna protect me from things I probably couldn't handle, but I also think I've matured and gotten strong enough to handle them." Kyo explains. "So, are you sure that I've unlocked all my forms?" 

Erakhan doesn't reply until he sighs. "There is another form. But no one has ever been able to control it because of its power and destructive properties. It's called the-" 

Erakhan gets interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Kyo responds, "Who is it?" 

Akeno then enters with a tray. "Hi, Kyo. I made tea." 

"Uh, thanks." Kyo says. Akeno hands him the tray as he sees she made him sandwiches too. After eating and drinking his tea, Akeno told him to remove his shirt. 

Kyo hesitantly complies and sits upright. "So why did you want me to-(moans blissfully)." Akeno started to massage his back. 

"Feel good?" Akeno asks. 

"That" Kyo lowers his head as Akeno tends to his shoulders. 

"My, you feel stiff." Akeno says, slightly grunting at the tension in his shoulders. "What's been bothering you lately?" 

Kyo sighs. "Just worried about Esdeath. Loki may be dead, but now she's probably more crazed and bloodlustful then ever. I'm just worried about what will happen when she returns." 

Akeno then kisses his ear and whispers, "Me and the other girls won't let her get her icy hands on you. Me, Rias, Xenovia, and Koneko will never let anything happen to you." 

Kyo nods. "I know. And I will never doubt that." 

Akeno then wraps her arms around his neck. "Now then, seeing as how I've helped you to relax, I get to ask a favor." 

Kyo looks back at her and cocks a brow. "Oh, really?" 


Kyo was leaning against a lamp post as he was waiting for Akeno outside her shrine. 

"Why did she wanna meet all the way out here when we live in the same house?" Kyo mutters to himself. 

"Sorry!" Kyo looks and immediately flusters at Akeno's attire. 

~Holy smokes! She looks too freaking cute in that! And I always thought she liked sultry kinds of clothes!~ Kyo thinks. 

"I hope you weren't waiting too long." Akeno says. 

Kyo shakes his head. "No, not at all." 

"What's wrong?" Akeno asks. "The way you're staring at me makes me feel uncomfortable. You hate this outfit, don't you?" 

Kyo rolls his eyes and kisses her dead on the lips. "You look absolutely beautiful. No matter what you and girls wear." 

Akeno smiles. "Exactly what I wanted to hear from my boyfriend for the day!" 

"Uh, I'm pretty sure I'm your boyfriend EVERY day." Kyo smirks. 

Akeno flicks his nose. "Smart-aleck. Alright, let's go have some fun!" 

Kyo feels his chest get warm. ~Every day, these girls continue to make me feel like I don't deserve them. I don't know what I'd do without them...~ Kyo exhales. "So, where you wanna go?" 

Akeno gets close to his face. "Well, what do people do on dates? I ask because....I've never been on one." 

Kyo grabs her hand and they run off. They did a lot of things: they went to aquarium, they had ice cream, Akeno was whooping in laughter as they rode on Kyo's motorcycle, later he then bought her a necklace with an 'A' covered in diamonds. 

Later, Kyo and Akeno were slowly driving through the city. Akeno resting against Kyo's back, sighing in happiness. 

Kyo chuckles quietly but then lost his smile at who they passed by. 

"Hey, I gave her permission to go on a date!" Rias says quietly. "I thought they'd go get lunch or something. But no riding and clinging to him on his motorcycle. That's my thing!" 

"Gaspy, if you see something, make sure you stop it in time." Koneko orders. 

"If I see something? This mask won't make that easy..." Gasper says referring to his paper bag over his face. 

~Those girls, freaking dragging Gasper along.~ Kyo then gets an idea. "Hang tight!" 

Akeno looks at him confused. "Why do I-WOAH!" Akeno clutched to him as he started to rev his engine and wheelied before making a large cloud of smoke that hit Rias and the others, making them cough. 

Kyo then zooms down the block, with Akeno clutching to him. 

Rias clears the smoke and growls. "He spotted us somehow." Rias and the others then ran after them. 

Kyo parks his motorcycle and gets off, laughing. "Rias is probably gonna kill me for that, but that's what they get when they try to interrupt and spy on us." 

Akeno giggles. "Way to give them the slip." 

Kyo chuckles some more until he saw that they were in an area with TONS of love hotels. "Crap! Always quick to think but never pay attention. Come on. Let's Scooby Dooby Doo outta here!" 

Kyo was about run for his cycle until Akeno grabs his shirt. Kyo looks back confused. "Uh, is something the matter?" 

"It's fine." Akeno reassures him, pulling him close. "If you want to go in, fine. Let's go, honest. I'd like to." 

Kyo once again blushes, as her arm were wrapped around his torso and she staring in his eyes. ~This girl...I swear....~ 

"A little afternoon delight, huh?" Kyo and Akeno turned and saw Odin standing there with a cane. "I've heard tales of your attractive women magnet. I don't believe we properly met even after the meeting." 

Kyo shakes Odin's hand. "I guess when you think about it, really wasn't much of an introduction." 

"Please let me know if there's anyway I can repay you for assistance with Loki." Odin smiles. 

Kyo and Akeno look at each and smile. "Well, Lord Odin, there is ONE thing I've always wanted to do." 

"Do tell." Odin insists. 

"I've always wanted to meet Thor." Kyo chuckles nervously, rubbing his neck. 

Odin smirks. "As many other do. Surely there's something else I can give you than just the presence of my son." 

"Meeting the God of Thunder? He's like the only person in life I've EVER wanted to meet, Lord Odin." Kyo explains. 

Odin laughs. "Very well, if that is all you wish, then it shall be done." 

"Lord Odin!" Kyo looks behind Odin and sees Rossweisse running up. "Of course this is where you wound up!" 

Kyo waves at her. "Hey, Rossweisse." The silver-haired Valkyrie blushes upon seeing Kyo. 

"I kindly request you not wander off. I'm supposed to be your guide." Kyo and Akeno turn and see Baraquiel come up, as he sees Akeno in surprise. 

"Akeno?" Baraquiel says. 


Baraquiel, Akeno, and Kyo were sitting in Akeno's shrine. Baraquiel sat at one end of the table while Akeno was giving him a death glare from the other side with Kyo sitting awkwardly. 

"Akeno, there's something I'd like to go over with you." Baraquiel states. 

"Cut to the chase." Akeno orders. "My time's precious." 

Kyo looks at her worried. ~Damn. I knew Akeno and her father had problems but that was harsh!~ 

"Why were you meeting with the Black Dragon Emperor in such a lascivious part of town?" Baraquiel demands. 

"Oh boy..." Kyo exhales quietly. 

"I can do whatever I want." Akeno states. "What gives you the right to have any kind of say on how I live my life?" 

"Because I'm your father." Baraquiel says. 

"SOME FATHER!" Akeno shouts. "Why weren't you there when we actually needed you around?! You were the one who left mother behind to die, sad and alone. I like spending time with Kyo because he's nothing like you! He actually protected me when I needed someone to help me! HE actually loves me and cares about me! Just looking at you makes me sick! You are NOT my father and I hope we never see each other again!" 

Kyo then stands. "AKENO!" 

Baraquiel says nothing and stands, exiting the shrine. 

Kyo sighs. "Akeno, I-" 

Kyo doesn't finish as Akeno clings to him and cries in his chest. "No. Don't say anything. Just hold me for a little while. Don't let go. Please Kyo, don't let go." 

Kyo holds her close and sheds a tear of his own. "I never will. I promise." 


Back at the house, Rossweisse was helping Asia, Issei, and Xenovia with their math homework. 

"Carry the 3 and there it is." Rossweisse explains. "27 with a remainder of 1." 

"Thanks, Rossweisse." Asia says gratefully. "You've made it amazingly clear. You're a human world homework champion." 

"She's beautiful, intelligent, interesting, and quite formidable in combat." Xenovia states. "You're the perfect woman. A real warrior princess." 

Issei nods. "Every guy would be head over heels to have someone as amazing as you!" 

Rossweisse blushes. "Thanks, but it's just algebra." Rossweisse then looks up thoughtfully. ~If they were being in all their compliments, then why haven't I managed to land a single lover?~ 

Issei then thinks of something. "Hey, Rossweisse. Do you have a thing for my brother?" 

Rossweisse stiffens and looks at Issei, stammering. "Well, I-uh, um, he-I don't...." 

Issei chuckles. "Called it. You know, he has three girlfriends. Xenovia being one of them." 

Rossweisse looks at Xenovia shocked. "The three of you share him?" 

"Yes. Kyo's the perfect guy." Xenovia nods. "He's strong, logical, protects us with every fiber of his being, and never fails to surprise us. He's our black knight in shining armor." 

Rossweisse looks down. "Do you think...maybe he'd date me?" 

"Are you kidding me?" Issei laughs. "Why wouldn't he? He'd love to date a girl like you! All the other guys are gonna miss the opportunity to be with an awesome woman like you!" 


Later that night, Kyo was lying in bed with Fenrir on his stomach. Kyo stroked Fenrir's ears as he thought about all times Akeno mentioned her father. The fight with Kokabiel, her announcing her heritage when she fought the Midgard Serpent, everything. 

"Akeno, please talk to me." Kyo hears a knock on the door. "Door's open." 

Akeno then enters the room with her hands behind her back. She sit down next to Kyo as he nods for Fenrir to leave. "So, what's wrong?" 

"I want to explain myself." Akeno says. "Why I yelled at Baraquiel. My mother, the priestess Shuri, born and raised at a Shinto Shrine. One day, she'd found a Fallen Angel who'd been injured in battle." 

"Baraquiel?" Kyo questions. 

Akeno nods. "They fell in love. And before long, I was born. Because of the scandal, the Himejima family disowned us and kicked us out on our own. So we left to start a quiet life together with my father, the Fallen Angel. Naturally, those days of peace didn't last very long. When my black wings started coming in, I had no idea people would hate them as much as they did. What kid thinks they're neighbors are going to try murder her? My mother tried desperately to shield me from them..." 

"She died trying to protect you." Kyo says. 

"Life suddenly changed." Akeno continued. "I spent my life running from those who hunted me. Too long. In the end, I was just a child. And children have their limits. When both my spirit and body failed to go any further, Rias showed up and saved my life." 

"And that's how the two of you became friends." Kyo finishes. 

"I needed to tell you everything about my history, that way I could finally put it behind me." Akeno states. "But I can't do it! The jerk tossed us aside to fend for ourselves. There's no way I could call that bastard 'father'." 

"Whoa, easy. I mean, he might be somewhat too serious but I wouldn't go so far as to call him a bastard." Kyo points out. "Maybe he couldn't show up because-" 

"I don't care what could've happened!" Akeno interrupts. "My mother is dead because he wasn't there when we needed him. It's too late. I don't know. I don't know anything anymore!" 

Akeno then pushes Kyo down on the bed. "What I said back at the hotel, that's how I honestly feel. Please, I want you..." Akeno was about to lift his shirt but Kyo stops her. 

"" Kyo says calmly but firmly. "Trust me, if we do this, you'll regret it the second it's over." 

Akeno silently cries as tears stream down her cheeks. 

Kyo stands up and takes her hand. "Akeno...let me see your wings. Your Fallen Angel wings." 

"W-What?" Akeno says clutching her dress. "No..." 

"Why? You're not like the other Fallen Angels I've fought, are you?" Kyo asks. Akeno shakes her head. "Then please show them to me." 

Akeno turns and drops her dress, leaving her in her underclothes. She then sprouts her feathery wings and cries more. She then gasps as she feels Kyo touching her wings. Kyo rubbed his hands against them, feeling the softness of her feathers. 

Akeno smiles and blushes as he gently rubs them. Kyo then walks around her and presses their heads together. "I'm gonna try something. I promise it won't hurt." 

"You could never hurt me." Akeno says. 

Kyo then turns his eyes red as he stares into Akeno's magenta ones. Akeno felt her mind go blank as she then started to think about her life as a child. Playing with her mother, seeing her father's  wings for the first time, watching Shuri get struck down by a sword, Akeno then yelling at her father as soon as he arrived to see Shuri dead on the floor. 

Akeno gasped as the memories stopped and she found Kyo hugging her. "Remember, you know me, when I make a promise." 

Akeno wraps her arms around him and snuggles into his shoulder. "You keep it. I do know how to pick them." 

Kyo lets go and smiles. "Look at your wings." 

Akeno looks at her wings and gasps. Her black wings now had red coloring to them. 

She twirled around looking at them. "What did you do?" 

"I added my own touch. Lets people know that if they ever wanna hurt you, they better pray they never come face to face with me." Kyo states. 

Akeno sheds several more tears at the beauty of her new-colored wings. 

Kyo hands her her dress. "Now go say something to your dad...before he leaves." Akeno nods and kisses him before running off. 


Azazel and Odin walk out of the house with Baraquiel in tow. Akeno then walks out, gaining his attention. "Akeno? What's this?" 

"I thought you might want to take a lunch box." Akeno states. "I'm in charge of cooking this week so..." 

"I see. I'm grateful." Baraquiel smiles. "What made you change your mind?" 

Akeno looks up at Kyo's room. "Someone made things clearer for me." She then hugs Baraquiel, making him shocked, but he eventually hugged back. 

Akeno lets go and bows slightly before heading back in. Baraquiel turns to leave until he hears his name. 

"Lord Baraquiel." Baraquiel turns and sees Kyo leaning against the door. He then descends the steps and faces him. "Sir, I may not know how everything went for you and your daughter, growing up together. But all I know is she needs her father, to be there for her when she needs an ear to speak to, someone to lean on, that's all Akeno's ever wanted. I may be out of place to say these things to you, you being her father, but I just felt like it needed to be said aloud. Have a safe trip home, sir." 

Kyo heads back up the steps until Baraquiel says, "Black Dragon Emperor." Kyo turns to Baraquiel. "Look after my daughter. It is clearly evident she loves you more than anything. I ask that you continue to please be the person that she looks up to." 

Kyo puts his hand over his heart and bows. "You have my word, Lord." Baraquiel then leaves as Kyo heads back inside, shutting the door. He then smells something good and hears to the kitchen where he sees Akeno cooking. 

"Something smells good." Akeno opens the pot and shows him. "Pot roast. Nice!" 

"I haven't made this dish in a while." Akeno says. "You can have a taste, if you'd like." 

"Yes. Please." Kyo says, with his mouth watering. 

Akeno grabs a piece her chopsticks. "Say, 'aah'." 

Kyo opens his mouth and does so. Akeno then kisses him and pulls away, leaving him flustered. 

"Thank you." Akeno smiles warmly. "For everything." 

Kyo smirks and nods before pulling her in for another kiss. They both stayed like that for a long time, ignoring the food and everyone else's complaints. 

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