Payback Time

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"Odin's gonna head back up north to retrieve Mjolnir." Azazel informs. "Says we'll need it in the coming fight. And while it's great that Ajuka teleported Loki and Esdeath out of our hair, they'll only be restrained for about a day and you can bet they're gonna be pissed when they get back here." 

Rias widens her eyes. "One day? That's it?" 

"You gotta be joking." Kyo scoffs. 

"Nope." Azazel says bluntly. "And when that happens, we're not gonna have any choice but to fight him head on. Won't be easy either." 

"Because of the Devil King-Class Members will attack Loki outright." Rias states. "It can lead to another large scale war which wouldn't be good for anybody. It's far too risky." 

"Plus, Loki wants to bring about Ragnarok." Azazel adds. "And the Khaos Brigade wants pandemonium. A war like that would further all of their goals. It'd be the beginning of the end, kiddos. Nothing would survive." 

Kyo then steps up. "Then I'll fight them all. I'll kill every one of them for what they've done. To Charn, to me, to my family, everyone in the Underworld." 

"Bro, you can't seriously be thinking about taking them on alone!" Issei says. 

Rias grabs Kyo's hand. "Kyo, we'll do this together. Okay?" 

Kyo sighs and smiles. "Okay." 

Akeno touches her chin. "If Loki gets out before Mjolnir arrives, we're screwed." 

"Seems that way, yeah." Rias agrees. "I think we need to go talk to my brother." 


"You want to act as a diversion for Loki and Esdeath?" Sirzechs questions. Rias and Kyo were standing in front of the other devil kings as they discussed the situation. 

"I hope you understand I can only teleport about ten people at once." Ajuka states. "And that's not much. Even with some rest, I'll only be able to send one or two more later. You won't have reinforcements." 

Rias nods. "Yes, I'm well aware of the danger involved." 

"My mother and Loki need to be stopped here and now." Kyo says firmly. 

Serafall smirks. "That's really sweet. But don't think you're the only volunteer." The door behind her opens and reveals Sona, Tsubaki, and Saji. "Right, Sona?" 

"You're going?" Rias says surprised. 

"The three of us would like to offer our services as well." Sona declares. "If that's alright." 

"I tried to talk her out of it, but she wouldn't listen." Serafall shrugs. "Then again, this whole mess with Loki is kind of our fault to begin with. So my little sister is being assigned clean-up duty shouldn't give much objection. Won't look like we're playing favorites either." 

"It's not like there was time to object anyway." Azazel points out. "That said, there's two people we've already decided on." 

"Oh, I can tell this is gonna be GOOD." Kyo chuckles. 

"The first one..." Michael then gestures to his left and Kyo and Rias see Irina. 

"Irina!" Rias says shocked. 

"I have no doubt she will be an asset to you in this endeavor." Michael states. 

Irina nods. "As you wish." 

"I will be in attendance as well. For Asgard." Rossweisse adds. 

"Since we all seem to be in agreement, prepare yourselves to depart shortly." Sirzechs orders. "Buy as much time as you possibly can." 


Outside, the ORC minus Asia and Gasper, Sona, Tsubaki, and Saji were getting ready to leave. 

"I'm sorry we can't bring you with us, but it's just to dangerous." Rias tells Asia and Gasper. "You'll be safer here with the defense force." 

"Oh, of course." Asia nods. "Listen, Issei, please be careful and come back safe, okay?" 

"Hey, don't worry about me." Issei reassures. "You just focus on having fun with the other devils, cool?" 

Gasper hugs Kyo. "Come back, big bro." 

Kyo smiles and ruffles his hair. "I will, little buddy. I promise." 

Irina turn to Xenovia. "This feels like old times, doesn't it?" 

"Yeah." Xenovia nods. "Well kind of, anyway. It might seem weird coming from a devil, but try to be careful." 

"I was about to say the same thing to you." Irina smiles. 

"Guess I should introduce myself to the team." Rossweisse says, walking up in her battle armor. 

"My name is Rossweisse." 

Kyo whistles. "History wasn't kidding when they said Valkyries look beautiful in battle armor." 

Rossweisse blushes. "Thank you, Black Dragon Emperor." 

"Okay kids, just try to be careful out there." Azazel warns. 

"The time has come." Sirzechs says to Grayfia. 

Grayfia nods. "Right." She then hands Rias a case of red vials. "These are Phoenix Tears. Unfortunately, this is all we could obtain on such short notice." 

"They may not look like much, but they're good to have." Sirzches points out. "Since you won't have a bishop's healing powers." 

Rias takes the case. "Thank you. That's a good idea." 

"Plus, I can heal too." Kyo adds. "The more power I charge up, the more I'll be able to heal you guys if and should anything happen." 

"Just remember to keep your guard up out there." Sirzechs pleads. 

"We will." Rias replies. 

Koneko then tugs Kyo's sleeve. "Hey, Kyo. If I was scared, what would you say to me?" 

Kyo smiles and puts his hand on her cheek, making Koneko gasp. "That I promised to protect everyone in the ORC, including you. And that when I make a promise..." 

" keep it." Koneko finishes, smiling. 

"I gotta say Kyo, if you keep up smooth talk like that, she won't be able to deny her feelings much longer." Akeno giggles. 

Kyo laughs. "Ha! Yeah, right." 

"Will you protect me?" Akeno wonders quietly. "I'm counting on that resolve of yours to help me through." 

Kyo grows a serious face and looks down at his wrist, where he'd wrapped Charn's collar around it. ~No one else is dying. Not while I'm still here.~ 

Ajuka summons a teleportation circle around the group. "Alright. Off you go." 


The group then teleports where they see the seal holding Loki and Esdeath in the middle of a canyon. And just in the nick of time, the seal then broke, revealing Loki and Esdeath in the air. 

"Well, that was annoying." Loki says. 

"Not to mention rude, beloved." Esdeath adds. 

"Hear me, Loki!" Rossweisse yells. "Attacking the Allfather is unforgivable. If you have a problem, should file your complaint through the proper channels." 

"And who will unforgive me?" Loki scoffs. "You? Talented though you may be, you cannot challenge a god!" 

Esdeath then spots Kyo. "Ah, there you are Kyo! Now be a good boy, and come here!" 

"You killed Charn!" Kyo yells. "And now you're going to die here and now for everything you and that wretched bitch family put me through!" 

Loki chuckles. "What a shame. I was hoping for better in the opening act of Ragnarok." Loki then sends out a blast that summons Fenrir. 

"Fenrir!" Rossweisse declares. 

Loki sends out out two more blasts that summon two more large wolfs. 

"And his runts, Hati and Skoll, too! Could this get any worse?" 

Loki raises his hand and lightning bolt strikes the canyon, revealing a large serpent. 

"Way to jinx it, Rossweisse." Kyo groans. 

"The Midgard Serpent is worse." Rias states. "It's one of the five Dragon Kings." 

"Did we plan on their being legendary monsters?" Irina asks. 

"No, we didn't." Rossweisse answers. "Though, I really should've known better." 

"DEATH DRAGON BALANCE BREAKER! DESTRUCTION ARMOR!" Kyo transforms and summons one of his swords. "Well, there's no turning back now." 

"Uh, guys? We're surrounded now!" Saji shouts. 

"Will you suck it up?" Rias snaps. "Our families are counting on us so let's do what we came here to do." 

"Right!" Everyone says. 

"Love the sentiment, but I must tell you it will never work!" Loki sends out the monsters, making them charge at the group. 

Issei and Saji both promote themselves to queen as they power up. Issei summons his Balance Breaker as he and Kyo both fly up and stare at Loki. 

"Oh my, the Red and Black Dragon Emperors." Loki smirks. "And yet I'm still disappointed." Loki sends several blasts that Kyo and Issei block. 

"Sticks and stones, dude." Issei says. "We trained three weeks for crap like this. And that's the best you've got?" 

Loki snaps his fingers and Fenrir charges at them. Kyo shoves Issei out of the way as the giant wolf tears on of his wings. 

"KYO!" Koneko cries. 

Kyo falls straight into Fenrir's mouth, shocking everyone until they see him pry open Fenrir's jaws. "WHY AM I ALWAYS THE ONE GETTING EATING?! DO I LOOK LIKE A FREAKING SNACK TO YOU?!" Kyo burst out of Fenrir's mouth, shattering some of his teeth. 

Xenovia and Kiba jump in, slashing Fenrir back. Kyo collapses to the ground as Issei swoops down and helps him up. "Thanks you guys." 

"No problem at all." Kiba says. 

"Just leave this beast to the Knights!" Xenovia shouts. "Let's go! DURANDAL!" Xenovia sends a blast wave as Kiba Sword Burst's the wolf, back it to the edge ofthe canyon. 

Kyo then repairs his wing. "Here boy, chew on this! DEATH DRAGON WING ATTACK!" Kyo sends black fire attacks that makes Fenrir howl. 

"Down you go!" Koneko says bringing Hati to the ground. 

"Figures we'd be left with the biggest one." Rias huffs, staring at the Midgard Serpent. 

Akeno then sends a lightning blast at the Serpent, making it reel its head back and breath fire at her, Rias, Sona, and Tsubaki. 

~Pathetic. I barely did anything.~ Akeno curses herself. 

"You know what they say about playing with fire." Tsubaki says as she make a mirror that deflects the Serpent's attack. Rias then sends crimson blast at the Serpent's head as Sona then sends a water serpent that bites the Midgard Dragon. 

The Dragon merely breaks free and roars, making Rias cover her face from the wind. "Okay, so it's resilient." 

Sona then cleans her glasses. "Good thing we're only trying to buy time. 'Cause beating this thing is way out of our pay grade." 

"You're always such an optimist." Rias smiles. 

Rossweisse and Irina then face off against Skoll. "Don't underestimate these dogs. Their bite is MUCH worse then their bark." Rossweisse warns. 

"That's what I wanted to hear." Irina smirks. "No reason to hold back." 

"Irina, no!" Xenovia yells. "Remember you're still only human. These things have you outclassed!" 

"I think you're mistaken." Irina says. "How about I show you the new me?!" 

"Well that was unexpected." Kiba states. 

"Since when is she an angel?" Issei questions. 

Kyo then knees Fenrir in the eye. "Hey guys! Save the questions for later!" 

Irina then raises her hand and makes a circle of light. "Alright, bad dog. By the blessing of Lord Michael, I've been reincarnated as an angel to give out divine justice and holy wrath! SO REPENT!" 

Irina sends out the circle as it rings around Skoll and smashes him into the canyon, allowing Rossweisse to send out her own attack. 

"Guess these guys can't take a hit as well as their dad." Rossweisse says. 

"Did she say...reincarnated?" Xenovia gasps. 

Kyo then lands next to Koneko. "Angel or not, she's still the same hope-filled girl we know her as." 

"We'll take care of Fenrir!" Kiba says as he sends another sword birth attack at the giant wolf. 

"You guys handle the other mutt!" Issei shouts. 

Kyo laughs. "That's my brother. Let's do this, Koneko!" 

"Word." Koneko kicks Hati to Kyo as he grabs the wolf by it's tail and smashes it on its back. 

Esdeath touches her chin. "They handle themselves well, for children even. Wouldn't you agree, my husband?" 

Loki scoffs as they both then dodge two blue ropes trying to grab them. 

"You underestimated us!" Saji shouts. "Big mistake!" 

"The only thing big is your talk little boy!" Loki sneers. 

"You really need to work on your comebacks, man! They're pretty lame." 

"Noted." Loki then sends a blast at Saji that surrounds him in smoke. 

Kyo notices and yells, "SPIKE! NOOOO!" Kyo rushes at Loki and kicks him into the canyon, grabbing him by his throat. "You're gonna pay for that!" 

Kyo reels back his fist, only for it to become covered in ice. He looks back to sees Esdeath laughing. "You always were the headstrong type, weren't you my boy?" 

Loki takes this opportunity to send a blast at Kyo, breaking his hold on him and sending Kyo back towards the ground. Kyo pushes himself up as he sees Hati then go in for his head. Koneko sprung in and kicked Hati to the ground. 

Koneko then sprouted a tail and cat ears as she landed in front of Kyo, protecting him. 

Kyo looked at her in shock. "Koneko..." 

"Don't worry, I've got it under control." Koneko reassures him. "I will master this power. My fear will not define who I am anymore. You said you'd protect me." 

Koneko then grabs Hati by the snout and spins him around. "WELL I CAN PROTECT YOU TOO!" Hati then gets thrown into the air as Koneko then sends several blasts of energy at him. Kyo then transformed into his Explosion Armor and sent his own blast at Hati, sending through several chunks of rock. 

Akeno widens her eyes. ~Wow. I never imagined Koneko could become that strong just by accepting herself. Well, if she can do it so can I!~ 

Akeno then faces the Midgard Serpent. "I am the daughter of Shuri and Baraquiel Himejima. A Fallen Angel! But also, I am the devil queen of Rias Gremory! I'm Akeno Himejima!" 

Kyo smiles. "Go get 'em, tiger." 

"THUNDERBOLT!" Akeno cries sending blue and yellow lightning at the Serpent. The Dragon crashes into the ground, making Rias smile up at Akeno. 

"You did it." Rias says tearing up. "You finally put it behind you. I'm so proud." 

Loki and Esdeath look down at them. "I smell teenage zanks. How disgustingly cliché." Loki sighs. 

Rossweisse flies up behind them. "Lord Loki! It isn't too late to apologize! The Allfather may still forgive you." 

Loki glances back at her. "But before you said I was unforgivable. And why should I be the one to apologize when he is clearly in the wrong?" 

"You leave me no choice!" Rossweisse sends several blasts at Loki, making Esdeath block them all with her ice magic. 

Suddenly bothe their wrists get wrapped in blue rope and they look down to see Saji. "Caught a couple of big ones." 

"Saji! Way to go man!" Kyo laughs. He then backflip kicks Hati in the jaw before tossing him away. 

"Oh, please." Esdeath scoffs. "This can't hold us." Loki and Esdeath try to break the restraints but their attempts fail, shocking them. 

"But how?" Loki says. "Why didn't it work?" 

"Azazel gave me an upgrade this past month." Saji states, summoning dragon armor on his body. 

"Now all the Vritra dragon types are at my disposal." Saji then sends purple flames along his lines that start to surround Loki and Esdeath. 

"So these are the Vritra Dragon's dark flames?" Loki questions. 

"Damn straight." Saji grins. "And even a god can't shrug off my power like it's no biggie." 

"BOOYAH!" Kyo laughs, pumping his first. 

Sona crosses her arms. "Perhaps you should've had higher expectations of us. Just give it up, Loki." 

"Such outstanding arrogance!" Loki shouts, breaking the lines off of him and Esdeath. Loki then sends a gust of wind as powerful as a tornado, making everyone shield themselves. 

"Lord Loki, stop!" Rossweisse yells. "Please, I beg you! At this rate, you'll destroy not only the Underworld, but the mythological worlds as well!" 

"Which is exactly what I want, dear!" Loki snaps. 

"RIAS!" Kyo shields Rias as giants shards of hail come down. 

"Ragnarok is coming!" Loki smiles. "This is what I've been working towards from the beginning!" 

"How can he do this?!" Rias cries. 

"He's strong enough to do what he wants, even destroy Hell." Rossweisse states. "He's a god." 

Kiba yells as he gets blown back and Fenrir breaks out. 

"Kiba, no!" Xenovia grabs him and helps him behind cover. 

Loki laughs. "Oh, don't be like that! This the dawning of Ragnarok! At least your lives will have an epic finale! My love, if you would be so kind?" 

Esdeath nods and sends a beam into the sky that makes dozens of other beams hit the ground simultaneously. Kiba, Xenovia, and Saji all yell as they take the brunt while the others shield themselves. 

Esdeath finishes her attack and Loki looks down at them. "And so it ends. What could be a more fitting reward, than being the first of Ragnarok's sacrifices? I expect you all feel honored." 

"Xenovia!" Irina cries. 

"THAT'S IT!" Kyo screams at the top of his lungs. "Rias, help Sona get the others back on their feet. I'll distract Loki." 

Rias nods and sends the Phoenix Tears case through a magic circle. 

Kyo deactivates his right gauntlet and unravels Charn's collar from his wrist. ~Help me out here, buddy. Give me your aid one last time.~ 

"You know, Loki? You only think you're powerful cause you've got monsters and a bitch on your side!" Kyo says. "Well, let's see how well you do without one of those!" 

Kyo takes four spikes off of Charn's collar and holds them in his hand. "DRAGON TAKE-OVER!" Kyo launches the four spikes in the air as one spike each hits Fenrir, Hati, Skoll, and the Midgard Serpent. 

Collars COMPLETELY identical to Charn's, form around the monster's necks as their eyes then change from their original color to black and red, like Kyo's. 

Loki drops his jaw in horror. "W-What the hell have you done?!" 

"Taken your precious pets. Now they obey my commands and MY commands only." Kyo explains. 

"I've got good news guys!" Rossweisse yells. 

Kyo then spots a beam appear and sees a hammer within it. 


"It's the mighty Thor's weapon of choice." Rossweisse states. "With a single swing, the God of Thunder reigns down divine punishment!" 

"Mjolnir!?!" Loki and Esdeath say in fear. 

"Odin sends a message." Rossweisse adds. "'Give the Hammer to the Black Dragon Emperor. He's the only one powerful enough to wield it!'" 

"OHHOHOHO! YOU GUYS ARE IN FOR IT NOW!" Kyo laughs hysterically. 

"Meddlesome little pests!" Esdeath yells as she and Loki charge at the Hammer but get strung up by Saji lines. 

"Where do you think you two are going?!" Saji grins. 

"All yours." Rias says to Kyo. 

"BOOYAKASHA!" Kyo flies towards the Hammer. "This is why you don't mess with-" Kyo gets interrupted as Issei shoves him out of the way. 

"ISSEI! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU-" Kyo gets cut off as he hears Issei scream in agony as he watches his brother get impaled and skewered to the canyon wall by a large icicle. 

Esdeath had used her free hand and fired at Kyo but Issei took the attack, having spotted it. 

"ISSEIIIII!" Kyo forgets Mjolnir as it crashes to the ground and rushes towards his brother. Kyo uses his strength and rips the icicle out, leaving a large hole in Issei's armor. 

Kyo helps him to the ground. "Why did you do that?!" 

"We're...(cough) bros, aren't we?" Issei coughs beneath his helmet. "We watch...each other's backs (cough, cough) no matter...what."

Kyo uses his healing and seals the hole in Issei's stomach, making the Red Dragon Emperor fall unconscious. "Rest up, pal. You did good." 

Kyo gently lays him down on the ground as Loki throws Saji off him and Esdeath. 

"None of you should be getting this worked up." Esdeath laughs. 

"After all, Ragnarok will rejoin you with him soon." Loki adds vilely. 

Kyo curls his fists and his hands shake violently. "Fenrir, Midgard. Take everyone and get out of here." 

Fenrir growls in acknowledgment along with the Serpent. Fenrir roars at Hati and Skoll as they whip their tails at the ORC, Sona, Tsubaki, and Saji, throwing them all into the air. 

Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Irina land on Fenrir's back as the rest land on the other monster's hides. 

"Kyo, what're you doing?!" Rias cries. 

Kyo summons a large portal. "What I should've done from the start." 

Fenrir gently grabs Issei with his teeth as he and the rest of the monsters run towards the portal. 

"KYYYYOOOOO!" Rias yells as they all disappear in the portal. Kyo curls his first, making the portal disappear. 

"And then there was one." Loki says, gaining Kyo's attention. "I must say, boy, you have definitely surprised us today. Managing to actually strike me, turning my own monster's against me, and now you believe that you ACTUALLY have the strength to take on the God of Mischief." 

"It is as I said, my love." Esdeath grins, evilly. "He is just too perfect." 

Kyo turns to them and deactivates his helmet. "You know, I've been called a lot of things. A boy, a toy, a dragon, a lover, a monster, and tons of others. But I honestly don't care what I am called because the only that matters to me, right here and now, (summons helmet) is watching both of you become ash." 

Kyo extends his hand and several chains appear, coiling around Esdeath and keeping her trapped against the canyon. 

"I'll deal with you later. Your hubby's first." Kyo growls. 

Kyo then stomps the ground as his aura exploded all around him. 

Loki smiles as he makes his own explosion. 


Rias and everyone else find themselves back outside the front of the Gremory Mansion where they see Sirzechs, Grayfia, Azazel, Anaria, Asia, and Gasper there. 

Sirzechs, Grayfia, Azazel, and several guards were about to attack Fenrir and the other creatures until Sirzechs saw Rias and stood in front of them. 

"Stand down!" Sirzechs turns to his sister as she and the others hop down. "What are you doing back? Did you defeat Loki?" 

Rias feels tears sting her eyes as she looks up at her older brother. "Kyo stayed back to fight him. Alone." 

Azazel widened his eyes. "He's nuts! That kid plan's to take him on all by himself?" 

Kiba and Saji help Issei as Asia gasps. "Issei!" Asia runs over and helps to heal him more as Akeno walks up to Rias. 

"Rias, he'll defeat him. I know he will." Akeno states firmly. 

Anaria then adds, "I might be able to show us what's happening between them." Anaria then makes a portal that shows the battle between the god and dragon.


Kyo and Loki charge at each other throwing various punches and kicks before Kyo knees him in the face and kicks him in the back. 

Kyo then zooms and Loki and hooks him in the face before shooting all around him like lightning before kicking him into the sky. 

Kyo smiles before Loki summons a ball of energy making Kyo summon his own and they throw it at each other, causing a massive explosion. 

Kyo and Loki clash around in space before Kyo sends Loki crashing into a meteorite. Having had enough, Loki then gives Kyo a series of his own hits. 

Kyo shakes it off and shoots at Loki, strangling him as they shoot back to the Underworld and Kyo kicks Loki into the ground. 


Kyo shuts him up by punching him in the gut and throwing him in the air. 

"Very well, let's see how well you do...AGAINST THIS!" Loki then makes a massive ball of energy in the sky as he laughs maniacally. "RAGNAROK! YOUR TIME HAS COME!" 

Kyo raises his hands as red lightning then started to erupt and come down from the sky, empowering him. 

"Let's finish this." Kyo says. 

"Yes, let's." Erakhan agrees. 

Loki throws down the ball of energy as Kyo sends out his own blast, making them clash against each other. 

Loki then sent out three more balls of energy that amplified the first, making Kyo kneel as he started to yell with effort. 


Gasper sees Kyo being the hero he is and then lets out his own yell as he became surrounded in purple aura and bats. 

The two then rushed towards where they were battling and Loki turns around to see them. Gasper grabs Issei's hand and throws him at Loki as Kyo then gives his final push, sending a large beam at Loki. 

The ball of energy explodes and Loki gets hit in the back by the beam as Issei punches him in the face, holding him in place take both hits from either side. 

Issei moves as Loki and the beam shoot up into the sky. Loki then screams as his body begins to disintegrate. "DAMN YOU ERAKHAAAAAAAAN!" 

The sky then changes to red instead of gray, meaning Loki had been vanquished. Kyo huffs and pants as he then hears, "NOOOO!" 

Esdeath breaks out of her bonds and looks menacingly at Kyo. "You will pay for this, Kyo! I will return, and I will make you beg for something sweet as pain!" 

Esdeath disappears and Kyo looks at Issei and Gasper as they both rush to him and he collapses. 


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