Family Reunions

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"I only sent a fraction of my chi out, and yet you still came running." Kuroka smiles. "I'm glad you can still feel our sisterly bond." 

"What do you want?" Koneko demands. "My time is precious, so spill it." 

"There's no need to be rude, honey. I just heard it through the grapevine that a big party was going down. It caught my interest, but you know what they say about curiosity and cats." Kuroka then winks at her. 


Indo was running through the forest, hot on Koneko's trail while Kyo and Rias held on tight. 

"What got into Koneko to just run of like that?" Kyo says. "Then again, with the way she's been lately this is pretty much par for the course." 

"She's been really pushing herself lately and coming to grip some personal issues." Rias explained. 

"Yeesh, that sucks." Kyo then gets another migraine. 

"Kyo, what's wrong?" Rias asks concerned. 

Kyo shakes his head. "I just got a feeling that our night's about get a whole lot worse." 


Issei looks around the room with Charn at his side. "I wonder what happened to Kyo?" 

"Now that you mention it, Rias is gone as well." Xenovia adds. 

"Ah, please escort them in Baraquiel." Azazel says. 

Akeno looks up and sees her father walk in with two other people and looks away. 

"You know, for a crotchedy old bastard from the northern waste, you're not looking too bad." Azazel says to an old man with a silver-haired woman. 

"I like what your husband's done with your hair." The man jokes. 

"Charming." Sirzechs says. "It's been too long, Lord Odin. How we've missed your causally homophobic banter." 

"Greetings, Sirzechs." Odin nods. "And let me thank you personally for your invitation." 

Serafall walks up to Odin and bows. "Lord Odin, mighty God of the North, you honor us with your visit." 

Odin strokes his beard. "I expected more from you Leviathan. A pretty young thing such as yourself shouldn't be dressing in such drab clothing. It IS a party isn't it?" 

Serafall looks at her clothing. "You're right." Serafall then twirls and turns into her magi-girl outfit. 

"Love it." Odin smiles. 

Odin's assistant steps forward. "Please keep in mind the reason we made the voyage, m'lord. You're here representing Valhalla." 

"Must you always be the downer in the room?" Odin sighs. "It's that kind of attitude that keeps you from getting a hero for yourself." 

The woman then tears up and starts crying as she falls to her knees. "I may just be an ugly Valkyrie who's never had a man, but at least I won't die alone while living in the Underworld." 

"Sorry about her." Odin apologizes. "This neurotic woman is named Rossweisse. My highly capable but depressing assistant. That's why she can't find a man." 

"Allow me to apologize for keeping you waiting." Chief Michael says walking in. "Odin, Allfather of the Norse, you're looking as hail and hardy as ever, your Excellency." 

Irina then walks out from behind Michael's back and waves at Xenovia and Asia. 

"Irina!" Xenovia gasps, happily. 

"Did she come as Michael's entourage?" Akeno asks. 

"Who'd figure we'd run into her in the Underworld?" Asia says, smiling. 


Back in the forest, Koneko continues to angrily talk with her older sister. 

"So, like, what are you doing here, Kuroka?" Koneko asks. 

"Seriously?" Kuroka cocks a brow. "I came back for you, Shirone. When things went south, I had to drop everything and run. I couldn't take you with me." 

"Hey-o, kitty cat." Bikou says walking out. 

"What is it, Bikou?" Kuroka inquires. 

"We've got some guests, incoming." 

Indo roars, gaining the sisters' attention as he blow through the trees and Kyo and Rias hop off. 

Koneko widens her eyes. "Rias, Kyo, you're both here?" 

Rias walks forward. "Kuroka, Koneko is a member of my household and we Gremorys look out for each other." 

"Your household?" Kuroka sneers. "Like that matters. She and I are sisters, first and foremost. I'm not going to give her to you just because you dain it." 

Kyo then summons his gauntlets. "Then maybe I should teach you how scamper like a cat after finish rearranging your face." 

Kuroka then eyes Kyo and licks her lips. "Well, well, well, the Black Dragon Emperor. I have to say, you're even more sweeter to look at than how Valia described." 

"Yeah, sorry. She and you aren't my type." Kyo states. "Not that I care much, but I guess it's only right to ask, how are my 'sisters'?" 

"They're fine." Bikou answers. "Though, they are quite intent on finding ways to prove themselves to you and earn your forgiveness." 

Kyo just scoffs. "I think they should realize that THAT word isn't in my vocabulary list when it comes to them of all people." 

Koneko turns back to Kuroka. "I still don't get what you want." 

"I wanted to invite you to join Orphis and Valia and me." Kuroka states. "After all cutie pie, as my sister you have the same power in your blood." 

"I won't leave." Koneko says. "I found my place in Rias's family." 

Kyo cracks his knuckles. "Koneko's one of us. So if you to get to her...(BALANCE BREAKER) have to get through me.

Kuroka shrugs. "If that's the way you want it, dragon boy." 

Bikou then levels his staff at him. "Honestly, I can't think of a better way to consume some time." 

"Why would they want to consume time?" Rias ponders. 

"We decided to kill two birds with one stone as the saying goes, and thus lured your female friend out." Bikou explains. "Valia ordered us to escort a certain VIP to your congregation. He also brought his WIFE with him, and let me tell you Black Dragon Emperor, she knows you quite well." 

Kyo cocks a brow. ~Who the hell is he talking about?~ 

"Apparently, they had a couple of issues with tonight's get-together." Kuroka adds.


"Lord Odin, please sign the pact." Sirzechs says gesturing to a mirror. 

Odin nods. "Of course." Odin places his hand on the mirror until another voice interrupts. 


Odin looks over his shoulder. "I'm surprised he waited this long." A large blue symbol appears and opens like a door and as a man flies out. 

"You arrogant fool." Odin sighs. 

"I am the Norse God, Loki." The man introduces. "Greetings." 

"All right." Azazel cheers. "Now we got a party." 

"Lord Loki, you may be the God of Mischief, but that gives you no right to cause trouble here." Sirzechs states. 

"Seeing Odin, our great Allfather mingling with lesser mythologies causes me to suffer indescribable torment, Sirzechs." Loki says. 

Rossweisse covers Odin as he says, "Leave Loki. Return to Valhalla and I will forgive you for this public outburst." 

Several guards surround Loki, making him chuckle. "Oh, but Father, you haven't my wife, have you? Oh, Beloved!" 

The guards were then frozen out of nowhere and crumbled into piles of ice. Everyone felt a sudden chill in the room as a woman then appears with ice and snow around her. 

"Greetings all." The woman says. "I am Esdeath." 


Loki looks around the room. "Where's the Black Dragon Emperor? I thought for sure he would be here." 

Issei summons his Boosted Gear. "Just what the hell do you want with Kyo?" 

The icy woman walks out from her snow veil. "If you must now, Issei Hyoudou, Red Dragon Emperor, I'm his mother." 

Anaria grits her teeth. 


Everyone in the room murmured and were jaw struck at that information. 

Esdeath chuckles. "And just who might you be?" 

Anaria charges up a magic attack. "HIS REAL MOTHER, YOU BITCH!" Anaria sends the attack at Esdeath, only for Loki to block it. 

Esdeath then extends her hand and shoots blue spear at Anaria...only for Charn to jump in front of her and take the attack in the stomach. Charn then became a frozen statue in the air before falling and breaking into ice crystals on the ground. 

"CHARN!" Anaria screams. She falls to the ground and grabs the only thing that remained...his collar. 

Loki laughs and claps his hands. "Bravo, my love. Now then, how about I introduce you to my son?!" A roar is heard as the guards are blown back by what appears next to Loki. 


Rias looks back at the forest. "Something's gone wrong. The council is under attack." The sky turned gray as all the turned color as well. 

Kyo rolls his eyes. "Just perfect."

"This is just a little barrier I placed around the forest to keep us all together for a little bit." Kuroka smirks. 

Bikou then spins his staff. "Okay, Black Dragon Emperor, show me your power!" Bikou hits the ground with his staff, dispersing Rias, Kyo, and Indo. 

Rias yells as she sends out her own attack at Kuroka which she merely blocks. Kyo and Indo stand off against the cat and monkey duo. 

"Well then, let's dance!" Kyo grins. 

"Mind if I cut in?" Kyo looks up and sees Tannin fly over the forest.  

"Tannin! HAHA! Now we got a party going!" Kyo laughs. 

"The previous Dragon King? Oh, you've piqued my interest!" Bikou announces, staring at Tannin. 

"Go ahead, monkey. You know you wanna." Kuroka nods at him to leave. 

"Flying Nimbus!" Bikou yells, summoning a cloud as he shoots up and battles Tannin. 

"(Whistle) Seems like Tannin decided to kick it up a notch." Kyo whistles in amazement. 

"The monkey king and a dragon." Kuroka states. "They're gonna have a blast. Now then, are you gonna hand over my baby sister, or not? That a no? Fine then, guess I gotta kill ya." 

"Hey kids! I have a plan! While I fool around with this monkey, you two handle that pussy! Come on, are you the Black Dragon Emperor and her Master or not?!"

"Just stop." Koneko pleads. "Look, it's fine. I'll come with you." 

"Say what?!" Kyo shouts, confused. 

"You don't get to do that." Rias states. 

"But first you have to let my friends leave unharmed." Koneko says. 

Rias crosses her arms. "No, ma'am. You're my servant, retainer of my household, and my friend. Leaving me is not an option." 

Koneko shakes as she begins to tear up. "My sister is too strong. I know what she can do better than anyone." 

Rias then wraps her arms around Koneko. "Don't worry. To protect you, I'll fight her with everything I've got." 

Kuroka scoffs. "Oh, please. I understand Shirone's potential better than a bitch like you ever could. Come here, babe. I'll teach you how to kick ass, sage-art style." 

"No. I don't need that power." Koneko says crying. "Not ever. I don't want my strength to come from other people's pain." 

"Kuroka, do you not understand what you did to your sister when you chose to drown in your own power and leave her behind?" Rias questions. "When you ran away after murdering your master, this brave girl saw hell. When I first met her, have feelings was a luxury she couldn't afford. Koneko had been abandoned by you, betrayed by the only person she thought she could trust. And when all the other devils despised her, and bullied her into leaving, she was completely alone. You've lost the right to demand anything of her." 

"Rias...thank you." Koneko says gratefully. 

Rias looks down at Koneko. "That's why I've always tried to show her the finest things life has to offer." 

"I'm going to stay." Koneko says firmly. "So leave, Kuroka. I don't want to go with you, alright? My name is Koneko Toujou, I'm choosing to live my life with my master. And that's final!" 

Rias turns her gaze back to the black nekomata. "It seems she's decided to stay on as my rook. Where's she's loved. Because we treasure family in my house. I will never allow you to lay so much as a finger on her." 

Kyo then steps forward. "You wanna get to them?" Kyo smashes his fist into his hand and cracks his neck. "You gotta go through me." 

"Even when you know you'll die? How pathetic." Kuroka then makes a symbol that sends out a purple fog, making Rias and Koneko kneel and gasp for for air. 

Kyo just inhales the entirety of the fog and lets out a large burp. "Whoo! That hit the spot." 

Kuroka widens her eyes. ~This kid is freaking insane.~ 


Fenrir roars as Loki then snaps his fingers as the wolf then charges and jumps off the ceiling, sending rubble at Asia and Gasper. 

Akeno sends out an attack that destroys the rubble, getting the wolf's attention. Fenrir approaches Akeno, only to get struck in the face by blue lightning. 

Baraquiel then stands in front of Akeno, pushing her behind him. "This girl is off limits, pup." 

Esdeath sounds out a blizzard that blows the two away and yells, "WHERE IS KYO?!" 

Anaria pockets Charn's collar and sends another blast that strikes Esdeath. "YOU WILL NOT LAY A FINGER ON THAT BOY!" 

Suddenly a green circle appears beneath Fenrir, Loki, and Esdeath, imprisoning them. 

"You left yourself open." A man with green hair says. 

"Beelzebub?!" Loki yells before the three disappear. 

"Well played." Sirzechs compliments Ajuka. 

Baraquiel turns to Akeno. "Are you hurt, Akeno?" 

Akeno just keeps her back turned to him and refuses to respond. Baraquiel sighs and walks away. 


Rias extends her hand and sends another blast at Kuroka as she just disappears and reappears on a branch. 

"Impressive. But still useless." Kuroka says cockily. 

Kyo extends his hand for her to stop. "Rias, stop. Kuroka, I may not know the full history between you and Koneko, but what does all this have to gain you?" 

Kuroka loses her smile and stiffens. "What the hell are you talking about, brat?" 

"I get that when you became a devil you felt different and had power that you'd never imagined, but I have a feeling that you're not what you're trying to profoundly make yourself out to be..." 

Kuroka just hops down and continues to glare at the dragon as they circle each other. "What could you possibly know about me?! You're just a child in a suit of armor pretending to play hero! And let's face it, we all know that if you hadn't been abused and tortured and raped the way you had been, none of THIS would've happen for you!" 

Kyo freezes and stares at her. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I am just a thing that doesn't deserve life. But that doesn't mean that I'm just gonna stop fighting for what I love on YOUR account. Your Koneko's sister! Doesn't that mean anything to you? You're supposed to love and protect her! Not turn her into the exact thing that you unintentionally turned out to be!" 

Kuroka yells and sends out several blue blasts of energy that pushes Kyo back. Kuroka continues to relentlessly send balls of energy at him until his Scale Mail breaks off his body. 

Kyo falls to his knees and clutches his side. "Lucky shots." 

Kuroka sends on last attack that hits his face and knocks him to the ground. 

"Kyo!" Rias and Koneko rush to his side. 

~Dammit! Come on, there's gotta be a way to unlock my final form!~ Kyo thinks. 

"There is." Erakhan answers in his mind. "It's taken me time to figure it out, but I believe there is a way. Kiss Rias." 

~Uh, excuse me?! How's that gonna help?!~ 

"If one truly cares to protect the things he loves, so much he's willing to lay his life down for it, it might just break your power to its fullest." 

Rias and Koneko help Kyo up. Kyo then says, "Rias, I have to kiss you." 

"What?" Rias says. "Now? Of all times?" 

"Trust me." Kyo pleads. Rias grabs his cheeks and kisses him for ten seconds before Kyo closes his eyes and descends upward. 



Kyo looks down at himself. "HOLY CRAP! I HAVE FOUR ARMS?! WICKED!" 

"Way to go, kid!" Tannin cheers. "I knew you could do it!"

Kuroka grins. "Things are starting to get interesting. Now let's see how you do against my sage and demon magic. Try some!" 

Kuroka sends a large blue ring of magic at Kyo, clouding him with smoke. He then uses his wings to make the smoke dissipate and laughs. "Come on. I could take that in my sleep!" 

Kyo then charges at Kuroka as she charges up another attack. "No! YOU DAMN BRAT!" Kyo takes all the attacks head on and then reels back his fist, sending out a pulse wave that break starts Kuroka's barrier. 

Kuroka falls to the ground and backs into a tree before then gets in her face and lets out a roar that could be heard throughout the whole Underworld.

Kuroka's hair blew out of her face from the power of Kyo's roar. Kyo then whispers in her ear, "This is the part where you run away."

Kuroka shoves herself away from him and jumps in the air as Bikou swoops in and grabs her. They both then fly into a purple portal and leave. 


Back at the ceremony, Rias was addressing Sirzechs and Grayfia. 

"So then, you fought her accomplices in the forest?" Sirzechs questions. 

Rias nods. "Yes, Bikou. Kuroka, too." 

"And did they leave our Koneko unharmed?" 

"She had a bit of a shock but she's fine." Rias states, looking at Koneko as Kyo rubbed her hair. "No surprise, though. Koneko is a member of my esteemed household after all." 

"Then I made the right decision giving her to you." Sirzechs smiles. "You've become a true master to your household, Rias. I'm very proud of you." 

Kyo then turns to the group. "Hey guys, I forgot to ask, where's Charn?" The ORC doesn't say anything as they leave, leaving Anaria alone. 

Kyo eyes his mother confused. "What?" 

Anaria does her best not to cry, as she slips her hand into her pocket and pulls out Charn's collar. Kyo's eyes widen as she approaches. 

"No..." Kyo backs away as Anaria extends Charn's collar to him. "No, no, no, no, no..." Kyo takes the collar and holds it to his chest. "Charn...goddammit Charn." 

Anaria hugs Kyo as he cries into her chest, and Rias and Koneko watch. 

Rias turns to Sirzechs. "Who did it?" 

"A woman by the name of Esdeath." Grayfia states. 

Kyo immediately broke out of his mother's arms. "What did you just say?" 

"Esdeath. She claims to be the wife of Loki, and also states that she was your mother." Sirzechs explains. 

Kyo shudders and falls to his knees. He lets another roar like back at the forest before curling up and crying again. Rias rushes down off the stage and pulls Kyo's head to her lap. 


All the faction leaders met up in a meeting where they all sat around a table. 

"Looks like the storm has passed for now." Azazel says. 

"Ajuka was kind enough to teleport Loki, Esdeath, and Fenrir to a rather far away destination." Sirzechs adds. "But it is a temporary solution." 

Michael nods. "Yes, I feel certain that he will press the issue again. This was only the beginning." 

Odin stands from his seat. "As leader of the Norse Pantheon, I take full responsibility." 

"No." Everyone turns and sees Kyo standing there in different attire than normal. 

"This was not your fault, Lord Odin." Kyo states. 

"Kyo?" Serafall says confused. 

"Why are you here, kid?" Azazel asks. 

Kyo walks up and places his gloved hands on the table. "My adoptive mother is a psychopath. She enjoys torture and is sadistic beyond comprehension. She and Loki together? That's apocalyptic chaos. I'm here because I wanted to say that I will do everything in power to stop them. And before you ask, yes, a part of me wants revenge for the suffering I've endured. But I don't care what happens to me. They need to die." 


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