Fallen Revenge

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Two days after what happened, Kyo watched as Issei continuously trained himself in the park. Issei was doing incredibly fast pull-ups on the monkey bars.

"Bro, don't over exert yourself." Kyo says.

"I have to if I wanna save Asia from that freak." Issei argues. "I'm not just gonna sit by and let Freed treat her the way he did."

Issei then loses his grip and falls to the ground in pain. "Dammit." He looks up and sees Kyo with his hand extended. Kyo pulls him up and Issei sighs.

"(Chuckles) Look man, if you want to save her, you're not doing her any good by wearing yourself out." Kyo tells him.

"Issei, it's you."

The brothers turn and see the familiar blonde nun from yesterday.

"Asia?" Kyo and Issei say.


Later, the three find themselves eating lunch at a nearby fast-food place. Asia stares at the food unsure.

Issei smiles. "Trust me, there's no other way."

"There isn't?" Asia says.

Kyo holds back rolling his eyes at the drama between them. ~Seriously, it's like I'm stuck in a soap opera.~

Issei shows her how to eat a hamburger and Asia follows his motion. She looks up in enjoyment. "Oh my, it's so yummy!"

Kyo then stands from his seat. "I gotta hit the can. You two have fun." Kyo then winks at Issei, making him groan in embarrassment. Kyo then enters the bathroom and does his business.

When he finishes, Kyo washes his hands and looks at his reflection...to see his eyes completely different!

"I will see you again soon." Kyo's reflection states.

Kyo cries as he falls back and sits on one of the toilets. He gets back and rushes at the mirror to see his reflection's eyes were normal again.

"What was that?" Kyo mutters. His grip on the counter tightens as he steadies his breathing. Kyo exits the bathroom and heads back to see the booth empty with a note.

~Me and Asia left to go hang out. We'll be back soon. See ya, bro!


Kyo smiles and shakes his head. He then exits the restaurant and walks down the street, looking up at the clouds.

"Save your brother." A dark voice says. It was the same that spoke as Kyo's reflection. Kyo didn't know how to respond until he heard yelling.

Kyo ran into an alley where he was out of sight, and summoned his Death Gauntlets and dragon wings. He shot into the air and flew towards the scream where he saw Issei, Asia...and Raynare!

Kyo landed in front of Issei and Asia and smashed his gauntlets together.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the man I dated?" Raynare says smiling. "How's it going lover?"

Kyo aims his right gauntlet at her. "What do you want, Raynare?"

"My business has nothing to do with you and your brother. I must follow Dohnaseek's orders." Raynare states. She then summons two purple spears of light.

"Crap, spears of light." Issei then summons his own gear.

Raynare gives a shocked look at first then starts laughing hysterically. "Is that really all you've got? Yours is nothing but a twice critical. That thing only doubles your power, you might as well be fighting me with sticks and stones."

Kyo's eyes then change from blue and white to black and red. "Don't talk about my brother like that!"

Raynare then felt slightly intimidated by his eyes. ~Those eyes, he couldn't possess...NO IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!~

Raynare throws the spears at the brothers. Kyo catches the spear thrown at him and crushes it in his hand. The other pierces Issei's stomach, making Asia scream.

"Issei!" Kyo and Asia say.

Raynare then flies up and kicks the brothers away. "Now then, are you going to come quietly Asia? Or do I have to kill these boys to prove my point!"

Asia falls to her knees. "I'll go with you."

Kyo pulls Issei up and stares at Raynare. "You can take her, but know this: when I find you, I will end you!"

Raynare just smirks before she and Asia vanish.


Rias then slaps Kyo in the face. "I told you and Issei that you need to let Asia go."

Akeno was busy tending to Issei, who was unconscious.

Kyo cracks his neck. "Look, I am sick of people telling me what I can and can't do. So if it's too much trouble for you to understand that then I think it's time you release me and my brother from you Peerage."

Rias sighs and leans against her desk. "Remember when I told you that my Evil Pieces have the same attributes as their chess characters?"

Kyo nods.

"Well Pawns matter quite a bit. When they advance into enemy territory, they can be promoted into any other piece besides the King."

Kyo widens his eyes and looks down at his hands. "So then your saying that I can have the same powers as everyone else? That I could have Koneko's strength or Akeno's lightning?"

"Yes, but only if the master declares that play in enemy territory." Rias then takes his right hand. "Now, about your sacred gear."

Kyo then activates his gauntlets. "Yeah, they've helped me a lot over the last several days, I think Raynare was actually afraid of me for some reason."

Rias then touches Kyo's face. "Any person's sacred gear responds to the person who wields it. Or to put it another way, the more powerful your feelings, the more powerful your sacred gear will be."

Kyo then deactivates his gauntlets and tightens his fists. Akeno steps up and whispers something to Rias, making her face become serious.

"Something has come up. Akeno and I have to step out for a moment." Rias and Akeno then exit the room.

Kyo then looks at couch, staring at Issei's bandaged and unconscious figure. Kyo grits his teeth and thinks back to everything that Raynare has done.

She WILL pay.

"You're going?" Kiba questions.

"Yep. I'm going to bring Asia back and stop Raynare once and for all." Kyo then summons a black circle like the one he used to teleport him and Issei.

"You're gonna get yourself killed. This is suicide." Kiba states.

Kyo then turns to him with an angry look. "And I don't recall asking for your opinion! I'm going to bring her back!"

Kiba then brings out his sword. "I'm coming with you."

"I thought you just said-"

"Didn't you here? You step into that church and your promoted." Kiba states. "But she also said you wouldn't be able to do it on your own."

Koneko then stands from the couch. "I'm in too."

Kyo then activates his gauntlets and his teeth get sharper. "Then let's kick some ass."


Kyo, Kiba, and Koneko then teleport outside the church. Kyo's gauntlets then glow a faint red.

"Geez, feel that?" Kyo asks.

Kiba nods. "Yeah, there must be a ton of priests in there."

"Thanks for coming with, it means a lot."

Kiba smirks. "We're pals aren't we? Besides, I hate fallen angels just as much as you do."

Kyo cracks his neck. "Well, that's one thing we have in common."

Koneko then approaches the door and kicks it open with ease. "They know we're here."

The three then enter and look at how aged and busted the inside was. Suddenly they heard clapping and then Freed walks out grinning.

"So, we meet again. Glad you could make it, I bet I'm a sight for sore eyes, huh?"

Kyo just ignores him and charges yelling, "PROMOTION: ROOK!" Kyo then punches Freed into the wall. "That's for slicing my brother, freak show."

Freed gets up and pulls out two light swords. "BASTARD!" He charges at Kyo but gets sent back by Koneko throwing a bench at him.

Kiba charges and tries to slice him, but Freed dodges and hops to the top. "I'll be damned before a bunch of Devils are gonna get the best of Freed Selzen! You've won the battle, but not-"

"DEATH DRAGON ROOOOOAAAAARRRRR!" Kyo shouted, sending a blast of black and red at Freed, burning half his face.

Freed screamed in agony as he held the right side of his face. "You'll pay for that you brat. But not today!" Freed then disappears in a ball of light.

"Screw him. Let's go!" Kyo says as Kiba and Koneko follow him. Kyo destroys the furniture blocking the stairwell and they all run down the stairs.

"Come on in devils. Welcome to the party." Raynare says turning to us. "Though I'm afraid your too late."

Kyo looks up and see Asia chained to a cross. "Asia, hang on!"

"Glad you could make it, but the ritual's already over." Raynare states as then Asia begins to scream and the center of her chest begins to glow green. Two rings then emerge from her chest and float down to Raynare as Kyo feels tears fall down her eyes.

~No. I failed Issei. I promised I'd bring her back. Now she's dead. Please, someone help me.~

Suddenly the gems in Kyo's gauntlets glowed and a voice spoke. "You called?"

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