Asia Argento

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Issei rushed over and helped the girl. "Are you okay?" 

"Oh, yes. Thank you." The girl says appreciatively. 

Issei helps gather the things in her suitcase as Kyo and Charn watch. Kyo smirks. ~Guess bro has a crush on little blonde.~

"I'm Issei by the way, Issei Hyoudou. And that's my brother Kyo and his wolf Charn." 

The girl nods. "I'm Asia. Asia Argento. It's nice to meet you." 

Kyo notices her handkerchief and gives it to her. "Here you go." 

"Oh, thank you. Listen, um, would it be too much trouble to ask if you could show me where the church is in town?" Asia asks nervously. 

Issei rapidly nods. "Sure! We'd love to!" 

"Uh, 'we'?" Kyo questions. 

Ignoring his brother, Issei then leads Asia down the street. Kyo looks down at Charn with a confused look before sighing and following them. 

Once they reached the top of hill, the church was then in plain sight across the road. Kyo then feels a weird jolt in his hands gasps. He takes a deep breath and composes himself. ~Man, what was that about?~ 

"Thank you for your help." Asia thanks. 

Issei nods. "Sure, I'm always glad to help." 

Kyo just scoffs at his brother's comment. As Asia leaves for the church, the boy's then head back having been summoned by Rias. 

"What's up?" Issei asks. 

"The both of you must never go near the church." Rias orders. 

Kyo cocks a brow. "How come?" 

"For devils like us, the church is enemy territory." Rias explains. "Taking one step inside causes problems for both angels and devils. Surely you must've sensed something telling you to be careful." 

Kyo then looks at his hands. "So that's what that sudden pain was in my hands." 

Rias leans against the railing and crosses her arms. "Being with someone from the church is a very risky proposition. Also, some of the excorsists affiliated with the church possess sacred gears as well. They could hurt you both." 

Issei looks down in shame as Kyo pats his back. "Remember, if a devil ever receives a devil purge they become completely erased from existence. They'll feel absolutely nothing. You can never come back from that. Do you understand?" 

"We gotcha." Kyo nods. 

Rias sighs and pinches her nose. "I'm sorry. I've just been too worked up. I only want you to be careful. Okay?" 

Kyo then approaches her and pulls her in for a hug. Rias was startled at first but then wraps her arms around him. 

"I'm sorry. We won't do it again. And if you need help to relieve some of the stress, don't hesitate to ask me." Kyo states. "I'm your servant. It's my job to help you right?" 

Rias parts from the hug and walks off, abruptly. Kyo just stood there confused. 

"What was that about?" Issei asks. 

Kyo looks at him and shrugs. 


Kyo was inside the ORC living room. He had his guitar out and played something to pass the time.

"You play very well." Akeno says appearing out of nowhere. 

"MOTHER-!" Kyo falls off the couch as Akeno laughs at his reaction. 

"Sorry about that." Akeno apologizes. 

Rias then enters the room and sees them both. "Oh, your still here? I thought you would've left by now." 

"We've just received a message from the archduke." Akeno relays. 

"The archduke?" Rias questions. 

"It was urgent. A stray devil has been causing trouble nearby." 


Rias teleports the group to a house outside the city. 

Kyo turns to Kiba. "So what's a stray devil again?" 

"It's a devil that kills its master to gain freedom. Then they become strays." Kiba explains. 

Akeno adds, "Acoording to the reports, its been tricking people into that abandoned house...and eating them." 

Issei shivers at that last part. "That's gross." 

"Tonight's job won't be hard. Just find the beast and kill it." Akeno says simply. 

Kyo nods and activates his dragon gauntlets. 

The group then enters the room and Rias looks to Kyo. "Kyo, how much do you know about chess?" 

Kyo shrugs. "Never really interested me." 


"Devils with titles and nobility grant the characteristics of chess pieces to each one of their servants." Rias explains. "We call them our evil pieces." 

"Sweet." Issei grins. "That sounds kick-a." 

"It's here." Koneko states. 

"Now what could that foul, fickle, smell be?" An eery, feminine voice says. "Something smells quite delicious as well. I wonder if it tastes sweet, or bitter!" 

Suddenly a large women with a furry lower body comes out. Having a completely exposed chest and very piercing eyes with sharp nails. 

"Oh, that's just festering ugliness on a hot plate." Kyo says disgusted by the women's appearance. 

"Viser, you wretch." Rias sneers. "In the name of the Great Marquis Gremory, be gone! Or face your death!" 

Viser just grins. "Oh, shut up you witch. You're just jealous cause-" Viser didn't finish as Kyo interrupted by roaring and punching her to the ground. 

Kyo lets out a large dragon roar. Viser would be lying if she said she wasn't intimidated. "Well, well, what do we have here? Another boy for me to-" 

Kyo shuts her up and uppercuts her into the air. "SHUT UP ALREADY!" Kyo yells as he then sprouts his armored wings and grabs Viser by her hair and throwing her into the wall. 

Viser then becomes uglier as her eyes turn red and she grows numerous sharp teeth. "You'll regret that you wretched boar!" 

"I gotta kill you now." Kyo says gagging at her new appearance. "You're just too disturbing to live." Kyo then brings his dragon gauntlets together and shouts, "DEATH DRAGON EVISCERATION!" 

Kyo then sends a small black ball of energy at Viser, the size of a coin. It disappears into her skin and Viser screams as her blood then sprays in every direction. Her organs then reveals themselves, completely destroyed and beyond salvage. 

The devil falls to the ground as a bloody mess. 

Issei, Rias, and the rest of the ORC were petrified in shock. 

Kyo cracks his neck and deactivates his gauntlets. "That was enteratining." 

Issei goes to the side and pukes his guts out as Rias then approaches Kyo. "Kyo, where did you learn that move?" 

Kyo looks at his right hand and curls his fingers into a fist. "I honestly don't know. It's like a voice told me what to do and then I just did it. But on the bright side, at least the devil's dead." 

Rias smiles and nods. "Indeed." 

Kyo then remembers something. "You said that we were based off of chess pieces, right? Who's what piece?" 

"I am a King Piece." Rias says pointing at herself. "Akeno is my Queen, Kiba is my Knight, and Koneko is my Rook." 

Issei then comes up, wiping his mouth. "So what are me and Kyo?" 

"Both of your are my Pawns. It took four each to revive you both. What's most interesting is that your Pawn Pieces, Kyo, became Mutated Pieces, making you four times stronger than one normal Pawn." 

Kyo whistles and grins. "I'll try not to let that statement go to my head." 

Issei looks at him in shock. "Dude, aren't you the least bit disappointed that were Pawns? Wouldn't you rather be something badass like a Knight?" 

Kyo shrugs. "Bro, honstely, I don't care what we are, so long as A: we're alive and B: we get to hang out with awesome friends like them." 

Rias smiles as and hugs him, shocking Kyo. "I want to apologize for my reaction to when you hugged me before, I guess it was just unexpected to hear someone willing to help me for no reason than just plain will." 

Kyo rubs her back. "It's fine. Now come on, let's head back to the house." 

"Actually there's something I need you and Issei to do." Rias says.


"Man, this stinks." Issei groans as we teleport to a nearby house. 

"Dude, what is your problem?" Kyo demands. 

Issei huffs. "I just wanna go home and sleep man. First we kicked a stray devil's ass-" 

"I kicked a stray devil's ass." Kyo clarifies. 

"Now we gotta do another contract? Bro, I just wanna catch some Zs!" 

Kyo just sighs. "What am I gonna do with you?" 

Kyo rings the doorbell as Issei follows him up the steps. Kyo gasps as he feels another jolt in his hands like from before when they took Asia to the church. 

"Get behind me." Kyo orders. Issei complies hesitantly before Kyo kicks down the door. "Hello! Anybody in there?!" 

The two brothers then see a light at the end of the hallway. 

"Stay close and don't get cocky." Kyo then summons his right dragon gauntlet and cautiously makes his way towards the light. Issei follows, nervously fidgeting at the creepiness of the house. 

Kyo smashes the door down with his gauntlet and shudders at what he sees. A dead body on the floor with blood splattered all over the floor. 

"Punish the wicked." Kyo and Issei turn and see a white haired man sitting on the couch. "Words to live by. Yes, wise advice to heed from a holy man!" The man laughs crazily as he sticks out his tongue. 

Kyo grits his teeth and summons his left gauntlet, getting in a fighting stance. "I'm afraid you walked into the wrong house my friends. Freed Selza, at your service. And you must be the new devils this holy priest is gonna excorcise!" 

"A priest?" Issei says shocked. 

"Yep. I work for a certain devil organization you may of heard of." Freed nods with an insane look in his eyes. "End of the line sinner! I had to chop him up into little bitty pieces. And no one is better at it than me!" 

Freed then pulls out a gun and a light sword. 

"First I'm gonna cut out your hearts with my heavenly blade of light, then-" 

"Blah blah blah, keep on yapping!" Kyo snarls. "I'll show you that I'm not some dog you can just put down!" 

Freed then attacks with his sword but Kyo blocks the attack and pushes Freed back. The white haired priest fires his gun several times, making Kyo block and dodge them all. 

Issei takes this opportunity to charge and tackle him but Freed just side-steps and slashes his back, making Issei cry out in pain. 

"Too slow!" Freed laughs. 

"ISSEI! YOU BASTARD!" Kyo then runs and rams Freed against the wall, punching him continuously until Freed kicks him to the ground. 

Suddenly all three hear a scream and look to see...ASIA?! 

"What the hell? Asia, what are you doing here?" Freed demands. "Are you finished creating the barrier already?" 

"Don't do this." Asia pleads horrified. 

"Oh, that's right. You're new here so let me explain." Freed says. "This is what the job is my dear, we dispose of unfortunate people who have been bewitched by the evil devils." 

Kyo, Issei, and Asia all look at Freed shocked. 

Asia then shakes her head. "I don't care if they're devils! Issei is my friend and so is Kyo!" 

Freed then grabs Asia and pins her to the wall. He shred her clothes, leaving her exposed and vulnerable. 

"Why shouldn't an upstanding priest like me, do whatever he wants to an outstanding girl like you?" Freed says grinning wickedly. 

"Don't hurt me!" Asia pleads. 

"Stop it!" Issei demands, standing. Kyo then looks at Issei amazed at his strength. "Leave her alone!" Issei yells and then a red gauntlet, smaller than Kyo's, forms on his left hand and he punches Freed away. 

Kyo looks at Issei shocked. ~He unlocked his scared gear!~ 

"I'll admit I'm impressed." Freed says standing back up. "Let's see how many pieces I can chop you into!" Freed then jumps and prepares to strike until a red glyph appears and Kiba jumps out, blocking the strike with his own sword. 

"KIBA!" Kyo says in relief. 

"S'up guys." Kiba grunts holding Freed back. Akeno and Koneko then walk out of the glyph as well. Kiba then pushes Freed back as he laughs hysterically. 

"More sexy devils for me to kill? Oh, how wonderful!" Freed say excited. 

"You're welcome to try." A voice say before a large blast of red blows Freed back. "But it won't end well for you!" Rias finishes coming out of the glyph. 

Kyo then stands beside her. "Sorry Rias, again I-" 

Rias stops him from speaking by putting her finger on his lips. "No. I'm sorry Kyo, I sent you to this place without truly knowing what was here." 

Freed growls in annoyance. "Forget this! We're leaving!" Freed then grabs Asia as purple energy started to form around them. 

"Asia!" Issei cries. 

Asia forms small tears in here eyes. "Don't worry Issei. I'll be fine. Go." 

Rias forms another circle and orders the group to leave. Issei tries to grab Asia but Kyo holds him back. "Issei, no! We gotta go!" 

"ASIAAAA!" Issei screams as the group then disappears. 

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