What Am I Again?!

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Kyo stood in absolute shock at the naked red-head. She's a devil AND his master?! 

"This...this doesn't make any sense." Kyo says gripping his head. 

Charn then gives out a yawn. Having slept under Kyo's bed, he crawls out and stretches his hind legs. The wolf looks up at Rias and sniffs her before getting up on the bed and licking her, happily. 

"Charn! Bad boy! Stop licking her!" Kyo orders. 

Rias giggles as she pets Charn. "Aww, you're so cute!" 

"Kyo! Breakfast is ready!" Mrs. Hyoudou calls. 

Kyo eyes become wide as dinner plates. "Crap! My mom can't see you like this! Cover up!" Kyo stumbles and falls on top of her, trying to grab the blanket. 

Mrs. Hyoudou walks in and stares at Kyo and Rias's position on the bed. "Hello Kyo. When you're done fumbling around, come down for breakfast with your friend." 

Kyo watches her slam the door and ramble on ecstatically towards his father about grandchildren. Kyo gets off of Rias and sighs. "That mom of mine." 

"Things sure are hectic in the morning." Rias says. 

Kyo groans in embarrassment. "You have no idea. Listen uh, would you...mind putting your clothes on?" 

"Want me to stand so you can better view?" Rias asks lustfully. 

~She did not just say that!~ Kyo thought shocked. ~There's no way any girl would say that until after-OH GOD! DID WE DO 'IT'?! NO! WE COULDN'T HAVE! I'M PRETTY SURE I WOULD'VE REMEMBERED MY FIRST!~ 

Rias stands and grabs her underwear, putting them on. "There. Is that better?" 

"Yeah, fine!" Kyo replied quickly, still looking away. 

Rias then puts her bra over her chest. "Can you help me with this?" 

Kyo glances over his shoulder then turns back. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather do that yourself?" 

Rias giggles again. "I wouldn't ask if I didn't trust you." 

"Can't argue with that logic." Kyo admits. Charn barks in agreement. "Doh! Who asked you anyhow?! Get outta here!" 

Charn snorts at Kyo before licking Rias's hand and walking out, head held high. Kyo rolls his eyes as he then clips her bra. 

"Can I ask you something?" Kyo says. 

"By all means." Rias replies calmly. 

"How did we end up in bed together?" 

Rias then turns around and smirks. "Well, after that fallen angel stabbed you I had to use my healing powers to help you. However I can't do that unless we're completely naked." 

Kyo clears his throat and nods. He looks down at his scars and notices the new one from when he was stabbed by Dohnaseek. 

Rias then makes him look at her. "Why are you so down? This world is magical. And I have to say, I like the name Kyo, I'll let you keep it." 

Kyo smiles sheepishly before looking at himself in the mirror. 

Rias then touches one of his scars running down his stomach, making him blush profusely. "Kyo, if you don't mind my asking, how did you get all these scars?" 

"I-" Kyo gets interrupted by the door knocking. 

"Hey! Kyo! Come on bro! Mom told you to come down!" Issei calls out. 

Kyo rushes to the door and holds it closed with his hand. "I'll be right there! Quit calling me already!" 

He looks back at Rias. "Grab the rest of your clothes and let's go." Kyo then grabs his shirt and jacket and quickly walks out of the room.

~What happened to him?~ Rias thought. 


As the brothers and Rias, who latched onto Kyo's left arm, everyone stared at them in shock! 

"What?! How did Najasaki score a girl like Rias?" Kyo heard on of the guys cry. He also saw tons of girls crying in disappointment, wishing they could be in Rias's shoes. 

Once they got inside, Rias then lets go of Kyo and looks at him. "I'll send someone to fetch you and Issei after class." 

"Uh, okay." Kyo says confused. 

Rias covers her mouth, giggling. "You're so cute when you look confused." She then leans up and kisses his cheek before walking off. 

Kyo touches the spot where she kissed him and gives a cheeky grin which quickly fades as he catches a fist belonging to Matsuda. 

"YOU JERK!" Matsuda says, practically crying. 

Issei then pushes him off Kyo. "What's your problem man?" 

"MY problem?! He just got kissed by the hottest rack in school!" Kyo then grabs Matsuda by the head and smashes him into wall. 

"I am sick of you constant calling out girls because of the physiques and not their personality! Quit being such a whiny wart." Kyo growls before he and Issei head to class. 

Kyo listens to more girls ogling him and gossiping. 

"Did your hear?! Rias is his girlfriend now!" 

"No! Our Kyo can't be with that beauty queen!" Kyo just rolls his eyes as then enters class and sits down. 


Later on, Kyo looks out at the window as someone walks up to his desk. 

"Kyo, right?" 

Kyo turns and sees Kiba Yuuto. "Yep. What's up?" 

"Rias has asked me to come grab you and your brother." 

Kyo nods as he and Issei then grab their stuff and follow him out, along with Charn. As dawn was appearing, Kiba leads the brothers inside a large wooden house near the school where trees surround it. 

Once inside, Kyo and Issei see Koneko Toujou sitting on the couch eating some food. Issei takes a seat on the couch opposite from her as Charn wanders around the room. 

Kyo sets his stuff down and looks at all the candles. "Uh, was there some kind of epidemic going on before we got here?" 

"No, we just light up the room with candles." Koneko says not looking at him. 

"Oh, who is that? I didn't see you." Kyo turns and sees Akeno walking up to him. "So you're the newsome twosome, huh?" 

Akeno gets closer, making Kyo slightly uncomfortable. "It's okay, I won't bite. It's nice to meet you, there's nothing to be nervous about. Everyone here is super nice. My name is Akeno, I'm the Vice President." 

Kyo extends his hand, shaking hers. "I'm Kyo Najasaki. Nice to meet you too." 

Issei looks at his brother and smirks. ~Bro's certainly scoring himself some pretty interesting girls. Not to mention he isn't even trying!~ 

Rias then steps out of the shower. "Oh good! You both made it. Sorry for showering, but now that you're here, allow me to officially welcome you. Welcome to the Occult Research Club." 

Kyo then sit down next to Koneko as Rias then addresses them all. "Now then, to the matters at hand. You and you're brother should know, I'm not the only devil here. And the man that attacked you yesterday was something else: a fallen angel. Remember Yuuma and Karaya?" 

Kyo and Issei drops their jaws in shock. 

"How do you know them?" Issei demands. 

"You two dated them for a while didn't you?" Rias says. Kyo and Issei look at each other then back at Rias. "The two girls you both went out with are fallen angels as well. Once they accomplish their missions they completely erase their records of existence from anyone having been involved with the target." 

"And their mission was what exactly?" Kyo asks. 

"To kill you both because of the gears you possess." Rias states. 

"It's basically a very intense and unique power that are only found in a rare few." Akeno explains. "The only few I know who possessed them are historical figures, so the two of you are pretty big deals around here." 

"Not to mention when you fought Dohnaseek last night, you unleashed some of that power." Rias adds. 

Kyo widens his eyes. ~That's right, I remember that! I felt seriously angry and then...nothing.~ 

"The gears that you both possess are that of dragons." Rias continues. "Issei's sacred gear is called Boosted Gear, giving him the power of the Red Dragon Emperor. As for you Kyo, yours is still yet to be determined. While you did do a number on Dohnaseek's coat, that I would say was only a thousandth of your power." 

Issei looks down at his hands. "So, how exactly are we supposed to use these sacred gears?" 

Rias then steps off of the shelf she was leaning on and takes Kyo's hands. "Kyo, I want you to think of something that makes you feel strong. Something you want to do or wished you could've done that makes you feel powerful." 

Kyo nods as he then thinks back to his past. His cousins, his his aunt, his sisters...his mother! Kyo then looks down and gives out a menacing growl while his teeth grow sharper. 

Issei then stands and touches Kyo's shoulder. "Kyo? Are you ok-AY!" Issei then felt Kyo's hand grab him by the throat, not choking him but having a tight grip. 

Kyo then looks up and opens his eyes, revealing them to be red with black sclera. 

"My apologies young Hyoudou." A dark voice says coming from Kyo's mouth. He releases Issei and looks at the others. "Greetings to all of you. My son is unfortunately not in right now." 

Rias and the rest of the ORC look at Kyo in surprise. 

"And who are you, may we ask?" Rias inquires. 

"I guess having been gone so long, my voice is unrecognizable. I am the Black Dragon. The Dragon whose power is equal and rivaled to that of the King of Dragons, Great Red. I am the Death Dragon Emperor, Erakhan."  

Rias gasps along with everyone else. 

"Wait, son?! What are you talking about?" Issei asks. 

Erakhan raises a hand. "Please young Hyoudou, fear not all be explained in due time. But for now, I only wished to reveal myself to you all as acknowledgement that I have returned. And I ask a favor, when Kyo returns do not tell him of my possession over his body that you have just now witnessed." 

The group didn't know what to say. 

Erakhan then adds, "My son is returning, so I will leave you with this: when the time comes I will reveal myself again, but only when I am summoned by Kyo. Farewell." 

Kyo then blinks and his eyes return to normal once again, along with his teeth. He falls to his knees and holds his head, having a massive migraine. Charn runs to him and rubs his head against him in concern. 

Kyo pets him and says, "I'm okay, boy." He looks up at the others. "So...did it work?" 

Rias stood speechless along with everyone else. Kyo then stands and cocks a brow. "What's a matter? You all look like you just saw a ghost." 

"Amazing." Rias breathes quietly. 

"What did I do something bad? What?" Kyo asks anxiously. 

"No, it was just surprising to see the power you possess." Kiba states. 

Rias then clears her throat. "Back to business." Suddenly she sprouts two black curved wings from her back, shocking Kyo and Issei. "Now then, being servants of my peerage. It's time you both go out and give some contracts." 

Kyo and Issei both raise their eyebrows in confusion. 


After having passed out flyers for about an hour, Kyo and Issei then we're heading back until they head high-heel footsteps behind them. 

"Hello boys. Surprised to see your still alive." 

Issei stood speechless. ~That voice.~ 

The brothers turned around and saw Karawarner herself with a cruel smile on her face. 

"Karawarner!" Issei growls. 

Kyo watched as she formed another spear like from before. "ISSEI MOVE!" Kyo tackles out of the way as the spear hits the ground. 

"This time, I'LL MAKE SURE YOU STAY DEAD!" Karawarner yells. 

Kyo then turns and unexpectedly sprouts large black and red wings, not resembling fallen angel or the ones like Rias. 


Kyo's arms then get covered in black armor-like gloves that have red gems in the center. He collides his fists together and lets out loud roar. Karawarner was in actual fear as Kyo charged up in the air and punched in her into the pavement, shredding some of her clothes. 

"I'm not dying here! Screw this and you little pricks!" Karawarner says before flying away. 

Issei watches in shock as Kyo slowly descends back to the ground and lets out a calm breath. His wings retreat into his back but the gauntlets stay on his arms. 

"Kyo?" Issei says. 

Kyo looks back at Issei and grins. "That...was satisfying." 


Back at the Club, Kyo holds out his hands and shows the black gauntlets to Rias. "Well done. You've unlocked your sacred gear. Now you can summon and deactivate them at will." 

Kyo flexes his arms. "They do look cool though, not gonna lie." 

Akeno then wraps her arms around Kyo's neck, hugging him. "Oh, I'm so proud of you Kyo!" 

"Thanks...I guess." Kyo then concentrates as he deactivates his gauntlets. 

"However," Kyo and Akeno look back at Rias. "Now that the fallen angels know you and Issei are alive, that's bound to make things more complicated for us." 

Kyo sighs. "I'm sorry." 

Rias just smiles. "Don't be. It was bound to happen sooner or later." 

Issei then stands from the couch. "Don't mean to interrupt, but me and bro should probably get back home." 

Kyo looks back and nods. "Yeah, see you guys tomorrow." 

"Kyo?" Kyo looks back and Rias walks up and hugs him. "Please, try to be more careful the next time. You never know if more will come and it'll be too much to handle." 

Kyo hugs and nods. "I will. Don't worry." 

Issei then shuts the door behind them as Koneko takes a bit from her sandwhich. "Those two sure are close." 

Rias touches her chin. "I've been thinking about something Erakhan said." 

Akeno tilts her head slightly. "What?" 

"He said that Kyo was his son. Why would the Death Dragon Emperor think that a boy would be his son?" 


The next morning, Kyo, Issei, and Charn were walking down the street. Kyo couldn't stop glancing down at his arms. 

~Geez, I hope I can get a handle on my powers better.~ 

"OOF!" The three turn around and Issei blushes as he sees a beautiful blonde girl in priests' clothing sitting on the ground. "Oh, I'm such a klutz." 

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