Special: Prom

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~Oh, man. What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?~ Kyo panics in his mind as he paces back and forth in his room. 

Charn yawns and rolls his eyes. "What are you freaking out over? I'm trying to nap here." 

"You know it's moments like this that really make me regret giving you the ability to talk." Kyo huffs. "But if you must know, the Kuoh Academy Prom is coming up, and I don't know what I'm gonna do! Sona came to me a couple days ago and..." 



Kyo sitting outside the club and looks to see Sona and Tsubaki teleport in front of him. "Hi ladies." 

"Kyo. You know the Academy Prom is coming up soon, correct?" Sona asks. 

"Yeah, already asked Rias, Akeno, and Xenovia to be my dates." 

Tsubaki then says, "Well we've been informed that you know how to play the guitar and a number of other instruments. And we wondering if you could be able to play music for the slow songs." 

Kyo widens his eyes. "Uh, we'll see I don't-" 

"Great." Sona interrupts. "Thank you so much, Kyo. You're doing the Council a great favor for this!" 

Sona and Tsubaki then teleport away. 



"So you're freaking out because you scared of playing on stage?" Charn concedes. 

"Basically." Kyo says. "I mean I always play alone or for Rias and the others but never in front of an entire room of people expecting me to be good!" 

"Will you quit worrying? You fought three female dragons at once, I think you can handle playing guitar for a bunch of people." Charn states. 

"Easy for you to say." Kyo sneers. "You don't have hands to play anything!" 

"Kyo, you'll be fine." Erakhan assures him. "You have nothing to worry about." 

Kyo snaps his fingers. "I got it! I know what songs to do! But I'm gonna need some help." 


Kyo was outside the school waiting for his dates. Issei, Asia, Koneko, Kiba, and the Student Council were already inside enjoying themselves. 

He straightened his suit and looked down at his attire. 

~IDIOT!~ Kyo thinks. ~I just had to go all out!~ 

"Oh, Kyo?" Kyo turns and immediately slaps his hand over his nose to keep the blood from splurting out. 

"Is it your sole purposes in life to give me nosebleeds?" Kyo asks. 

Akeno holds up the edges of her dress. "What's wrong? Kyo no likey?" 

"Don't give me that. You three look amazing. Mainly I'm just hoping the guys restrain themselves when they see you." Kyo explains. 

Rias comes up and wraps around Kyo's arm. "They won't as long as we have you. Shall we?" 

Kyo nods and opens the door for them. The four of them then see the gym in awe. 

"Damn, the Council knows how to go over the top." Kyo whistles. 

"This place is ginormous." Xenovia states. 

"Well, we've been in the gym before. It's just the decor that makes it LOOK ginormous." Kyo points out. 

"Hey guys! Over here!" Issei waves at a table with Asia, Koneko, and Kiba. The four walk over and sit down. "Yo, have you seen this place?" 

"The Student Council has to keep up their appearance." Rias states. "Sona has always said that she knows how to set an example." 

Kyo hears a song and widens his eyes. "Dude, I love this song! Issei, Kiba, let's do it to it!" 

Issei and Kiba smile and follow Kyo's lead. 


The whole room claps for them. 

"Will Kyo Najasaki come to the stage?" 

"Oh boy, that's my cue." Kyo walks up stage and grabs the guitar that had been placed for him. 


Everyone was on the dance floor slow dancing except Rias, Akeno, and Xenovia. They wished they could but they knew their boyfriend had to make it memorable for other couples. 

Rias then felt something tap her shoulder and looks up to see Kyo extending his hand to her. 

"What the-" Rias and the other girls look back at the stage and see the other Kyo still playing. 

"Kyo, how did you-" Akeno says shocked. 

"My mom kinda helped me with this. I wanted to dance with you girls but I also knew that I had to keep up the entertainment. So, she managed to give me a hand and used some of her magic to make a temporary clone to play the music." 

Xenovia then looks at the crowd. "But won't people notice if there's two of you?" 

"She also used magic to make it look like I'm a different person in everyone eyes except yours and everyone involved with the Underworld." Kyo explains. "Now, enough talk. My I have this dance Lady Gremory?" 

Rias takes his hand. "You may." Kyo takes Rias to the floor and she wraps her arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around her waist. 

Rias looks at the clone of Kyo playing the guitar as he then played 'Faster Car' like he did for her and her brother. "You're clone plays good." 

Kyo shrugs. "Taught him everything he knows. Almost makes me wanna cry." 

Rias lights slaps his shoulder. "Don't ruin the moment." Kyo then spins her around lightly. Rias stares at his blue eyes in mesmerization. "Kyo, I love you. You know that right?" 

"Of course I do." Kyo nods. "I'd never doubt the feelings you or any of the other girls have for me." 

Rias kisses him and he kisses her back. "I just never thought I'd be able to fall in love considering my family name. I never thought any man would just look at me and fall for ME. Not who my relation is to." 

Kyo laughs. "I never thought that any girl would fall for me and want be with me emotionally and not physically and facially." 

When the song ends, Kyo then takes his turns with Akeno and Xenovia before he decides it's time to do his surprise for everyone. 

Kyo escorts Xenovia back to her seat and then heads to the stage with Issei, Kiba, and Saji. Saji sits at the drums, Kiba picks up the bass, and Kyo and Issei grab electric guitars. 


The whole room goes nuts and applauds in awe. 

"Oh we're not done yet, peeps!" Kyo chuckles. 


The audience applauds again. 



The guys come down from the stage and Asia runs to Issei and Rias, Akeno, and Xenovia run to Kyo. 

"That was amazing!" Rias says kissing his cheek. 

Akeno rubs against him. "That was hot beyond imagine." 

Kyo snickers. "Hey, I still have my encore, follow me." Kyo leads the girls outside and snaps his fingers. 

Kyo see the lights in the sky shine off the girls' eyes. ~They look beautiful.~ Kyo wraps his arms Rias and Xenovia as Akeno hugs him from behind and rests her head on his shoulder. 

"Best. Prom. Ever." Kyo mutters. 


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