Summer Break

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Kyo opens his eyes to see he's in bed but without Rias or Charn. He sits up to see he's in a different kind of bedroom. There were several toys laid on the ground and the wall was painted with stars and various colors of space.

"What the hell?" Kyo gets out of the bed and grabs one of the toys off the ground.

~Kind of looks like...Charn.~ Kyo puts the toy on the bed and exits the room. He quietly heads down the stairs where he sees Anaria and Erakhan in his human form, both with tears in their eyes.

"Anaria, he's going to come looking for him. We have to hide him." Erakhan speaks.

"We can protect him!" Anaria shouts, standing from the couch.

"Yes, but for how long?!" Erakhan snaps. "It's only a matter of time before he finds Kyo and uses him for God only knows what! We have no choice! We need to hide our son and disappear until he finds us!"

Anaria puts her hands over her eyes and sobs uncontrollably. Erakhan stands and hugs her into his shoulder.

Anaria regains her composure and the says, "Then let me at least give him a guardian. Someone to watch out for him." Anaria extends her hand and a humanoid being appears.

"I live to serve you, Lord Erakhan." The male says.

Erakhan then steps in front of him. "From this point forward you will be my son's guardian. And you will reveal your true self to him when the time is right. I pray that that time never comes, but for now, go. Take the form of an animal of your choosing and hide until my son finds you."

The male nods and teleports through a magic circle.

Erakhan turns to Anaria. "Now, how do we hide him?"

"I guess the only other thing I can think of is, find another family that will be willing to care for him." Anaria says wiping her eyes.

"Indeed, very well." Erakhan and Anaria head up to the room, passing through Kyo as if he were a ghost.

Kyo tries to stop them. "No don't send me there! DON'T SEND HIM THERE! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'LL DO TO HIM!"

Kyo then freezes when he hears that evil and familiar feminine laughter.

"You can never escape me!" Kyo turns and sees his adoptive mother towering over him with an evil glare in her eyes.



Kyo's eyes burst open and he sees he's in bed with Rias on his right and Xenovia on his left. "God dammit, when are these nightmares gonna stop? But that memory though...was it a memory?"

Kyo then feels shifting underneath the blanket and sees Akeno appear.

"Morning you." Akeno giggles.

"Uh, hey Akeno. What's up?" Kyo says, clearing his throat.

Akeno then kisses his cheek and works her way around his face. She then leans towards his lips until a voice stops her.

"Akeno..." Rias says, now being awake. "Care to explain how you ended up on top of Kyo like that?"

~Aw great, cat fight first thing in the morning!~ Kyo groans.

"I'm just to deepen my bond with my cute, little Kyo here." Akeno states, tracing her finger down his stomach and making Kyo shiver.

"'My Kyo'? And when exactly did you become the master of his soul?"

~Father! A little help here! Please!~

"Hahaha! Sorry kiddo, this one is on you." Erakhan laughs.

"I'm not his master, but I am his senior. It's my duty as an upper classman to take care of him." Akeno explains.

Rias smirks. "Clever girl. But alas, you've exposed yourself."

Xenovia stirs. "Is it time to get up now?"

"Uh, no Xenovia!" Kyo quickly replies. "You can still sleep some more!"

Xenovia snuggles against Kyo. "Good, this feels to comfortable to get up from."

Kyo quietly sighs in relief. ~Well that's one cat I don't have to worry about.~

Rias then hits Akeno in the face with her pillow. "I'm getting tired of you putting your greedy on hands on what we rightfully agreed to share!"

"A taste here and there doesn't hurt anyone, now stop being so stingy!" Akeno says before throwing the pillow back at Rias.

Rias that adds her magic to the pillow. "And we just finished REMODELING THE HOUSE! YOUR BEHAVIOR IS UNACCEPTABLE!"

Akeno then destroys the pillow with her lightning, giggling. "Nice try, not."

Kyo rolls his eyes. "Ladies, please. Come on, all right? Let's try to start summer break off on a high note, huh? Wait, did you say remodeled?" Kyo runs outside to the balcony and drops his jaw.

Kyo cries in shock, "OKAY, WHAT THE F-"


After breakfast, Kyo, Issei, and the girls all start to walk to school. Kyo stops when he remembers that memory of his parents having to hide him. But from who? And then his OTHER mother appearing.

Issei turns and sees Kyo had stopped. "Yo, Kyo! You good?"

Kyo looks up. "Huh? Oh yeah, fine, Just a little...dizzy that's all."

Rias walks over to him. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah...Rias can I hold your hand on the way there?" Kyo asks shyly.

Rias laughs. "Of course. Can I ask why?"

"I just...had an interesting dream, and need a little reassurance is all." Kyo explains.

Rias wraps around his arm. "Better?"

"Very much so." Kyo nods.

After the last day of school, the ORC meets in the club room. Kyo looks out the window in thought. ~Stupid nightmare. Why can't I get it out of my freaking head?!~

Gasper was sitting in his box playing his game station and looks up at Kyo. "You seem kind of out of it today, are you all right big bro?"

Kyo continues to stare out the window. "Yeah...fine Gaspy. (Clears throat) Anyways, Kiba. You got plans for over the summer?"

Kiba closes the book he was reading. "We do. I forgot this is your first time with us, Kyo."

"What about you, Koneko?" Asia asks. "What are you going to do?"

Koneko doesn't reply as she just stares at her feet.

"It looks like everyone is here." Rias says as she and Akeno enter the room. After several minutes of explaining, Kyo looks down in disappointment.

"Going home to the Underworld?" Issei asks confused.

"Well, naturally." Rias shrugs. "Summer's finally here, so this is a yearly tradition. Is everything alright, dear?"

Kyo nods, putting on a fake smile. "Yeah, for a split second I thought you were gonna head home and not come back."

"You are just adorable, Kyo." Rias smiles, holding his face. "Now stop worrying. I plan to keep you around for at least a few dozen millennia. I would never leave you behind, understand?"

Kyo nods before Rias kisses him and turns back to her peerage.

"Very well then, we'll all head to the Underworld tomorrow morning." Rias states. "And it's a long trip, so bring a book or something."

"Wait, did you say all of us?" Asia inquires.

"Masters and servants must always be together." Rias explains. "Plus I got a group rate."

"Going to the Underworld while I'm still alive makes me a bit nervous, but I wouldn't feel anything if I were already dead."

Xenovia crosses her arms and chuckles. "So then starting tomorrow morning, we're gonna spend our vacation in the same hell I once tossed infidels into? For a once believer turned devil, that's irony."

"I'll be going along as well." Azazel says, kicked back in Rias's chair at her desk. The ORC gasps.

"You?!" Kyo groans.

Rias stands. "When did you get in here?"

"Listen Gremory, if you didn't notice my presence until just now, you've still got a lot of training left to do." Azazel chuckles.

Kyo shakes his head and lays back. "If your were a genie, popping up like that, my first wish would be for you to go-"

"Kyo!" Rias snaps.

"What?! We were all thinking it!"


Inside the train to Hell, the ORC was relaxing.

"I never expected to go to hell on a train." Asia says.

Issei replies, "Last time we went courtesy of Grayfia's magic. Then we came back on Griffins, it was pretty sweet."

"Yeah, well I think I prefer the magic of public transportation." Kyo says trying not to puke.

Charn shakes his head. "Since when do you have train sickness?"

"Since this is my first time on one, I wouldn't know smart-dog!" Kyo snaps back before covering his mouth.

"Well, this is proper trip." Akeno explains. "And all new devils should enter the world through the appropriate channels."

Gasper looks up from his game at Koneko. "Hey Koneko, your lunch is gonna get cold you know. What is it?"

Koneko smiles. "Nothing. Nothing to worry about."

"We will soon be arriving at the Sitri domain terminal."

"Yo Shad-woah are you okay?" Saji asks as he, Sona, and Tsubaki walk into the room.

Charn rolls his eyes. "He's fine. Trains just don't sit well with him."

"" Kyo groans sickly.

"Good to see you, Sona." Rias nods.

"Since you were kind enough to give us a ride on th Gremory Train, I thought I'd see how you were before we got off." Sona says.

"Fine if not a bit anxious." Rias shrugs.

Sona smiles. "Perfectly understandable. After all, this is no ordinary trip home."

"You're heading out to train in the Underworld too, right guys?" Saji ask Issei and Kyo.

"Huh?" Issei says confused.

"Up till now, we were only told that we were accompanying Rias on break." Xenovia replies.

"Oh well, I'm about to go and work my butt off so that the next time we meet up, I'll be a lot stronger than you, got me Shadow?" Saji says cockily.

Kyo burps uncomfortably before flipping Saji the finger.

"Saji, it's time to go." Sona says. "Goodbye and good luck."

"Goodbye." Rias nods. "See you again soon."

Gasper plays against Issei on a game. "It's been a long time since we dropped Sona at her entourage."

"Yeah, goes to show how big the Underworld really is." Issei agrees.

"We will soon be arriving at the Gremory domain terminal."

"Thank God..." Kyo says, wanting to get off the train.

Akeno gestures to the window. "Just take a look."

"Wait, do you mean all that land?" Xenovia says shocked.

"Yes." Akeno nods. "This all belongs to the House of Gremory."

"Okay now this is just impossible to believe." Kyo says falling back on the couch.

"If you were to compare it to the size of Japan, they own roughly the size of its main island." Kiba points out.

Suddenly the train halts to a large stop, making them all fall out of their seats.

"The emergency brake has been activated."

"I think we know that!" Kyo shouts at the intercom.

"That's strange, I wonder why somebody stopped the train." Akeno says sitting on top of Kyo.

"Can I breathe now?" Kyo begs.

Azazel enters the room. "A few VIPs will be gathering here soon. Maybe the stop was a security precaution. Looks we're stuck here for a while, I'm gonna go take a peek. Ciao."

"One of the representatives from Asgard will be joining us for a conference."

"Wait, ASGARD?!" Kyo shouts. "You mean Thor is real?! YES! I knew the Asgardians were real! Wait meeting? Oh, scrud. It's about the Khaos Brigade and my sisters isn't it?"

"That's right." Rias replies. "The Asgardians are forming an alliance with the devils."

Koneko looks out the window. "Something's wrong."

Suddenly the sky turned dark purple and Kyo yelled as he went falling and crashing into a canyon with the rest of the ORC minus Rias.

"Oh man. Everybody in one piece?" Kyo asks shaking his head.

Issei groans. "I'll get back to you on that."

"Where are we?" Charn says looking around.

"Forced teleportation?" Kiba says confused.

Asia looks around. "Where's Rias?"

"I don't see her." Akeno says.

"Azazel's missing too." Gasper adds.

"Be quiet." Xenovia orders. The ground then shakes as a boulder falls from the cliff side and crashes into the ground in front of them.

"Stand your ground." Kyo says.

A large being then stomps into view.

"A DRAGON?!" Kyo and Issei yell. The dragon then breathes fire at them all, blowing them back.

Kiba pulls out his sword. "So I'm going to assume this guy isn't friendly."

"Duh, you think so?" Xenovia replies sarcastically. Koneko jumps up to punch the dragon.

"KONEKO WATCH OUT!" Akeno yells. The dragon swipes it's tail at Koneko, hitting her into the canyon wall. She crashes to the ground with a bleeding forehead.

"Koneko!" Gasper cries.

The dragon roars ready to attack again only for Kyo to yell, "DEATH DRAGON ROOOOOAAAARRRR!"

Kyo sends a blast of black and red fire at the dragon that pushes it back. "Charn! Protect Koneko, Asia, and Gasper!"

Charn transforms into his two-legged form and howls.

Akeno then flies up into the air and summons her kimono. "Since Rias isn't here, it's my duty to take the lead. Kiba, Xenovia, do whatever you can to distract the dragon! Kyo, Issei, activate your balance breakers! Asia, protect Koneko! I will give orders to coordinate our response!"

"You got it Akeno!" They all reply.

"Let's do this!" Kyo and Issei yell.



"BALANCE BREAKER!" Erakhan and Ddraig say together.

The dragon turns towards the Scale Mail brothers before Akeno hits the dragon with lightning.

"I love dishing out punishment!" Akeno laughs.

"Hey Scaley, over here!" Xenovia shouts as she and Kiba jump at the dragon and clash their swords with its horns. The dragon pushes them back undeterred.

"It was able to deflect Durandel?!" Xenovia says in disbelief.

Issei flies up over the dragon and grabs it by the horns, pulling its head up. "KYO! NOW!"


Kyo send a blast of red electricity the that shocks the dragon, only to anger it and shake Issei off before grabbing him and smashing him to the ground.


"Now Kiba!" Akeno shouts.

"You got it! SWORD BIRTH!" Kiba sends an attack of swords bursting out of the ground at the dragon only for it to swipe away the attack with its tail.

Kyo flew up and dodged an attack from the dragon before using his own tail to hit the dragon in the face. Kyo barely dodged as the dragon snapped its jaws at him.

Suddenly the dragon froze in purple aura and Kyo looks to see Gasper had activated his balance breaker.


The dragon then burst out of the freeze attack.

"I'm sorry, he's too scary! I can't get focused!" Gasper cries.

"Time to strike!" Akeno shouts sending lighting at the dragon.

Kyo follows her lead and yells, "SWORDS OF DESTRUCTION! CHAOS BLAST!"

Both their attacks combined and hit the dragon, only for it to remain unphased and still roaring.

"No way!" Akeno says fearfully.

"ALRIGHT NOW I'M PISSED! HEY STUPID!" The dragon looks at Kyo. "COME AND GET ME!" Kyo blasts out of the canyon into the air and the dragon roars, following.

Issei manages to pull himself out of the crater he does been smashed into and looks up. "What the hell is he doing?!"

Kyo continues to fly up only to halt and zooms straight back at the dragon. The dragon opens it's jaws and Kyo continues to shoot downward until the dragon closes its mouth with Kyo inside, swallowing him.

"KYO!" Everyone yells.

The dragon roars before it starts to thrash around the sky in pain.

"Wait, what's happening to it?!"

The dragon stops and the group looks at its mouth. They then see its jaws get pried open and Kyo yells, "YOU SHOULD'VE NEVER EATEN ME! I AM GONNA BUST YOUR FACE UP!"

Kyo shoots out and continuously punches the dragon's left eye before running along its back and grabbing its tail. Then swings with all his might and throws the dragon back down to the canyon.

Kyo charges up his last attack.

"DEATH DRAGON RAGING FIST!" Kyo shoots down on the dragon's head and blows dust everywhere. Once it clears, Kyo jumps off and deactivates his Balance Breaker.

"How'd THAT taste asshole?!"

The dragon opens his eyes and merely stands shaking the rocks off its hide.

"Oh, COME ON!"

"That's enough." Azazel says. Everyone looks up and sees Azazel and Rias standing at the top of the canyon.


"This dragon is a devil?" Issei says shocked. "That's awesome!"

"Thought I recognized you Ddraig. And Erakhan, you were right about your son. He definitely fought well. Believe it or not I was actually out power after that last punch. Not bad kid."

"Uh thanks, I guess? And you know this guy, Father?" Kyo says looking at his hand.

"Indeed. It has been a while Tannin."

"Blaze Meteor Dragon." Azazel states. "AKA: Devil Dragon Tannin. Vessel to the former dragon emperor. He allowed himself to be turned into a devil for reason I don't feel like going into now."

"A dragon that's become a devil?" Kiba questions.

"He's come down to help out with your training children." Azazel states.

"Is it special training with a full on montage?" Xenovia asks.

Tannin cocks a brow. "Hmm. I don't know what that means. But Sirzechs asked me to come help, and from what I've seen, aside from Erakhan's son, each one of you needs a lot of work."

Rias steps forward. "I hope he didn't hurt any of you too badly. I'm so sorry, I never wanted to play a trick on you. I was against the ambush ploy from the start. But my big brother can be rather insistent."

"I can sum up why your retinue isn't improving." Azazel states. "Besides a tendency towards spoiling them, you act with uncertainty."

Rias turns to him. "What uncertainty?"

"I wanted to gage the kind of power you could muster when surprised. And trust me, I learned plenty. This fight showed what kind of training regimen you most needed."

"Exactly the kind of plan a fallen angel would come up with." Akeno sneers.

"I'll do whatever it takes to make you kids stronger." Azazel says. "I am your teacher after all."

"Were you in on this too Ddraig?" Issei asks his dragon. "Why didn't you or Erakhan pipe up if you knew him?"

"We have lived for years beyond counting and have learned that those who spoil charades are the worst."

"What the hell's that supposed to mean?" Kyo demands.

Erakhan then adds, "It was all an act, though while Tannin wasn't even using a thousandth of his power, you still managed to blow him away before he could his full power. But you still have yet to unlock your Demonic Slayer armor so don't start getting prideful."

"I can't take you all home scraped up like that, so it's time for our obligatory bath." Rias states.


"Gaspy, will you come on?!" Kyo says pulling Gasper along. The vampire had a towel wrapped around his torso.

"No really, it's fine! I can just go in later!" Gasper says.

Issei and Kiba chuckle watching them.

"Gasper were all guys here, plus your holding that towel to cover yourself makes me feel really weird." Kyo states.

"Wait seriously?" Gasper widens his eyes. "I never thought you'd notice me in that way."

Kyo runs a hand through his hair. "Somebody please pinch me."

"Oh Kyo, don't be so hard on Gasper." Akeno says from above.

"Wait, AKENO?!" Kyo says. "Wait a minute the girls bath is above us?! Did you have something to with this genie beard?"

"Is that seriously the nickname your giving me?" Azazel says cocking a brow.

"Answer the question before I give you worse one." Kyo orders.

Azazel sighs. "No I didn't. I don't understand why you'd assume I had something to do with this?"

"Oh don't be that clueless. You know damn well I would assume you'd put the guys and girls' baths in the same area!"

Azazel chuckles and shakes his head. "You are something else kid."


"Well, the time is almost near, my love." A feminine voice says from the shadows.

A silver haired man walks out.

"Yes indeed. Asgard will be mine and the boy will help us along with that."

"Yes, though however it will take time, Loki. After all, he is the son of the Black Dragon." The woman states.

Loki grins. "Tell me, was that the reason you adopted him in the first place? Or was it for something else, beloved?"

The woman steps out of the shadows.

"I don't rather not say." She says blushing. "Besides once I have him wrapped around my little finger, he'll be so full of power and willing to do anything I command him."


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