A long story

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-Narrator: Mark.

''Have you ever done this before.'' I heard Hiccup say. ''No.'' I answered. The viking grabbed the rope tighter. ''When I pull from the rope three times, you get the crate out of the water, ok?'' Hiccup nodded, and I knew it was time to me to trust him. 

I inhaled, and then exhaled. Then, repeated this slowly four times.

After that, I threw myself into the cold water.

I had to dive about twenty meters deep to see the package, laying in the lake floor. Avoiding plants and rocks, I reached to it and attached the hook. 

Then, I pulled from the rope three times.

I got back to the surface seconds later, and found Hiccup pulling from the rope as hard as he could. It wasn't moving it, however. I grabbed the rope as well and helped him. The crate started moving a little more every time we pulled. About an hour later, we finally got it out.

''That was...(*pant*) hard.'' Hiccup said. I chuckled, and Hiccup smiled. ''Yes it was. C'mon, let's get it to my base.'' I said. We both started pulling and slowly but surely dragged the big box to the cave. It took us longer than I spected, however. ''It's getting dark, dang it... Well, your departure will have to wait until tomorrow.'' The sun was setting on the ocean, covering the water with a beautifull orange tone. I covered my eyes with my arm, scattering the orizon. Hiccup entered the crate to the cave, and then got next to me. I didn't notice him until he touched me. 

''Let's get your plane inside.'' I proposed. ''No.'' He answered, surprising me. ''No?'' I repeated. ''It's getting very dark for that. Besides, you owe me an explanation.'' He said.

I sighed, and invited him inside. 

''Ok, you deserve it. And I will show you why your dear village shouldn't get very far from this lands.''

-Narrator: Stoick.

The weather was clear, the sea was calm and the wind favorable. The ship was heading full speed to the south, right where Hiccup went with his machine.'' I hope he is fine...'' It hought. I had that big bother since he left. The only one capable of protecting him now was the pilot. And he was the last one I would trust for taking care of my son. I was going to take him home and then... well, I didn't think about that at the time. The main objective was to take him back, I had no time to think in anything else.

I heard Astrid walking behind me. I turned to face her, and I found that she was holding something in her hands. She offered it to me. ''Read it.'' She said. It was a note, made by the pilot, Mark. I read it carefully and then returned it to her. ''Why are you showing me this?'' She folded the paper and inserted it in her pocket. '' What do you think about him?'' She asked, instead. The question took me by surprise, so I looked up, thinking a proper answer for a minute. ''You read it, he didn't want Hiccup to follow him.'' She said. ''That doesen't prove anything...'' ''Maybe it does.'' She responded. ''Why are you doing this? Wasn't you the one that tried to kill him in sight before?'' I asked, completely lost by that point. ''I still do, but even if you don't, I trust Hiccup. And somehow Hiccup trusts Mark. And I don't know why, but I think he actually regrets what he had done in the past.'' I looked at her, not sure what to think about. ''Maybe.. we can give him a chance to leave.''

I leaned over the railing at the edge of the ship, considering what Astrid said. Why was everybody suddenly trusting the pilot that much? Was I missing something? The only answer was talking to him in person. Maybe, maybe he IS a good guy after all.

I was sceptical, though.

''I'll try Astrid, but I don't promise anything. The main objective is to bring my son home alive and well. And if by any means, the pilot stands in my way, I will have no mercy.'' Astrid seemed pleased with the answer and walked away, regrouping with the rest of the gang at the other side of the boat.

''I'll try...'' I repeated.

-Narrator: Hiccup.

I sat on the wing of Mark's plane, and not long after, he was sitting next to me with a piece of what looked like a coockie, but tasted like paper. ''What is it?'' I asked, spitting it out. ''Rations, for war. You know, when you gotta give food for thousands of soldiers, you don't think about the food having a good taste.'' He answered, taking another one out of a box and eating it. ''Is it really that bad outside?'' I asked, jumping directly to the subject. Mark looked at me and stopped chewing his food. 

A couple of minutes passed with anybody of us saying anything. Then,suddenly, Mark layed the box full of coockies on the floor and looked foward, with no expression.

''Get comfortable, this is going to be long...'' He sighed.

''I'm all ears.''

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