Tagged... AGAIN!

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My head: Bullshit! Not doing this again! 

Conscience: But you've been tagged!

My head: Too lazy for that shit, 50 questions damnit! And who am I gonna tag?

Conscience: You don't need to tag anybody if you don't want to!

My head: Is that allowed?

Conscience: How do I know? I AM you!

My head: Aw... ok... I'll do it for the people.

So yeah! I'm tagged, by somebody with the name of Mahirah03... 58 questions... again some of the might be answered already.

At this rate, I could as well make a book just for this... (Or could I??)

Let's get started.

1- What's your name?

Eneko Pildain.

2- Date of birth?


3- How old are you?

Simple math, do it yourself! (Hint: 16)

4- Any hobbies?

Of course; drawing, Making SFM videos and posters and writting. Maybe go out sometimes with my scooter:

(I wanna buy a  real motorcycle right now...)

5- If you had 3 wishes, what would they be and why?

     1) Be a night fury (stolen)

     2) Have a motorcycle.


6- You have to do one think for the rest of your life, what would it be?

That one is intresting... Dunno. Maybe be a motovlogger, that is good enough for me. But if my stories are good enough, be in wattapad for the rest of my life doesen't seem so bad...

7- Is there someone you look up to? Why?

You mean love? Uh... not really. Love my family though.

8- Do you think is OK to lie in some circumstances?

Yeah... is ok. It can be good in some cases.

9- Three things you can't live without.

    1) AGAIN! HTTYD!


     3) WATTPAD (stolen, again)

10- Any movie or book made a big impact in your life?

Mad max of course! Freacking pray for that movie not to end. And probably you guys, for reading my stories. And a book trilogy named ''Memories of Idhun'' (It's in spanish) And Five nights at freddys. But that is a game.

11- Biggest pet peeve?

Don't know what that is. That is what happens when you try to be good at english, and you don't really know shit. :)

12- Did you have an imaginary friend as a child?

Surprisingly... no. Did I? 

Hey! Stitch get here! Did I have any?

He sais no.

13- Have you thought, eve for a second that Hogwarts was real?

I'm not a fan of that film... so no.

14- Have you ever fallen in love with a movie/ book charachter?

No... no loves in my life for now.

15- Have you ever lied about your age?

I want to keep that answer for myself. Kids, don't watch.

16- Have you fallen in love with somebody by talking on the phone with him?

Read the question N-14 and you will know the answer.

17-  Have you ever held alcohol for your behavour?

Nope. Haven't been drunk yet.

18- After whatching twilight-

Wait! I don't watch that series, so shut up.

19- Do you like singing in the shower?

I don't. I kinda have a cinema in my head. That is one of the reasons I'm crazy.

20- Favourite colour?

Red. And probably black.

21- Lucky numbers?

I don't have any. I have a favourite number: 55. (See what I did there?)

22- Any pets?

A dog. And a fish. And another dog.

23- How tall are you?

Uh... about 1m 85cm. Something around there.

24- What does your name mean?

Don't really know... but my last name means ''white plain''.

25- Do you like reading? Who is your favourite author?

Well, this is an interesting one; I like reading. A LOT. But I don't follow an author in particular. Here, in wattpad, I like RolandLatoreSpeed 's and Night-FuryDreamer 's fanfics. But in the real world, I don't have a favourite book author.

26- What was the scariest moment of your life?

That day when I entered one of my friends house that was opened, and, when I was inside, the alarm activated. I ran as fast as I could. They still don't know it was me. :)

27- What subjects interest you the most?

English, Art and Tecnology.

28- Do you think is right to compare a friendship with an actual romace-ship?

I don't know much about those things. But I know enough to realize that they aren't the same thing.

29-What is your idea of a romantic evening?

Ask me again when I find love. (starts crying*)

30- Are you a good writer?

You tell me! Right? I hope so.

31- Have you ever been in bungee jumping?

The heck is that.

32- Have you ever been canoeing/kayaking?

Once, with my class. It was cold as fuck.

33- What types of holidays do you prefer.

The summer holidays!

34- What is the longest you've been in a holiday for?


35- What is your favourite holiday?


36- Where would your dream holiday be?

USA, in Sturgis. Did I mention I like motorcycles?

37- What do you prefer; eating salsa, or dancing it?

Eat it. Just that.

38- What is one rule you are proud of breaking.

The plastic rule. (Patum pssss.)

The time I went out of class early, inventing an excuse. I had an exam an hour later, and thanks to that, I passed it.

39- Where do you see yourself in ten years from now?

I'll sure be a rotting corpse. (That is sadly true.)

40- What power would you have if you were a superhero?

It's ironical that I just created my own hero. It's called Slingman. If you ask for it. I'll show it.

41- What would be your hero name be?


42- And the outfit?

Titanium exoeskeleton with a custom helmet and a jetpack. Cool?

43- What was you last dream about?

I was in the 2012 movie. It'was scary. No. Like, really overwhelming.

44- What would you do if you won the lottery?

Go and see the next Mad Max movie producing in first person.

45- What sports are you interested in?


46- What is the funniest pick-up, line you've ever heard?

It was in spanish, and I cant traslate it in a funny way. :(

47- What are the things that would make you instantly happy?

One, a revolver. (I should stop.)

48-Favourite pizza topping?


49- What is your favourite song?

It's in the start of this chapter, what a coincidence you ask for it.

50- What kind of music do you like?

The one that make you FEEL THE RHYTHM! Example:


51- Do you like partying?

Yep. In my own way, yes.

52- What's the first thing you though when waking up this morning.

I was so asleep I can't remember. But it probably was ''What time is it?'' I always ask that to myself.

53- What animal whoudl you like most as a pet?

I like what I have. Thanks.

54- Can you tap-dance?

No. Just, no. Don't ask. Just leave it.

Shut up...

55- What is your favourite zoo animal?

Lion. The king!

56- What is your favourite sport?

Basketball. Or dragsters. Or the NASCAR, though I can't really see it in TV.

57-  What is your favourite food?

I answered this already.... Fidegua. Now, I don't know if it's said like that in english, if it's not, go to Google images and find out.

Aaaand 58- Have you ever kissed a girl?


Phew! That was kind of a questionary! I'm glad I did that...

Well. Not really new people I have not tagged since the last one, but I got at least a few of them.











_TheDarkQueen14_ (This girl is cool, but she needs help. Visit her and support her a little, ok? I don't want to see her in heaven so soon.)

RolandLatoreSpeed (Gotcha again)

So that was that... Hope you enjoyed and that now you know me a little more! (I'm reapeating myself a little) 

Well, goodbye! Seeya in the next chapter!

Oh yeah, if you see sometjing spelled wrong, it's the freacking corrector. Doing this in the phine is hard...

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