And so it ends.

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-Narrator: Hiccup.

He was dead.

I saw the metal pieces of the plane fall off the mountain, crushing against each other and still on fire. I din't saw Mark jumping out, not that he could survive a fall like that anyway...

I was heartbroken.

My only friend, my mentor... was rolling down a cliff and dead.

But suddenly, all the sadness became rage, incredible and unstoppable rage all over my body. I throttled all the way up and the craft roared furious. The murderer was still there, untouched.

Finishing him was the only way to avenge Mark.

The plane flied against the sun at the speed of sound when the engine stopped working all at once. 

The Nitro was over.

I was doomed now, just like Mark.

The Night Fury would take me down at any moment.

I was going to reunite with him.

But the shot never came.

-Narrator: Toothless.

''The job is done.'' I sighed.

The pilot was dead.

I panted several times; he truly put a fight before he came down. It made me sweat. Then, I thought about the viking, the plan was to kill him as well. 

But a part inside of me refused.

I... didn't quite found the right reason for killing that kid. Because of the plane? No... he's going down anyway. And the viking himself isn't a real threat so...

... I let him go.

Moments later I climbed to a safer altitude and head home, whatching as the sun rise over the horizon. The clouds were colorfull and shiny...

...but I didn't felt happy, for whatever reason.

-Narrator: Stoick.

I fell to my knees as I saw one of the machines crash and the Night Fury scaping. 

Mark... was dead.

At first, I thought I was going to feel happy about it, but I felt a hole dig in my chest. I realized: that person that I called monster... saved my son in any way possible. He was... a hero. Even if I didn't admit it initially.

And he saved us... all of us.

And he was dead.

Gobbed walked next to me, watching the wreck rolling down the mountain. Suddenly, I heard Snotlout shouting: ''Look over there!''

I turned my head along with Gobber an the rest of the vikings, and we saw Hiccup flying towards us witht he plane. 

It looked damaged.

I stood up fast and pushed the people in a way to create a place for my son to land. ''Out of the way! Leave room!'' Gobber reapeated after me.

The machine landed just in time.

-Narrator: Astrid.

The plane landed.

Well, not really, but at least Hiccup survived. The legs of the machine broke off, and the body splitted in half all the way. Thankfully though, Hiccup walked off the craft moments later after stopping on the sand.

The chief, the gang and I, ran for his rescue. ''Hiccup! Are you injured?'' Stoick asked, but the little viking didn't answer. He just kind of stood still, looking at each of us with tears in his eyes.

Suddenly, he started crying.

He leaned over his father's chest and let all his pain out in a long cry. Sobbing and shaking like there's no tomorrow. The chief placed his hands over Hiccup's shoulders and moments later he gave him a big hug. ''That's it Hiccup... it's over...''.

He looked up straight into Stoick's eyes and then to the mountain. Without him saying anything, I realized what he wanted. ''We will make him an honorable burial. Trust me.'' The father said.

Then he broke in tears again.

''Trust me...'' He repeated.

Days later, now back in Berk, all the village was reunited in the main street. The same spot Mark used for his emergency landing a long time ago.

It feels like an eternity now that I think about it.

The pieces of the plane we could recover, both from Mark's and from Hiccup, were in a pile in the middle of the pavement. The body was completely burned to ashes, so we never found him.

We only found his revolver.

Stoick took a step foward and threw it to the pile, then, lit the fire. The flames engolfed the pile very fast, almost in no time, the wood and metal were burning like in hell. ''Today, we say goodbye to... *ahm* Mark. Now, we started the wrong way... uh... missunderstood each other.'' The chief started. ''In the end, he was a good warrior. He saved me. He saved my son.'' He continued.

''He saved everybody.''

Silence invaded the scene for the next seconds. I looked at Hiccup, who was looking down, suddenly, he looked like he found something on his pocket. He pulled out.

It was an strange little, metal object.

-Narrator: Hiccup.

I found something in my pocket.

A bullet.


I looked at it for a long time and finally threw it to the fire after wishing luck one last time to him.

''Goodbye Mark, your family is with you now.''

Then, my father finished the speech.

''Today, we make a tribute... the Black Fire.''

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