Don't follow me.

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-Narrator: Hiccup.

''Damnit! I'm hit!'' I shouted.

Another fireball passed next to my left wing, thankfully it didn't catch fire. I turned right as I saw Mark coming from behind to save me. A couple of cannon rounds worked the treat.

The number of dragons was lowering to safer levels, but the fatigue and the damage on our planes was making it harder every moment.

The fight was on for a long half hour when the rest of the dragons decided to run away. I saw the ones left alive retreat and fly to their homes. Only one of them stood against us, not willing to let us live.

The Night Fury.

''Watch out!'' I heard Mark shout behind me. The obscure creature dove on me, landing a direct hit on the tip of one wing. The controls were damaged but I was still able to fly somewhat OK. Then, I saw Mark chasing the dragon down but with no results. He leveled the plane and worked some speed.

''Suddenly, his engine exploded.

The loud noise spread over the skies, sparks and smoke were coming out of the radiator and the exhaust. His speed dropped drastically; I had to make several hard turns to get next him. ''The engine is on his last stand. I can barely maintain the speed! I need to land.'' He told me. We looked for the Night Fury but he didn't appear anywhere. ''I think he scaped!'' I assumed.

After that, we descended to almost sea level and got to the island. We were making it over the mountain to aligne with the runway when, suddenly, the black dragon showed up from behind and grabbed my rudder.

''Oh crap!'' I reacted. I pulled the controls to make a hard turn. When the turn was finished, I faced back and the dragon had dissapeared. ''Where is he?''

I saw him gliding under Mark's plane.

-Narrator: Toothless.

''Time to finish you.''

I said before striking the machine's belly with my tail. The metal corrugated against the thick, black, scales and the craft tumbled. Then, I grabbed the front part with my claws and made several cuts in it. The smoke didn't bother me as I pierced with my fangs the engine and bit it hard. More smoke came out, but this time, the part that was spinning before stopped.

The machine had lost his power source; now it was time to put it and his rider to rest. I climbed to the top of the craft and teared the propeller off the rest of the machine. I looked at the pilot in the eyes.

''Remember me?'' I whispered, though I knew he couldn't understand me.

And I jumped off the plane.

I was pretty sure that it was already doomed, but I continued gliding behind it anyway, just in case...

Suddenly, I saw the other machine flying behind me towards the first one. ''You you are not.'' I thought, but then, I witnessed the pilot's face.

He was crying.

He had the most horrified exression you can ever imagine and more. I knew that they were friends, but that face... they were more.

I broke to them and went vertical.

I would let them say their last words to each other before I kill them both.

I leveled myslef and waited.

''One minute.''

-Narrator: Mark.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuck..."

I couldn't stop swearing, but let' s be honest, who wouldn' t?

I had lost all control over the plane and I was heading to the mountain at 300km/h. I wasn' t going to make it.

And neither was Hiccup.

I knew the dragon was going to come after Hiccup after he finished me, so there was only one thing to do.

"Mark! What happened? Are you-" Hiccup started when he reached to me. Then gasped as he saw the engine smoking heavily and that the propeller was missing. "Oh my God... you need to land fast."

"I can' t land Hiccup. I lost all control of the aircraft." I said, calmly. He didn' t answer so I continued. " The engine cant be repaired, the rudder and alierons are broken, the cables burnt..." As I speak, I disconnect the Nitro thank off the engine.

"But you need to get out of here. Here, take this." I threw him the tank, still leaking the blue liquid. " He catched it in the air and replaced the tube of the gassoline with it as he throttled back, not to waste nitro.

"No, nonono. I' m not leaving you Mark. We need to think about... Something. Anything." He muttered as he looked around for any sort of help.

"I know! You jump to my plane! C' mon let' s go!" He said, nervous as all hell. He slowly approached more to me. His left wing was just over my head. When he pulled out, in fear of hitting me.

"I' m done Hiccup." I said slowly. "No you are not!" He answered. "Hiccup, if you don' t go you will die as well." "I will fight him!" "HICCUP!" I shouted one last time.

"Please go...''

He suddenly broke in tears. His eyes were soaking water and he was sobbing a lot. "It' s ok." I said. "You are strong, even if this world doesen' t know it yet." He looked at me with his mouth opened and still crying. "You will get over it."

I heard a screech from above and I knew my time was over. "Now go. Don' t let anything slow you down." I muttered, holding as I could the tears in my eyes.

He seemed more determined now, as he nodded, with his face all red, and throttled all the way up.

Seconds later he was far away ahead.

"Remember me." I said, hoping he could still hear me.

-Narrator: Toothless.

The minute was over, and I came back down for haunting my preys. But for my surprise, The little viking left the pilot and saved himself.

"Good for him." I thought.

Then, I proceeded to finish off the other machine.

That pesky, useless human.

-Narrator: Mark.

That pesky, useless reptile...

I stood on my legs, on the pilot's seat. Loading my revolver.

If there was still something to save for my part, was that kid.

And that brast wasn' t going to kill it, no way.

The black dragón was chasing me, flying on my tail. So I started shooting him.

Bullet after bullet. I unloaded my revolver, with no hits on the beast, as he avoided them all.

I try to reload my revolver, but when I looked foward again, I realized that the mountain was so close, I didn' t have time for that.

-Narrator: Hiccup.

I was several hundread meters away when I finally found the courage to look back.

The Night Fury was chasing Mark, who was shooting him with his revolver.

I gasped at the scene. And witnessed as the fighter catched on fire and Mark ran out of bullets.

The mountain was very close, and when he realized that, he turned his head at me.

I could see his wet, red eyes, filled with tears even from the distance I was.

I couldn' t let that happen. 

I had to save my only friend.

I turned that plane around, but in the middle of the manuver, I saw Mark raising his hand at me, telling me to stop.

I still saw him spelling:

"Don't go after me, kid."

A second later, the plane crashed against the rocky mountain, leaving only a big explosión with black smoke...

...and a hole in my heart.




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