We have company

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Narrator: Hiccup.

The fight was on in the skies over the island. Bullet's, both of us and from the bombers, were flying all over the place; cutting air, through metal and wood.

Using Boom and Zoom tactics, (http://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=Boom_and_Zoom     if you are interested) we took down some of the bombers, but when our energy went out, we had to evade bullets at the same level as the bombers. Mark's cannons ignited the bomber's fuel tanks and bombs, while my less powerfull MG's caused holes and fire on the enemy's planes, sometimes causing a whole wing to split in half.

Soon, only three bombers were left, and suddely they turned to head home, in a desperate attempt to save their lifes. We were waster however, and in no time we were chasing them down. ''You are not going anywhere.'' I heard mark say.

A few minutes later we were on their tail and the back gunners had already began shooting us. Some of the bullets hit my aircraft but doing only superficial damage, as they passed right through the wooden body leaving only holes in it. Mark and I finished two of them in no time. The third one was a little more of a mess: as we attacked simultaneously, one of the gunners damaged Mark's oil tank.

The craft started losing liquid and a trail of thick, black oil began falling from the plane. We finished the bomber and finally the battle was over. ''Thank god...'' I sighed. Mark positioned his plane near mine and started talking: ''The engine is not going to last long, we need to get back, and fast.'' He shouted. I nodded and we began descending.

-Narrator: Stoick.

It was finally over.

The explosions had stopped, the roar was now gone... everything was quiet.

Nobody moved for a good ten minutes, the sun began poking out of the horizon and the sky was now starting to wear the colour orange.

Suddenly, with the sun now partially iluminating the sky, I saw two shadows decending towards us. ''That's them.... they are alive!'' I shouted and began jumping and waving my hands to let Hiccup see me. The figures approtached even more, and the crew on the ship started shouting and cheering for Hiccup and the pilot, our heroes...

I stood there as the shadows got closer and closer, but suddenly,  another figure appeared behind them, then another one, and more still. I saw something lit on one of them and, all at once, I realized.

''DRAGONS!'' I screeched.

''Get out!!'' Gobber shouted behind me. Everybody on the ship jumped to the cold water as the blast exploded on the ship's deck.

I ordered everybody to get back to the beach as fast as possible and then I looked at the skies to see at what we were getting into. I saw Gronckels, Zipplebacks, Nadders... everything was shooping fire against us. Suddenly, I heard a roar, a very characteristic roar if you ask, but it wasn't the machine... ''Night fury...'' I whispered. ''Get down!'' I heard somebody shout. 

Then a huge blast hit me in the back and I passed out.

-Narrator: Toothless.

''I finally got him.''

I thought to myself as I witnessed how the body of the chief sunk after I shot him. Now there was only one thing left to do.

I heard the noise, the damn metal, inhuman machine that boy had. I saw two dots in the sky approaching the island, probably for a landing.

And one of them was injured.

I screeched, calling for the dragons to follow me. They instantly stopped what they were doing and obeyed my command. ''I've found them! Let's go!'' The rest of the dragons started the ascension with me. 

-Narrator: Mark.

''What we going to do now?'' Hiccup asked. I was trying to stop the oil leak, so I didn't really listened to him. ''Uh?'' I asked. ''Sorry, what did you say?. '' My father! And the gang! What are we going to do?'' He repeated. I looked fowards, thinking for a moment before answering; ''I think they owe us one.'' I commented. ''Yeah they do.'' Hiccup laughed.

Neither of us said anything for the next two minutes.

''We did it...'' I started. ''The Germans won't come back in a long time...''. 

We looked at each other in the eyes, forgetting everything around us for some seconds. But suddenly, I saw something in the distance. When Hiccup realized that I wan't looking at him anymore, he turned his head to see to what was I looking at. 

Some shiny spots were climbing in then near distance.

A lot of spots.

They were heading our direction fast, and only when they approached close enough, we recognize what they were.

''No way...'' I started.

''Dragons!'' Hicuup cried.

In an amazing reaction time, we preformed a loop to avoid the first fireballs. Then we took some shots to the gigantic dragon cloud that was approaching us. We took some direct hits and a few dragons fell from the sky.

Suddenly, the engine cringed and my plane started shaking furiously. I noticed then that the trail of oil had dissapeared. I flied next to Hiccup and shouted: ''I'm out of oil! The engine is not going to last very long!''

''And what happens then?'' He asked me.

''The engine will overheat and catch fire!'' I aswered.

''Then what do we do?'' He asked again, turning with me.

''Finish them off before that happens.'' I responded.

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