Get up and fight.

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-Narrator: Pilot.

''Bombs away!''  I shouted. The soldiers at the bomb bay released the bombs and they started falling.

Hopefully, that would kill them.

The squadron had turned around and we were starting another attack run. But this time we had company. The back gunner suddenly noticed two objects flying towards us very fast. I leaned my body over the glass and I finally saw them.

The battle finally begun.


-Narrator: Mark.

I hope his plane holds together...

The ascension was short, we encoutered the bombers at 1000 meters of altitude. That was very short for an attack run, but the bombs were more precise at close range. ''Here we go Hiccup! Remember what I told you?'' I shouted, so he could hear me. ''Yeah!'' The viking answered from his plane. ''Ok then! Let' s get the scort first!'' 

I leveled the plane and waited. ''What scort?'' I heard Hiccup ask. Suddenly, an squadron of six fighers Bf-109 dove from the sky to get us. ''That scort!'' I shouted when I saw them.

When they got close, they opened fire, but we rolled and made a loop to avoid the bullets.

When the loop was finished, all the enemy's had overshot us, and one of them was at my line of fire.

I pulled the trigger.

One down.

I pulled up and glanced back to see if Hiccup was still flying. I saw him as the viking copied me. We went vertical to find the rest of the fighters preparing themselves for another dive.

''Let' s get them Mark!'' I heard him shout, whitc hmade a smile on my face. I pushed the throttle and the plane accelerated. Now we had the advantage, an advantage that we weren' t going to pass out.

The Bf109's had much less turn-rate than us, so we could get on their tail and they couldn't shook us off because we turned faster than them.

It was matter of seconds before we entered combat wth them. Shells of all type were flying dangerously close to us. All the planes making evasive manouvers and trying the impossible to stay alive.

However, the number difference was making it hard.

I had destroyed my third fighter when I saw Hiccup getting chased by two of the Nazis. One of them was luring him while the other was approaching from behind, not getting noticed by the young viking.

I turned and took the fighter down just before he could open fire. Moments later Hiccup helped me finishing the other one. Then, we flied next to each other again.

''Where is the last one?'' I ask, but he was as confused as I was.

We looked around for about a minute when, Suddenly, the last enemy fighter appeared from the clouds above me, like magically.

And I didn't saw him until it was too late.

-Narrator: Hiccup.


I shouted with all my might as I dove, chasing that last fighter who was just about finishing my friend. I located the center of the plane in the aim and pulled the trigger.

A burst of tracer bullets flied directly to the Bf109, damaging his engine and starting a fire. The german plane, scared, cancelled the attack and climbed again.

But it was too late for him.

I pulled up just like the German did and I managed to shoot him down just before I went into an stall. The blane shaked for a couple of seconds and turned 180 degrees, heading directly to the ground. ''Aw shit...'' I swore. I didn' t know how to recover stalls yet, so I was in a new situation.

I pulled up with the engine roaring as hard as I could, but it seemes to get worse. The plane started spinning and the controls didn't respond anymore. Suddenly, I saw Mark flying in circles around me. ''Idle the engine and pich down!'' He shouted. ''Hurry! Or you will not be able to recover it in time!'' 

And so, I did what he said. I throttled down to zero and pushed the control stick down. The aircraft pitched down and slowly gained speed again. When a couple of seconds passed, I felt how the controls hardened again, as the air passed faster through the alierons.

Slowly but steady, I lifted the machine to a safe altitude and climbed untill I saw the squadron of bombers in the distance.

Mark showed behind me, and positioned himself next to my plane.

-Narrator: Stoick.

''Gobber! Help me with this!'' I shouted to the viking, who was helping the people to the ships.

''I' m a little busy right now!'' He shouted back, and dumped two vikings, that fell unconscious because of the explosions, to the nearest boat. Then he ran to help the injured people escaping the beach.

I, on the other hand, was pushing the wooden ships off the coast.

Suddenly, I hear something. The same siren that could he heard before the fist bombs exploded became audible again. I realized with horror as I saw the metal artifacts falling from the black sky.

''Everybody down!''

The vikings near me copied what I said, but the rest of them were too busy for hearing and they recived the main blast harder.

I ran to the nearest, a big viking with a great yellow beard and a big sword in his hand.

''Are you ok?'' I asked. But he didn't answer. I positioned my face in front of his open mouth to see if he was breathing.

But he was already dead.

I closed his eyes slowly and stood there for a couple of seconds.

Until I finally understood:

''Hiccup... Mark... please save us...'' I whispered to the air, filled with smoke.

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