Brothers in arms

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-Narrator: Mark.

Stoick looked confused. On the one hand, he sure was willing to end me, and that wouldn't be hard for him. I was barely standing after that last hit. ''You look injured. Why wont you surrender already?'' The chief asked. Suddenly, I heard the bombs falling, that characteristic siren coming right towards us...

''Oh no... we need to get out of here.'' I babbled to myself. But when I tried to walk, my chest broke in pain so hard that forced me to the ground. The revolver fell just in front of me. Stoick smiled and started closing up. ''Finally. You are down, now I can put you to rest.'' He walked right next to me, and layed his foot on my back. ''Gah!'' I protest, several of my ribs were broken at that point. The great viking raised his hammer over my head and whispered: 

''I don't know what he sees in you...''

-Narrator: Hiccup.

Another cut on my arm... damnit.

It was the tenth time Astrid slided a wound on my flesh. She could have killed me a lot of times, but she couldn't. She wasn't prepared for killing one of his people.

Specially when that particular one was the person they wanted to bring back home.

She slammed my head with the hilt of the axe. That hit made me go back a little, but I managed not to fall. ''This is stupid! You don't undestand!'' She shouted, getting ready for her next hit. ''But maybe I dont want to understand!'' I shouted instead, and she froze in place. I realized what I said and continued: ''M- maybe you are the one that doesen't undestand! Look around Astrid! Y- you really think the one that caused all of this was him?'' I stopped for a moment to see him on the ground, and my dad ready for the final blow. I looked at Astrid again, and I saw her breathing heavily. ''This is working...'' I thought. ''Y - you have... you caused all of this... and he's my friend...

...I'm not letting him die.''

Taking advantage of Astrid, who seemed to be re-thinking all what I have said, I started running to my dad and Mark. But it seemed to late; I was slow and tired.

I heard something falling towards us, but I ignore it.

I wasn't going to get there in time.

Suddenly, a big blow knocked me down.

And everything went black.

-Narrator: Pilot.

''We got some hits... all over the beach.'' I said to the crew on board. I was watching through the canopy glass how the 250kg bombs covered the beach with smoke and fire. ''Yeah! We got them! Ok everybody, let's go home!'' The co-pilot cheered. ''Wait.'' I said. ''Let's make sure... we better don't go back and find that they are still breathing.''

I leaned my body even more over the glass and waited until the smoke had dissipated. Seconds later I saw a bunch of craters on the sand and fire was consuming the wooden ships, but there was still a lot of people moving. The little dots in the distance making circles and looking for us.

It's almost like they didn't knew what has attacking them.

''Let's turn around. We will make nother pass. Everybody reroute; coordinates 2-23-67, 1000 meters.'' I said.

The squadron followed.

-Narrator: Stoick.

A blast appeared out of nowhere and sent me flying a few meters before meeting the ground again with my back. I instinctively shouted: ''Dragons!!'' But I soon realized that there wasn't any dragon near by. I stood confused. I looked around me just to feel another three explosions happen near by. ''What is going on?'' I questioned, even I knew nobody was going to answer.

I soon saw Hiccup helping Mark up a few meters at my right. I tried to stand up but a pain in my chest didn't allow me to. I looked at it and saw that a piece of metal was piercing my skin, and it was bleeding pretty badly. When I  saw they were going to enter the forest, taking advantage of the panic the explosions caused, the pilot whispered something to Hiccup and he nodded. Then, with my son's help,  they both approached to me. 

Mark leaned over me and said: ''You' ll see now our potential.'' After that, he stood up again and said to my son: '' Let's go, we need your plane updated.'' 

And moment's later they dissapeared in the forest.

Then, Gobber appeared.

-Narrator: Hiccup.

We were entering the cave when I finally asked: ''What do you mean by updated?'' Mark, however didn't stop and he opened the crate only to put out two large artifacts and then ran to my plane. ''I will need all the help I can manage to have from you, and if you don't have any weapon in a dogfight, you will be shot down instantly.'' After a couple more minutes, he finished what he was doing and faced me: ''You now have two machine guns in the front of your aircraft. Use the ammo carefully, and don't overheat them.'' He said. I snapped in confussion. ''Overwhat?'' He sighed while he prepared both planes for liftoff. ''Just don't fire for too long, ok?''

He jumpet to his cockpit and shouted: ''We are out!''

I jumped on mine and loaded a cardbridge into the engine. I pulled the lever and...


The engine started.

But I realized an extra lever in the control stick that wasn't there before. I could only assume that it was the trigger.

I drove carefully to the runway. I positioned the craft behind Mark's, and give him a thumbs up, telling him I was ready. He copied me and started the liftoff.

Moments later we were both in the air.

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