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-Narrator: Mark.

I saw a shadow moving behind me at the last moment. As I thought, it was Stoick, trying to protect his people. I turned myself and faced him as he striked with his hammer. I dodge it and passed next to me, stopping a few meters away. The huge viking growled at me, but I didn't move. ''Stay away from my son. He could only hurt himself if he stays with you.''  He demanded. I smiled, and Stoick looked even more angry because of that. ''Then prove that he's better with you.'' I answered. I made a signal with my hand, tempting him to come at me. 

And he fell on my trap.

-Narrator: Fishlegs.

I ran for what it seemed like hours when I finally made it out of the forest. What I saw, however, made me stop panting for bare seconds before my lungs asked for more; Stoick was fighting Mark to death. The chief was swinging his huge hammer around, trying to get the pilot. Mark, however, was avoiting the strikes of the chief, and at the same time managed to cut his flesh several times with his dagger.

Then, I spotted Hiccup struggling with Gobber to stop the other two from fighting.  But the viking was grabbing him tightly, so it was futile. After that, I managed to see the rest of the gang behind two muscled vikings; they were hiding behind them, everyone except Astrid, who was looking directly to Mark. 

Then my mind started working.

''What should I do? Or even, should I do something? I must stop this fight, I must... I...'' I grabbed my head with both hands, trying to figure out waht to do without ending with one less arm or with my head two meters further to my body. But instead the only thing that I could think of was ''This is gonna end badly.''

-Narrator: Astrid.

The two opponents were clashing their weapons with extreme precision, but managing to make only superficial damage to each other. After half a minute or so, Stoick finally grabbed Mark's arm and pinned him to the ground. The pilot grabbed the chief's hammer with both hands and immediately after that, tried to stab Stoick in the chest. The viking grabbed the knife with feline reflexes, keeping it just a pair of milimeters from his skin. Stoick pulled out his sword from his belt and striked to Mark's neck. The pilot stopped the threat just in time. 

Now they were both with the life of the other in one hand, and their own in the other.

I had to do something, fast, but what?

Suddenly, only one thought came into mind, attack. Even for an opponent like him, two versus one is impossible for Mark. And so, I grabbed my own axe and striked against him.

What I didn't expect was who I encountered next.

-Narrator: Stoick.

The cold steel of the dagger was starting to touch my skin when I heard Gobber shout: ''Hiccup! No!'' I turned my head towards the noise  and saw my son stopping Astrid from defending me. Hiccup grabbed his axe and pushed Astrid back, as he took her by surprise. Mark took advantage of this and punched me in the face. I rolled left, avoiding the sudden strike from his dagger.

Both of us stood up and waited for the other one to attack first. Suddenly, the pilot's head tilted to his right and I took the distraction for my advantage and striked against him. Unfortunately, he fas fast enough to stop my hammer in time, but this caused him to fly away for a couple of meters.

He couldn't survive another one like that.

-Narrator: Hiccup.

Astrid landed on her butt and gasped for air.

She wasnt ready for that, for sure. That was why I was strong enough to push her; by catching her by surprise. But as she recovered from the blow and slowly stood up in front of me, giving me the most dissapointed look ever, a better question came into my mind.

''Was I ready for what was going to happen?''

She grabbed the axe and took it from my hands. ''What do you think you are doing?'' She asked, shouting. ''Do you want your father dead?'' But I didn't budge. I stood there, looking at her. Something inside of me was burning, I HAD to protect Mark. My friend.

My only friend.

Determination filled my soul and I felt the strength in my arms. I grabbed my dagger from my pocket and raised it, in a defending position. Around me, all the vikings, incluiding the gang, started talking to each other, not giving credit to what was happening. Astrid's mouth was opened, and her eyes were as big as they could be. ''Do... you really want to do this?'' She warned me, astonished. I didn't say or move at all. And so, she raised her axe as well.

''So be it.''

-Narrator: Mark.

I landed hard against a boat. I moaned because of the pain coursing on my back. I knew I heard something, but I was so stupid to get distracted by that. 

I couldn't survive another one like that.

I tried to stand again, and despite the rushing pain, I made it. i pulled my revolver my revolver out of my pocket and aimed at the viking's head. ''That helmet wont save you.'' I whispered. The viking didn't move, but his expression wasn't exactly of terror. ''Look at him!'' I shouted. ''Neither of us wants this! Why won't you leave us alone!?'' Stoick looked at Hiccup slowly, then turned back to me again. ''You think you can protect him fron the dragons?'' He asked in response. I grunted, exhausted from the battle.

''I'm not afraid of the dragons, my chief.''

Suddenly, I heard it again. The sound of numerous engines crossing the dark sky of the island, becoming louder at every second. The rest of the vikings, seemed to hear it as well, as they turned their heads towards the noise one by one. ''Here they come Stoick! You have to make yet another important question! We can fight until we die...''

''...or you can let me demonstrate you what Hiccup is capable of.''

-Narrator: ?????

''There they are...''

I communicated the location of the island to the rest of the convoy and aligned the plane for an attack run. The bomber responded to my command immediately and the aim for the bombs was over the beach.

The two soldiers on the bomb bay nodded at me. ''Wait for it...'' I said. The soldier on the aim raised his thumb in approval. ''NOW!'' I ordered.

Moments later, the siren of the bombs started making noise as they fell from the plane.

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