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-Narrator: Mark.

The clouds below me, but I knew it wasn't enough. I needed to go higher. I positioned the flaps on combat mode, and pulled up. Though I lost some speed, my climb rate increased, and so, I went almost straight up to 10 000 meters of altitude. That was almost the limit for the plane, specially bucause of the open canopy. I was really feeling the coldness in the air, the lack of oxigen making me react slower. 

I wasn't going to stay at that altitude for much time however, I was above the nazi's base, and it was about time to get some supplies. It was a big base, full of defenses, tanks, AAA, bombers and fighters. Some of them were at their hangars, but a lot other ones were preparing for takeoff: some Bf-109s and three He-111. It was a convoy, sending supplies for the army at the front line. But I was running low on fuel, food, and medicines in my base, and so, I decided that I had to steal some.

And I was going to assault the convoy.

I started preparing the attack when  I fist knew where the convoy was going, four days before. I used to hid in the trees outside the base to then sneak up inside and steal the flying documents. When I knew about the supply convoy, I knew it was the only opportunity in weeks.

Back in the air, I stayed at the highest altitude possible, as not to be detected. When all of the planes finished taking off, they inmediately started ascending. I followed them. As I spected,all of the bombers were flying in a close formation to cover each other and the fighters were about half a kilometer higher to protect them against other fighter formation.

But I was alone, and that gave me a huge advantage: I was harder to spot, and I was positioned even higher than the Bf-109s were. That gave me another big advantage. 

While they were still ascending, I got the throttle down to 50% in order to cool down the engine. This would give me more time if I had to use the nitro to scape from the fighters. But that movement made the craft incredibly slow, specially at this altitude. I had a hard time even keeping the same altitude.

Thankfully, I had anough energy to keep me up in the air and well above the convoy. I waited for about twenty minutes before jumping into battle, so the base could not know what was happening.

After ten kilometers or so, I pushed the throttle to the max and started diving for the scort fighters. I surprised them so much, one of them almost crashed into another because of the sudden attack. I was going so fast that when I got the fist Bf109 down, the rest couldn't follow me. And so, I pulled up to an almost vertical climb. By doing that, I lost all the speed again but returned to the same freezing altitude of 10 kilometers. After a couple of seconds, I lost the fighters and I started diving again. With a short burst of my 20mm cannon, another Bf109 got demolished. I started climbing again, and I repeated the process until all the fighters were gone.

By the time all the Bf109 went down, the bombers had already turned and going back to their base. That was why I waited so long before attacking, now I had at least another ten minutes for finishing the job. 

I read on the flying documents that only one fo the three bombers was loaded with supplies, and that the others were just there as distractions. I also read that the real one was going to have a blue strip on the right wing in order to recognize it. With that in mind, I positioned myself straight above the trio of He-111. Close enough so I could see the blue strip, but in the gunner's blind spot, so I could not get shot at. 

And there it was, the bomber on the left had a light-blue strip painted on the right wing. Immediately after that, I dove for the fake ones and got them out of the sky in two fast but deadly passes. Then, I approached the real one from behind. I wasn't going to shoot him down, yet... I first needed their supplies. 

The back gunner started shooting at me. I dodged most of the bullets, but one of them damaged my right wing's controls. I couldn't shoot him, however, that would destroy the whole plane. Instead, I loaded my revolver and shoot the gunner while flying, the bullet pierced him right in the head, killing him instantly. I reapeated this with all of the gunners on the aircraft and with the co-pilot, a total of six confirmed kills with my revolver.

''Oh... you don't know how I love you.'' I said, kissing the weapon. I putted it in the belt again and positioned myself in front of the bomber.

The only one left was the pilot.

I grabbed the piece of wood laying on the ground of the canopy. Then I assured that the rope was properly tied with it, before throwing it. The rope made the wooden piece fly behind my plane, swinging frenetically because of the wind. I looked back and saw the pilot: it was a young boy with  brown hair and glasses, he looked scared as he was shaking and swetting like crazy, but moments later I saw him concentrated on the piece of wood. He was trying to read what I had written in it:

'' I will not hurt you if you drop one of the supply crates. Deny, and your craft will blow to bits.''

It was written in red, big letters and, of course, in german. The boy looked at me, confused. Moments later, he nodded and grabbed one of the levers in the bomber's control panel. He looked at the lever and then to me, and then to the lever again. ''Camon do it already! It's cold up here, you know?'' I shouted impatiently. He gasped and pulled the lever. 

An instant later, a box with a parachute fell off the Henkel-111. In order to catch it, I preformed a vertical loop, leaving the bomber in front of me and then dove for the supply crate. I finally reach to it and hook it with the same sign I used to comunicate with the bomber's pilot. The parachute wrapped like a sling with the wooden piece tied to my plane.

''...yeah, just like a sling.''

I cleared those thoughts fast,as I had important things to handle at the moment: the crate was full of supplies, and it was so heavy it made flying almost impossible for me. Thankfully, I managed to stabilize the craft and turn back to my small island. 

''Oh Hiccup... I wish you never know what is happening out here.''I whispered.


-Narrator: Hiccup.

A big ''BANG!'' resonated within the mountains of Berk.

I was sitting in the cockpit, trying to start it up.

''You can do it... please...''

It buzzed, it crumbled, it moaned and it smoked, but didn't start.

''OH, CAMON!!''

I smashed the panel infuriated, and the craft started buzzing again. The propeller started spinning and moments later I heard the engine roar for the first time. It was a very similar, yet completely different sound.

It was amazing.

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