Black box

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-Narrator: Mark.


I moaned, holding my chest. My ribs hurt so much I almost lost control of the plane for a moment before I leveled it again. The force applied to my body on the liftoff and on leaving Hiccup the box caused the pain to get even worse than before. I needed to get to my base before it gets worse. I looked back at Berk again, but Hiccup was in my mind at that moment. ''I hope he manages to open it.'' I mumbled, knowing that nobody was hearing me.

Not long after the viking's island was just a little spec in the big blue ocean, I spotted my base in the distance. It wasn't very big or very confortable, but it made the job good enough for me at the time. It was a small runway in a small island in the middle of nowhere. Perfect for a secret camp. Next to the runway, there was a cave I used to live. It was big enough to serve as hangar as well. 

I landed on the runway and parked inside the cave. Then, when I got out of the canopy, I searched for a medical kit. I opened the closet and there it was, in the corner. Half of those thing were stolen from the nazis, but some, like the closet or the runway itself were built by me. They were prepared for resisting a long time.

The med-kit was a little used, because it was the only one in the entire island, and it was almost empty, sot he options were small. I got a bandage and a needle and some thread. I sat on a chair next to me and removed the old piece of fabric off my chest. As I spected, the wound had opened during the flight and now was bleeding heavily. That hammer was really powerfull in the hands of that viking. One hit, and he almost killed me. No clue what created the wound as well, I still remember the spikes that hammer got as ornaments.

I ran out of pericillin a long time ago, so I had nothing to stop the infection. After about half an hour of stitching and shouting in pain. I finished and I covered the wound with bandages. ''I need some more med-kits.'' I said panting. 

I threw the empty bandage box and fell asleep.

-Narrator: Hiccup.

So yeah, after all of that, I was at the starting position again. 

It was like nothing had hapened, the village forgot about the Mark and the Black Fire surprisingly fast. And now that I had nothing to do but to train in the death arena, the gang could continue mocking about me and how weak I was. Some days  were worse than others, but in general,it was the same story reapeating again and again.

After a week or so, my dad stopped caring about my training and started attending more important stuff. Most importantly fighting the dragons that assaulted us every week. As consequence, I stopped going to the death arena for training, and kept sharpening swords in the armory like I was doing in the first place. 

One night, while working on some swords, I accidentally made everything in the desk fall to he ground. When I started putting everything back to it's place, I noticed the black box Mark left me when he scaped. I left it on the desk and completely forgot about it. ''I whish I know how to open you.'' I whispered. It was like a bullet to the heart not knowing how to open it. 

Wait... a bullet?

I realized something. I ran to my house, upstairs into my room, taking the black box with me. I opened the drawer and grabbed the bullet Mark gave me to remember him. I examined it, taking every detail into account. After around two minutes, I found somehting on the bottom of the metal artifact. It was a code, just as I thought.  Four numbers were written on it; 1-9-2-3.

I layed the box in the bed. After that, I started spinning the dials, making the numbers coincide: one click to the first, another click at the other direction to the second, two cliks for the third and three click for the last. When all of the numbers were in it's position, the box made another clicking noice, mucho deeper this time. Then, the cover opened a little by itself, I didn't have to do much more force to open it completely, however.

Inside the black box was a note and the plane's instructions manual. I grabbed both and leave them on the desk, next to the box. I looked at the manual first; it was the same manual Mark and I used to fix the plane in the first time. All the measures, parts, tools and instructions were written in great detail. Showing how to build one step by step.

''Build my own plane...'''

The idea flashed in my mind like a thunder. With this manual, I could build my own plane! Fly like Mark! Fight the dragons! Be...!


But before anything, I had to take a look to the note. I unrolled it and started reading:

''Hiccup, if you are reading this, you have opened the box I probably gave you when I scaped. I'm sorry I had to go, but it was inebitable. Inside this box, however, you got the ticket for being the only one on your island that knows how to build, understand and fly an airplane. You will be finally respected, and you will e able to socialize ourself with the other teenagers on your village. With this note you got the plane's instruction manual, whitch will allow you to fully build your own. Follow the steps carefully, and be god with your dad ok?

And one last thing: never, I repeat, NEVER come after me or pass beyond the territories you know. There is another whole world outside these islands, and you really don't wanna know about it, for now.

Anyway, have a good life, and enjoy your creation.

Your friend, Mark.''

I was almost crying at the end, holding the tears as I could. But, suddenly, my dad appeared. ''Hiccup, what are you doing here?'' I rapidly hid the box behind me. ''What?'' I asked, confused. ''You have jobs to do in the armory!'' He shouted. ''Ok, I'll be there in a second!'' I answered, hoping he doesen't make any question. ''Ugh... sorry, I'm a little busy lately. I am leading an expedition to find the dragon's nest once and for all.''

My eyes opened wide. ''You are leaving?'' ''For a pair of days only. A week or so...'' I smiled. That was my perfect chance! ''Ok dad! Have a nice expedition, see you in a week!'' ''Ok, son goodby-'' I slammed the door before he could finish.

I ran out of the house with the black box and went inside the armory.

I cleared a desk and opened the manual from the beggining. I took a bunch of paper and other tools for drawing. I still had a lot of questions about him, and there was only one way to know the answers.

Ask to Mark himself.

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