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-Narrator: Stoick.

I left Hiccup alone with Mark, and that was a big mistake. I was on the top of the tower with some other vikings, talking about the plane and,  especifically, about the pilot. I took another bite to the cooked fish. ''So... how did Hiccup take it?'' One of the vikings asked. I swallowed the piece of fish and cleared my throat: ''As I spected, he did not like it at all. He tried to convince me not to execute him; he told he he had nowhere to go.'' ''And you believe him?'' he asked. It took several seconds for me, but I got and answer: ''Yes, I do trust my son's word.'' All the vikings present looked at each other, thinking or just avoiding looking at me. More or less a minute later, another viking standed up and looked out, into the ocean. '' I know the problems that kid caused to us Stoick, I give you the point on that. But I also know what kind of person is anybody just by looking at them in the eyes. And, for what I've experienced, Mark is not that bad person.''

I raised my eyebrow in confussion. ''Do you know him?'' Other viking asked. The other one looked at him and said: ''One of the days he was helping Hiccup with the machine, I came to the armory to pick up a sword Gobber was fixing for me. When I got there, however, Gobber wasn't there and neither Hiccup. The only one present was Mark. I gotta say, I thought about coming back later, but it was just a moment, what could go wrong?'' He stopped for a second before continuing: ''So I entered and asked him if he knew where the sword was. Surprisingly, he told me very calmly that Gobber was testing it in the death arena, and that he would come back later. And so, I waited there with him, we had a nice conversation, he was very friendly. Half an hour later, Gobber came back and gave me the sword.''

I standed up, very confused at that point. ''And if he was so friendly, why in the gods sake did you vote for his execution?'' I almost shouted because of how stressed I was. They looked at me like I was crazy, and then proceeded to make an answer: ''Because...'' he started. But before he could continue, the other viking interrupted him: ''Does anybody hear that?'' I turned my eyes into him. He had his hand in his ear, he clearly was hearing something. I copied him, and moments later I began hearing something. At first, I didn't know what it was, but as it became louder, I recognized it.

I got out of the tower, pushing everyone out of my way. While going down the stairs, I saw the flash of a piece of metal running though the main street. Not long after, I saw the plane flying away, taking altitude. When I finally arrived tot he main street, the machine was now too far for the catapults to shoot it down. But wen Iooked again, I noticed it was turning, facing the village again. 

''Load the catapults!'' I shouted. ''Here he comes!'' 

I saw, at the distance, all the catapults loading at the same time. After making sure they were all loaded, I looked at the plane again; it was going straight for me. Hopefully, he will fall on the trap and attack me. I started waving both arms and jumping: ''Hey! I'm here, come at me!'' The machine got even closer, but didn't shoot, probably because his weapons were broken. I could see Mark behind the canopy's glass.

But he wasn't looking at me.

-Narrator: Hiccup.

''What is he doing?!''

 I thought, so loud I think my dad almost heard me. I was outside the armory, about 10 meters behind Stoick, who was looking at the plane. The roaring machine was coming towards me and my and my dad and, in doing so, Mark was risking his life because he could het shot down by the catapults on the port, which, in fact, they started trowing rocks instantly. 

Mark dodged all the rocks by moving the plane at random directions, making him a very hard target to hit. Then, he leveled the plane again, because all the catapults were reloading. But he still had one last problem: my dad was still in the middle of the street in front of me, holding his hammer. Mark faced him, going at an incredible speed, but then, when him and Stoick were at an insanely close distance. Mark pulled up.

He evaded my dad's hammer and flew right over both of us. When he passed above me, I saw something falling out of the cockpit. That something landed behind me, and so, I ran towards it. It was a box, a black box, it had some sort of lock, and numbers next to it. ''A code?'' I thought. When could I find the code to open the box? I had no clue, but I didn't have any more time to think, as my dad got up, looked at the sky and saw the plane fly away. Then, he approached me. 

Predicting what he was going to say, I started talking first: ''Dad! Uh... It's... It's not my fault! He forced me, yes! With his revolver!'' He didn't stop. I backed up, but I found myself between my dad and the wooden wall of the armory. With nowhere to scape, I just stood there, waiting my dad to unleash his rage on me.

But instead, he gave me a hug.

I was shocked, unable to think anything. ''Are you ok?'' Stoick said. It took a pair of seconds for me to make a coherent answer. ''Yes...  I'm ok. You... you are not angry with me?'' I asked, shaking like a leaf. ''How could I be angry with you? I thought I lost you!'' He let me go. I sighed in relief.  '' 

Moments later, Gobber got out of the armory, holding his head with his good hand. ''What happened?'' He said, still stunned. Was he going to remember me? I was very nervous until he said: ''Hiccup! Are you ok? Did Mark scape?'' I sighed again. ''Calm down Gobber. Hiccup is fine, but yes, the pilot did scape. And I'm sure he will not appear here anytime soon.'' He looked at me. ''Let's go son. We will talk about this later.'' ''Are you not going to go after him?'' Gobber asked. My dad stood there for about a minute before giving the answer:

''No. I think he now knows what awaits him if he comes back. So let's just forget it, for now.''

I smiled at my dad, and he smiled back. Then I looked at the sky.

''Goodbye, friend.''

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