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So yeah, I got tagged by Mahirah03 and now I need to answer to some... questions.

God dangit! I didn't spect that from happening!

Well, I gotta thank her from tagging me, and by the way, I also gotta thank EVERYBODY that reads my book or follows me. It takes a really long time to write this in the middle of everything in my life, but yet I love doing it.

Thanks, for keeping this book alive.

Anyway, lets just jump into it shall we?

1- Dream place:                                                                                                                                                                        Anywhere in the USA where I can ride a motorcycle to a beautiful sun-setting scene. (I'm serious).

2- Favourite cristal:                                                                                                                                                                      Uh... I dont really know about what cristals are you talking about... but if it's about gamestones, I gotta pick diamond.

3-Spicy or sweet?                                                                                                                                                                            That is a close one, but I like more spicy. *Yummy*

4- Spirit animal:                                                                                                                                                                     Probably the dragon, yeah... even in the chinese calendar I'm tagged like a dragon. But if we are talking REAL animals, the lion is my favourite.

5- Would you rather go on an adventure for the rest of your life, or stay home?:                                              What kind of question is that? Of course I'd like to go on an adventure!

6- Dark or bright colours?:                                                                                                                                                 Bright colours, I like everything to get all the views... not like my books ;_;

7- Sci-Fi or fantasy?:                                                                                                                                                                     Well... I like both, but I gotta go with Sci-fi. I like technology man.

8- Are there any other languages that you are really good at?:                                                                                      Like english? Yeah, I'm spanish, I read, talk and write in spanish... but I love speaking english. That's why I write there stories in english!

9- One fictional character you want to be real:                                                                                                                    Thothless! Or Stitch from lilo and stitch! Oh, and the gang from Five nights at freddys!

10- Pick 2 fantasy worlds, then clash them together, and make a 50 word story about what would happen: 

Once upon a time, In a vast and cold island named Berk, a little red spaceship crashed. Inside was alittle but deadly creature called experment 626. When it arrived the village, managed to destroy almost all the houses, but the vikings and the dragons captured him. One week later, they found that the blue creature could talk, and not only in the viking's language, but he could understand dragons as well! Thothless and 626 became good friends, and that caused Hiccup to be jealous, and tryed to throw Stitch to the ocean. But he suddenly realized that he was no threat, and became friends with him.


11- Would you rather have Wattpad be taken from you, or have to shovel horse or dragon poop for one entire day?:                                                                                                                                                                                   BRING THE POOOOOOOOP! AAAAAAAH!

12- Favourite Ice cream flavour?:                                                                                                                                               Coconut... *makes homer face* coconut...

13- The colour of your current T-shirt and the last thing you ate are going to be your superhero name:   Behold... Grey_yougurt-man is here to save you! (That doesen't work...)

Now, I'll tag the next people I want to respond to the same questions here. I don't know so much people from wattpad, and some of them might have done this challenge already, in that case, you are free to tagg your own people:





I dont have more people...

Anyway, I hope you liked it and that you know me a little more now!

Now if you excuse me, I have to write some new chapters. :)

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