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-Narrator: Astrid.

''He's acting strange...'' said Fishlegs. Most of the time he is right, and this was no exception. Hiccup was acting strange lately, not like he is not strange normally, but now its even stranger. He spent all day in the armory working on his... ''weapon'' as he likes to call it. He didn't talk with anybody, de didn't eat anyting and he didn't train on the arena with us, but that's no new at all. And that makes me nervous. At midday we met him to, at least to get an idea of what he was trying to do.

When we walked into the armory, we saw him manipulating something that looked like a lying barrel with handles on its back. Despite he probably heard us coming in, he continued working with his machine. ''Hey! Hiccupp, we are here, are you blind or what?'' Said Tuffnut, impacient. ''Sorry'' he answered ''Im trying to get this thing to work before the sun sets. '' "Well you still have plenty of time...'' started Snotlout, witch didnt continue because all of us started to look at him. ''At least can you tell us how it works, uh?'' said at least. 

Then Hiccup standed up and walked past the machine, and looked at everyone of us in the eyes, one by one, thinking. ''Ok...''he finally said. ''I am going to shoot down the Black fire.'' All of us froze at that instant. Was real what he just said? A moment later the others started laughing, but I didn't, by the way he said it I knew he was serious. Hiccup blushed and walked back to the machine to continue with his job. ''You... you underestimate me...'' said, with a pair of tears in his eyes. Then we walked away. Despite I knew he was serious, there was another reason why I didn't laugh:

Something, deep inside me, was telling me he could make it.

-Narrator: Hiccup.

They don't understand, no they don't. And I was going to prove them wrong. 

When had been working on this thee days, I wasn't going to give up just because a pair of ignorant vikings laughed at me... well Astrid didn't, and I don't know if i should feel happy about that. But anyway, I took a pair of slings and took the ''Slingershot'' (yeah, very original name for catapult of slings).

As I walked out of the armory with it, I noticed my dad approaching me. It looked that he wanted to say something important. But when he got close he gave the Slingshot a quick glance and then looked at me. ''Where are you going?'' said patiently. After a couple of seconds I said ''I am testing my new weapon''. He gave a second look to my creation, taking a little more time now. ''Do you need to throw it?'' he questioned. It was an stupid question, but I wasn't surprised. ''It does the throwing for you'' I said. After that, he gave the look. You know, that look whren he is just confused and a little dissapointed. And with no other words, he walked away. ''Ok, do whatever you want, but remember, we are expecting the dragons to attack this night, so come back to the village before the sun sets.

It was a ten minute walk, not too much if you where just walking, but sure was difficult to climb all those hills with some sort of wheelbarrow that wheights the same as you. When  finally got where I wanted, I leaved the Slingshot on the ground and armed it. It was simple; you open the top of it, then you rise the bow from inside and then you arm the sling in the bow, and you are ready to go! I aimed at the target, a small sack of straw about 50 meters away. Hold my breath. Make one last correction...

...and pulled the trigger.

The tensed bow released its power way faster than I spected. The recoil was so hard it knocked me down. However, I still managed to see the sling flying super fast at the straw and hitting it so hard it cut it in half.

I was impressed, so proud that my creation finally worked. I got up and loaded another sling. I wanted to make sure it was strong enough for the task. I aimed at a wooden pole near by and fired again. The sling wrapped itself in the pole perfectly. I was so happy. Even if I dont shot down the Black Fire, I've created a working weapon capable of catching dragons!

I was so excited from the success , I did not realize it was getting late. The sun was setting when I heared the roar of the Black Fire, still in the distance, but clearly there. In any other day I would run away, just like everybody else, but that night I was going to make history. I was ready.

I will prove them wrong.

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