My name is Mark.

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-Narrator: Hiccup.

My lungs hurt... but I can't stop now. I was arriving at the arena but I could still hear the machine roaring, even from where I was.  I finally reached the place. ''Stop! Don't kill him!'' I shouted, still running. ''Stoick stop this!''. They did not hear me or just ignored me, I didn't care at this point. I hardly made my way though the mass of vikings espectating the scene, I took there a moment to look at it. 

A Monstrous Nightmare was reaching the pole in the middle of the arena. Tied to that pole was the pilot, looking at the ground, waiting his sudden death. I froze there just for a second and thinked: part of me wanted that person dead, but, another, much stronger, part of me wanted to understand the machine he presented to me. And I coulden't do it without him. 

I awakened from my thoughts and reacted. I looked around, trying to find the way to stop the dragon from eating the pilot. Suddenly, I saw Gobber, but most importantly, I saw where was Gobber leaning on.

A lever. 

A lever that controls the dragon's chain. 

The dragon that was just going to eat the person I wanted to save.

I ran towards it, pushed Gobber away and quickly pulled it. A mechanical sound could be heared then. Suddenly, the Monstrous Nightmare stopped moving, it leaned foward, trying to reach to the pole, but the force of the chain was dragging him away. Slownly, the dragon went inside the cove and the door closed in front of him. I sighed, and wiped the sweat of my forehead. And then I realized everyone was looking at me, including, of course, my dad.

But I did not have the time for apologizing. I ran into the arena, avoiding the stares everyone gave me in the way. I entered and standed in front of the pilot. He looked at me, surprised. But his face turned again, looking at the ground. ''What do you want.'' He just said. Impatiently I responded: ''You know what! I just saved you, you need to fix your... plane!''. He stared at my eyes again and smiled. ''Well... at least somebody is interested in being smart.'' he sighed sarcastically. ''You need to free me and then show me where the plane is so I can save it.'' I doubted for a second. But then I grabbed a dagger and cutted the ropes. He fell down and then stared at me. ''How can I name you'' I said. His expression turned serious.

'' Mark... you can call me Mark.''

-Narrator: Mark.

I didn't know if I have to thank him for saving my life or kill him while I have the choice, a big part of me wanted to stab him with his own dagger, but I knew it wasn't the best idea. Especially if the whole village was watching. Sudenlly, he grabbed me from my arm and started running, almost making me fall into the ground. ''This way!'' he was shouting. And for good reason: if I counted the time right, there are about two minutes left before my fighter explodes. So I started to hurry.

We arrived at a building with a big, opened wooden door in the front. Inside was my aircraft. Shaking and making horrible noises. Thick, black smoke started coming from the engine compartment. I had almost no time. 

I headed to the toolbox on the table and took the hammer from it. I jumped into the cockpit and looked for a small red lever under the pilot's seat. When I finally founded it, I pulled it inwards.

And, suddenly, the engine stopped.

I sighed in relief, cleared the sweat off my forehead and got out of the canopy. When I was going to leave the hammer into the toolbox the kid asked: ''But... then why did you take the hammer?'' ''Just in case it was too late and the lever doesen't stop the self-destruction protocol.'' I said leaving the hammer in place. I looked at him in the eyes and realized that what i had said didn't make any sense to him. I sighed again. ''Let's just say I fixed it. Okay kid?'' ''My name is not kid'' He said, surprising me. ''My name is Hiccup.''

I looked at him. He maintained the stare by a couple of minutes before the other vikings came into the house. 

-Narrator: Hiccup.

My dad and the others entered into the armory, taking the pilot and me by surprise. I completely forgot about them. ''Get him!'' Stoick shouted, but I got in his way, standing between the pilot and him. ''Listen for once dad!'' I shouted, even louder than him. He looked at me and relaxed. I took all the courage I could get and said: ''Don't kill him if you want the machine to work dad. Is too much complex, even for me. I need his help.'' I finished refernig to the pilot. The silence maintained for a minute before Gobber finally got closer to my dad and whispered something to him. My dad nodded in approval and got near Mark, who patiently stared at him. He gave a quick look at him and then to me. ''Ok Hiccup, you win. I will let him help you with the machine-''   ''Plane.''Mark said, annoyed. Stoick looked at him again and cleared his throat.''...plane, as you call it. But I'll be watching you. And if you make one bad step, the next one will be in the arena, and with seven dragons upon you.'' 

Then, they just left.

A couple of minutes passed without any of us saying anything. Suddenly Mark spoke: ''Thanks for that, kid. You saved me there.''he stared at me.''Anyway, we will start tomorrow with the plane I'm very tired right now...''. Then I realized I was also tired, and the sun was setting outside. ''Ok, you will sleep here tonight, I will try to have a bed for you tomorrow.'' I said. After that, I locked the front door to make sure he doesen't scape with the plane while I was asleep. Then, I got out of the room.

''Ah! And remember, my name is Hiccup, not kid!'' I said before locking him inside.

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