Death penalty

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-Narrator: Pilot.

I was inside a big building with high celling. Exactly in the center of the room, tied into a pole and surrounded by vikings. They took my plane, they took my gun, but they will not kill me.

I had one last trick.

Suddenly, the viking that got me standed up and the room went silent. I understood there that he was the leader here. ''We are all reunited here to decide the destiny of this intruder'' he said pointing his finger at me. Then all the people started speaking atthe same time: ''Kill him!'' ''Make him pay!'' ''Force him to rebuild what he destroyed!''.

This was going to be a long morning...

-Narrator: Hiccup.

''Unbelievable'' I thought. I grabbed the metal box I found behind the pilot seat and opened it. There was a lot of strange metal tools inside. Some of them were easy to figure out for what they were for. But others were like... so strange. There was a small metal pole with a grip with a star-shaped end for example. 

I was examinating the mouth of the machine, and I founded its propulsion system: a big metal cube, sitting just behind the front of the craft. I looked at it, and I didn't understand any of it. It was a very superior technology. Even for me. Then I noticed a small translucid tank just behind the propulsion system. There was some strange bright blue-ish liquid inside it. I was about to grab it when Gobber appeared. ''Can I get you somehing?'' he asked. ''No, thanks.'' I responded, still trying to grab the tank. He looked at me and some seconds later, he was out again. I was very concentrated with the task my dad gave me. But even more than that, I was fascinated with the technology I got to examine. I felt, for a slit second, like the pilot understands me. More than everybody else.

-Narrator: Pilot.

After hours of speaking and debating about my fate, the leader standed up and declared: ''By the power the gods gave me, and with the help of this congress, me, Stoick, I have decided that, because of the damage he caused and all the other atrocities this man has done,'' he pointed his finger at me ''he will be punished by trowing him to the death arena and be eaten by dragons!'' he finished, almost shouting.

''Death penalty?Oh boy... I'm in a lot of trouble.'' I have never seen one of those creatures up close, but I know what they can do. And I was not going to be turned into animal food, not that day. I hardly reached my pocket and grabbed the small box I had inside. Then I pressed the small, red button on it.

Just after that, two vikings grabbed the pole I was tied to and drove me out of the building. ''This better work', otherwise I will be eaten by a random dragon.'' I thought. Suddenly, the box with the button buzzed.

And a green light illuminated.

-Narrator: Hiccup.

''Intresting...'''I said to myself while I was looking at the canopy. I counted dozens of buttons, levers and indicators of all sort. I was testing some of them when, suddenly, a red light illuminated on the left side of the control panel. ''Did I fix it?'' I thought.

And then something happened.

The machine buzzed. I head a banging noise, witch repeated, growing louder and louder, and going faster and faster. It slowly became the roar I knew so much. But this time it was different: It was even louder than normally and the whole plane was shaking like he was alive.

I jumped out of the pilot seat to get a better view of what was happening. Then I realized a bright lightning coming from the front part of the craft. I looked at it and confirmed my thoughts: there was a blue light coming from the metal block I reviewed before. And at every second the shaking was more agressive and the noise getting louder. At that point parts of the plane where falling apart and breaking in the ground. Something was wrong, and, in the corner of my mind, I knew the pilot was behind this. I did not have much time.

So I ran out the armory and headed into the death arena.

-Narrator: Pilot.

The vikings finally dug the pole into the ground and make sure I was securely tied up. Then everyone went out and left me alone there. I took a second there to recongnice the enviroment. I was in a huge round-shaped hole with walls of about 5 meters high. I saw some big wooden doors with locks around me and at my back there was the exit: a huge door made of metal.  The top was covered with metal bars, but I still was able to see the people outside the ring. They were shouting and tauting at me. I just ignored them. Seconds later, a tense silence took over the place. I then saw the leader of the vikings sit in a throne, right where he could see my face. Then he winked at another viking at his left. The viking, which was holding a lever with a stump, reacted and pulled it.

Immediately, the big wooden door in front of me opened, and a chained red dragon came from inside. The creature blinked, and then growled. Suddenly, he covered his whole body with fire. He looked at me and started colsing up, making the distance between us shorter ans shorter. '' It's me or the plane Stoick!'' I shouted, hoping I got the name right.''This is your last chance of making the smart choice!'' I declared.

And I really thought those were my last words.

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