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-Narrator: Stoick

The Monstrous Nightmare was climbing up the catapult, engolfed in flames. I was at the top, watching. I grabbed the hammer and gritted my teeth. I shouted: ''Keep shooting! I'll take care of him.''. I had to  slam my hammer in the dragons head twice before he went down. Then I watched as a pair of vikings loaded the next rock into the catapult and shoot it. It took from the sky a Groncker and a Zippleback. 

They were loading another round when a dragon passed just a couple of meters away from the catapult. The Black Fire. Then, another figure passed above us. I realized it was chasing the first one down. And just a second later, yet another thing passed at my left, this time, however, was much smaller, like a proyectile.

It looked like a Sling.

-Narrator: Hiccup.

The Sling went fast just at the direction of the target. It got closer, and closer... Then I heard a huge ''BANG!'' and the mouth of the Black Fire flamed up. The roaring sound disappeared. The Black Fire's mouth began to create a column of fire and smoke. I have never seen nothing like it before.

Then, the Night Fury left the chase and disappeared into the clouds. And so did the rest of the dragons. The Black Fire, however, slowed down. The lightning of the village gave me a chance of finally look at the death into his eyes before he crashes.

It was... a machine?

-Narrator: ?????.

''Damnit! No! Dont die now! Not here!'' I said. It was useless. The propeller stopped instantly and the engine died. Stopping his characteristical sound. The Sling those degenerate vikings threw at me got caught up in my propeller and broke it. Causing my engine to catch fire. ''Ok, no other option here, I'll have to do an emergency landing if I want to survive.'' I turned off the engine, deployed the landing gear and set my flaps on landing position. I looked for the most appropiate place for a landing. I founded that the main street was long enough for the job, so I aligned with it, hoping those vikings don't wreck my plane instantly when I land in their village.

Thankfully the ground was flat enough for the task, and so I landed perfectly, parking in front of a big house that seemed like it was the armory. I did not took a better look at it, however. Even before the plane stopped, I got out with the fire extinguisher and got the engine fire out. I sighed. I got into the plane again and loaded my revolver.

Just in case.

-Narrator: Stoick.

I saw the sling hitting that thing and then I saw it landing. But I didn't understand why it looked so much like it was made of metal.

 I got my answer when I arrived at the main street. In front of the armory was the creature that created so much chaos in these last weeks. What I didn't believe, was that it was just a machine, controled by a teenager?

I saw someone by the age of hiccup got out of the machine with precaution, it was holding something in his hands. Some sort of weapon. Given these thoughts, I approached slowly. He didn't see me before it was too late. I grabbed his arm and immobilize him quickly. Then the others arrived.

-Narrator: Hiccup.

I left the Slingshot and got into the main street. I saw my dad immobilize somebody while the other villagers surrounded him. I got closer, just to see the machine I shot down.

It was big, dragon sized, but it was totally made of metal and wood. I had wheels as legs and it's muzzle was dripping smoke and black blood. The same blood it lost the first day it showed up. When Stoick lifted the pilot, he stared at the machine, and then at the Sling that got tangled with it. Then it looked at me. A pair of seconds passed before ha said: ''Hiccup... nice job.'' I was so happy he said that. Then, Gobber showed up, looking at the machine. ''That is a strange looking dragon.'' he said, panting from the run. ''It's a plane'' the pilot murmured, looking at the ground. ''It's a machine? The dragon was a machine?'' someone shouted. Then the people around Stoick started shouting and talking all at once: ''We should kill him now!'' ''The machine! Destroy it!'' ''Can Hiccup repair it?'' said somebody. And then my dad looked at me, then Gobber, and then the rest of the village. I could feel all of them staring at me. ''Can you do it Hiccup?'' said Gobber. I looked directly at him, and then at the machine, then at the pilot, who was also looking at me.

-Narrator: ?????.

That kid... I'm sure I've seen him somewhere. Then, I realized with a gasp: That kid... I saw him at the village the first time I've came to this place. And I also saw him just before... just before... I was shot down. My expression changed to the most infuriated face you can imagine. ''You... you shot me down! I'm going to fucking kill you kid! Remember! I'll kill you!'' I shouted with the top of my lungs, trying to scape from the big viking that trapped me.

-Narrator: Hiccup.

Suddenly, the pilot got mad at me; shouting and kicking the air, trying to reach me. Thankfully, my dad was strong and grabbed him, so he could not scape. When the pilot calmed down, Stoick looked at me and said: ''I will decide what happens with this intruder tomorrow. Now that the dragons stopped attacking, hiccup and Gobber will repair the machine. Maybe we can learn, and fight the beasts in their territory, the sky!''He finished shouting, and all the vikings agreed with him. Then he got the pilot on his back and walked away. But I saw, for a split second, the face of the pilot; he was looking at me, looking worried about something. 

Then, Gobber appeared.''C'mon Hiccup, lets take this to the armory and see what you can do''.

We both started pushing the... ''plane'', to the armory.

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