My new brother

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-Narrator: Hiccup.

Mark had left me alone in the hangar, trying to assimilate everything he said. Which was a lot. He resumed his life and the loss of it in less than ten minutes of talk. I grabbed my head, I wasn't very sure about what to think; in one side, Mark was the only one that could understood me, the only one that suffered from the same lonelyness. But in the other hand, he was so alone, he had to suffer from things that nobody should have. There was only one thing that I could do at the time to help him; and that was to BE with him, make  some company, anything to give away some on the pain buried deep in his heart. 

Because otherwise, he could go crazy.

Minutes later, he was back with some more food for me. He gave it to me and I ate it, indifferent about the taste this time. In the meantime, Mark was preparing a place for me to rest until tomorrow. ''You sleep here, you will head home tomorrow when the sun rises.'' He said. For the first time, I saw his face and I couldn't found any expression in it. It was like a rock, dead inside, like there was no soul left of him.

''I'm not leaving.'' I stated as firmly as I could. He looked at me. ''Do you wanna die?'' Mark asked. I took a pair of seconds thinking the answer. ''If that means not leaving you alone, I am.'' Mark looked at me, shocked. There was an expression of confussion and stupefaction painted in his face. I turned him speechless yet one more time, and that gave me a little more courage. ''Yeah... you heard me. There is nobody in Berk capable to understand me as good as you do. My dad expected big things from me, but I am weak. The gang mocks about it everytime...'' I couldn't continue. ''The only one that could undertand me was my mother, but she died a long time ago.'' I looked at the ground as I shut my eyes, clearing my mind of these thoughts. Suddenly, I felt Mark approaching and, to my biggest surprise, giving me a hug. A big warm hug. One of those hugs you have once or maybe twice in your life; it was that kind of hug.

-Narrator: Mark.

Yeah, I did it, ok? Shut up, I was very emotional at the moment. I gave him a hug. His words... he talked just like my brother used to. After what it looked like hours, I let him go and backed up a few feet, to give him a little more distance. ''So, you've decided to stay...'' I asked him. His answer was to nod frantically. In matter of seconds, my mind recreated all the advantages and problems to have him with me. I had to give him food, a roof, and weapons to defend himself. In the other hand, when dogfighting, he could save me more than one time. But I had to keep him alive as well.

In that case, I had to train him.

''Ok, if you want to stay, you will have to do as I say. Now, go to sleep, tomorrow I will start preparing you for fighting with your plane.'' He nodded again and sat on the sleeping bag I prepared for him.  Then, I walked to the other end of the cave and layed on my bed (A wooden table with straws covering it).

Suddenly, I heard a sound. I looked around, but I didn't saw anything. ''Probably, nothing.'' I said to myself.

-Narrator: Stoick.

I have to admit we were basically lost. We had been sailing for so long that we had to dock in the nearest island we found. Just for streching our legs. We left the ship tied to the beach and ready to continue the next morning. The crew of the ship was preparing a fire when Gobber approached me. ''Hey Stoick, I sent the gang to get some wood. Do you know where we are?'' I glanced the map as he spoke, shaking my head in response. ''I don't know my friend. We haven't sailed in these lands since my father was the chief, I can't recognize anyhting around here.'' Gobber looked at the map. 

In the center of the paper was our island, Berk. Heading north was the dragon's nest, but we weren't heading there. I saw Hiccup head straight south. But we didn't found anyhting but this island in miles. ''We can't give up now. He must be somewhere in this direction. Maybe past the unknown seas.'' Gobber opined. Then he pointed his finger over the corner of the map, past the zone we called ''The unknown seas''. It earned it's name because the vikings that went past that zone, never returned.

''Past the  unknown seas? That is not possible. He couldn't survive.'' I stated. ''Only one way to find out.'' Gobber answered. Suddenly, I realized he was right, we had only one way to know if my son was alive. 

-Narrator: Astrid.

''C'mon people! The chief is waiting!'' I shouted. I heard Fishlegs panting, followed my Tuff and Ruff with some logs on their back. Snotlout was next to me, helping with some more pieces of wood. ''Are your sure we need this much?'' Fishlegs asked. ''To maintain a whole crew of adult vikings dry and warm? Yeah, I think so.'' Tuff answered for me. ''Ah. Shut up...'' Fishlegs complained. ''Hey, you asked.'' The other one responed.

And suddenly, I heard a noise.

''Guys, did you hear that?'' I asked looking around. ''Hear what?'' Snotlout responded. I let go of the logs I was carrying. The pieces of wood landed in the boy's foot, causing him to scream. I putted my hand in his mouth, making him quiet. 

I heard it again.

''That.'' I whispered. ''I hear it too.'' Ruff starts. It was coming for our right, directly from the mountain. Everyone left the logs on the ground and started climbing it. Not long after, we found ourselves in a flat land with a cave next to it. There was someone in the cave, however, laying on the ground on some sort of bag.

It was Hiccup.

''It's Hiccup!'' Fishlegs shouted. And everybody covered his mouth before he could scream again. I heard something, and this time I saw what it was. Mark, the pilot, was at the other end of the cave, laying on a piece of wood. It seemed that he heard us, because he turned his head towards me. Thankfully, he didn't see me in the darkness of the night, and he looked away, trying to sleep.

''So... what now?'' Tuff said.

That was the question.

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