Well, this turned serious.

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This is sad, I dont want to end it like this, specially when is so close to the interesting part. But my time and effort is not worth it. You see, it takes for me at least 4 hours to make a 1000-word text, this is, a whole chapter, and it's getting 10 views... hardly. I like doing this, but I repeat, is not worth it. You know how many time off I got a day? Less than an hour, sometimes none. It's driving me mad, and I can't find nowhere to hold myself together.

Add to this that I am not native english and that, sometimes, I gotta ask Google translator the word I'm trying to use... More time spent. Regardless, it's fun making these, but if I don't see more attention than 10 views... It's over.

You may think I'm too agressive here (Don't know how to explain myself) That These last chapters are very recent and that it's normal that they don't get seen as fast... In that case you are right. BUT what if we go back a little in time and see... for example chapter ''Nightmares.'' or... ''Deserter'' Or ''Something to remember.''? There are at least one month old and they don't get but 10 views. It might seem normal, but let's take a look at... ''Discovery.'' For example. That one is 21 daysold and it doubles the views already. Sometimes even worse. Can somebody explain that to me? 

I just don't get it. It might seem egocentric, but I need to know that this story means something for you readers.

Otherwise I just quit, it might be better for everybody.

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