Part 1: hiro & tami's love story begins

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Ok everyone I had a problem with Hiro and his personality and struggled with it so I asked the help of my bestie to work together on the side story since she's a Hiro fan teehee so I'll be getting the help of LexiiMcLane . We will be working together on this story OMG I'm sooo excited😁😃😄.  Oh quick reminder, this is not the epilogue this is a side story. Then after I'll be doing the epilogue and it will be about Yuki and Rikis romantic getaway. I wanna do a shout out to LexiiMcLane & jinxedby_105  for the courage to write my story's you guys are awesome. Plus their story's are both amazing make sure to check them out:).Hope you enjoy the story:) now here's Hiro's and Tami's story.

Hiro's POV

Finally today is the day for auditions for Peter Pan. I can't wait for the bell to ring. Just watching the hand move on the clock for my class to end is taking forever. Then finally it rang and I dart out of the classroom down the hall to the drama department.


"Woah" a voice says. Then fabric goes flying everywhere.

"S-sorry" I say.

I bend down and help pick up the fabric.

"I'm so Sor-" I stop mid sentence and I see this girl picking up some of the fabric that was on the floor. She looks up at me.

"Um. Can I have that back?" She asked.

"Oh yeah here" I say with my best smile. Geez could I be anymore lame.

"Um you better hurry" she says.

"What?" I say.

"Your going to the auditions right?" She asks.

"Yeah I am. I'm going to be the lead" I say.

"Then you should hurry there going to be over soon" she said.

"Dang sorry I gotta go!" I say as I run down the hall.

I can hear her chuckle as I leave her with the fabric. I wonder if she is part of the costume committee. She was pretty cute I wonder what her name is? Dang Hiro get it together. I make it just in time for auditions.

Tami's pov:

Getting ready for the peter pan play has been so busy and hectic. This is suppose to be one of our schools big performances. I'm in charge of costumes so any wardrobe malfunction is my duty. I've always been good with a needle and thread but secretly I've always wanted to be on the stage acting. But sadly I have stage fright. Well more like the other drama club members are high maintenance and would do anything the part which scares me a bit.

Last years play I heard that one of the girl leads spontaneously got a broken leg. But we all know that someone sabotaged her. Just no one has the balls to speak up.

I look up from my sewing Machine looking at people auditioning. I would love to play Wendy. But the stage is a scary place. Plus HER.

Erica Nancy jones.

The queen bee and the drama clubs angel. But I don't see a halo I just see horns. She's your typical mean girl who gets what she wants and dates all the cool guys.
as my mind is lost in thought I'm brought back by the devil herself yelling at me.

"Did you make my costume fanny?" Erica said

"it's Tami" I say.

"Whatever did you or didn't you answer my question!" She yells.

"Almost but I need to go to storage to put away the spare fabrics that I'm not using." I say.

"Tsk. Hurry up! You know I need my costume since I'll be playing Wendy's part. Stop daydreaming and get to work!" She yells louder.

"B-but you didn't get the part yet. People are still auditioning.The casting list hasn't been released yet." I say.

Erica was pretty pissed off at what I just said.

"Did you just talk back to me?!?" She asks.

"No I was ju-" I start to say.

"Silence!! She screams in my face. Just do what I told you to do got it?" She asks.

"Yes Erica" I say and get back to work. Then she walks away


Why must she treat me like some slave. Now I know how Cinderella feels.

I stop what I'm doing and grab the bundles of fabric to put them in the storage room. as I get ready to head out the door, it opens with a bang.

"Woah" I say as I stumble backwards

All the fabric flys up in the air and falls to the ground.

"S-sorry" a voice says

Shoot. I thought to myself

I start to pick up the fabric that is now on the floor.

??:"I'm so Sor-"but the voice cuts off and I find it strange so I look up and see a really cute boy with orange hair staring at me.

"Um. Can I have that back?" I ask.

??:"Oh yeah here" the boy says with a amazing smile.

"Um you better hurry" I tell him.

"What?" He says.

"Your going to the auditions right?" I ask since he's seems to be in a rush I thought to myself.

"Yeah I am. I'm going to be the lead" he says

"Then you should hurry there going to be over soon" i said.

"Dang sorry I gotta go!" He says as he runs runs down the hall.

I watch him go in a hurry and I start to giggle. He's really cute but seems a little clumsy. I wonder who he is. Oh crap I snap out of my daydreaming. I need to bring theses to the storage room quickly.

Next day~

Hiro's POV

Ok it's Friday the results are going to be posted today. The bell rings and I dash down the hall only to stop in front of the prop closet. I wonder if she is here. No no no Hiro the play has to be the my priority right now I want to be an actor. I have no time for girls right now. But I want to at least know her name. That's when it happens.


I hear a yell from down the hall. I head toward the voice and see it is Erica Jones.

"What is the issue Erica?" I ask.

"Hiro this is horrible!" She says.

"What is so horrible that your yelling?" I ask.

"I'm not Wendy" she says.

"So your not Wendy that's not the end of the world right?" I ask.

"N-no I guess not but look at who I am in the play Hiro" she says.

"Ok" I say. I look at the list and I see I'm playing Peter and I look for Erica's name. Pfft. I burst out laughing "Really?! Your Nana the dog!" I exclaimed.

I then hear chuckling behind me. It's her! The girl from before I'm about to ask her name when.

"What are you doing here! Where is my ice tea I ask so nicely for?" She asked the girl and she takes off running.

"Why where you so mean to that girl?" I ask Erica.

"Hmmm. You mean closet girl? Well she just hides in the closet and makes the costumes." She tells me. Hmmm. She sounds interesting but that will have to wait till after the play.

I look back at the list and see that Wendy is to be played by a girl named Tami Mikage.

"Hey Erica!" I speak up to her.

"What!" She says curtly.

"Who is Tami Mikage?" I ask her.

"Why do you want to know about her? I'm here for you Hiro." She says with a smile. Her smile creeps me out.

"I want to know because she is the one playing Wendy" I say.

"What!?!?! That can't be? Why her and not me?" She asks herself as she walks off.

"It's because your a b*tch" I say under my breath.

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