Part 2: hiro & tami

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Tami's POV

I'm starting on gathering the materials for the costumes when my friend Anna comes though the door.

"Hey Anna what's up?" I ask.

"I was wondering do you still want to act?" She asked.

"Yeah but I'm still a little shy I don't know if I could" I say with a bashful tone.

"Hey I think you would be a great actress" she says.

"What are you planning?" I questioned her.

"What?! Like I ever plan anything." She says sarcastically. Little did I know the problem she had created for me.


Tami's POV:

It's a new weeks and a new day. So much to do to get ready for the play. I think to myself while I head to the drama club.

As I get closer to to the club room, I start to hear yelling. I have a bad feeling about this. I slowly open the doors and there I see Erica yelling at Anna for some reason.

"um....what happened?" I ask

Erica swirled around glaring daggers at me. if looks could kill hers sure would.

"what's happening you ask?!? What's happening? I'll tell you what's happening! How the hell did you get the freaking part of Wendy?!?" Erica yells at me.


W-what is she talking about? Me Wendy but I didn't even audition. What's going on here?!? I think to myself. Then it hits me as I see in the corner of my eye Anna trying to escape.

"ANNA!" I yell at her.


Arg.. Why did she do that. I can't act in front of people I just make the costumes that's my job not acting.


"H-hello?" I ask at the sound.

"Hey I knew I could find you here!" the voice says. I know that voice. I look up and I see that boy with the red hair.

Hiro's POV

"Hey I knew I could find you here!" I say with a cheerful voice.

"Oh your the boy I saw in the hall with Erica" she says.

"Uh yeah I am but I'm not dating her or anything" I denied it before she said anything.

"I wasn't thinking that by the way what's your name?" She asks me.

"My name is Hiro Sarashima" I tell her with a smile.

"Oh so your the one playing Peter right?" She asks.

"Yeah that's right!" I say louder than I wanted.


It got quiet all of a sudden.

"Umm is something wrong?" I ask.

"N-no not really. It's just I'm playing Wendy" she says.

"Oh so your Tami Mikage" I say.

"Yeah hehehe" she says quietly and nervously.

"So sense your my Wendy then I'll help you with your acting" I say with a smile.

"O-okay thank you" she says with a smile.

"Ok how about Wednesday after school" I say.

"Sure!" She says. 

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