Chapter (19) Platinum's Baby Girl

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Rose's  P.O.V

It was 3PM when I came back home and told Bella's nanny to get her ready in evening at 5.

Now here I am making her get ready

"Bells baby what do you want to wear we only have half hour left"

"Rose sis I don't think they are gonna like me"

She said I frowned and picked her up in my arms and she squealed

"Bells you don't know them they will love you and don't even say that they won't like you because-"

I paused and she looked at me curiously and said

"Because what sis"

"Because if you can melt me than you can win the whole world"

She smiled and kissed my cheek I put her down and picked a yellow jumpsuit that reached till her ankles it's quite pretty on her and she wore black flats with it looking like a pretty little angel.

(Bella's dress)

I wore a skinny jeans and white blouse and a black coat, I wore yellow heels.

(Rose's dress)

"So Let's go"
I hold her hand and took her bag in my hand and turned towards Olive

"Olive you can take the rest of day off"

I said and she nodded smilingly I went downstairs with Bella and took my car out from garage and made Bella sit first

"So Bells are you ready"

She nodded I drove towards the meeting place it's a nearby macdonalds after 20 minutes of drive I parked my car and took Bella out and we made our way inside, I didn't bring any bodyguards today but they are watching from a far.

"Hey guys"
I said and Bella is hiding behind me

"Hey Rose were is she?"
Lily asked

I nodded and slowly pulled her in front

"Guys meet Bella my baby sister the most gorgeous girl on earth"

She hugged me so cute

"Hey baby girl come here"

Dark said and Bella looked at me I nodded and she slowly went towards him and he lifted her up and twirled around and he said

"You are so cute just like your sister"

He put her down

And turned towards me and gustered me to come to him he slowly pulled out the chair as I sat down he kissed my cheek

"No PDA in front of a child Dark"

He just smiled and sat beside me and Bella sat on the left side

"So Bells introduce yourself"

She looked up at me and pout

"You look same when you pout"
Dark whispered in my ear and I smacked his arm

"My name is Bella Rose Parker"

She said because I already told her to not say Arterbery

"Oh you have Rose's name in your name why though"

Adam asked

"Grandmom named me after Rose because she said I am just like Rose and will be perfect as her"

She said and smiled at me

"Oh she is so like Rose"
Sofia said and we ordered our food and did normal talks and I see Bella is opening with all of them we were discussing something when my phone started ringing I took it out and saw it's dad I picked up something important maybe

"Hey dad"
I said and everyone is silent now looking at me

"Hello princess where are you"
He asked

"Dad I am with my friends, boyfriend and Bella here in macdonalds is something wrong"

"Oh I just that I have a news for you"

"Oh. What it is?"
I asked

"Rose we are no more billionaires"

He said and I was shocked

"What dad you must be kidding me"

"No I am not because"

He paused

"Because what dad"

I asked almost yell

"Cool down baby and listen to me"

"I am listening"

"We made a huge profit and die to that we are no more billionaires we are trillionaires"

I was surprised was understatement I was far beyond that I know I am rich since childhood and I also know we are at the top of world and the most leading company but being the first trillionaire in the whole world is something that you can't imagine if you even have more than billion of dollars in your account.

"Hello are you there Rose"

Dad's voice breaked my trance

"Yeah dad I am this is just so amazing that I am speechless"

I looked up and saw everyone is looking at me I just smiled

"Rose thank you so much"
Dad said


"Because you are the one who cracked this deal you reviewed the file and all other documents"

"Congratulations dad I love you I will come to office in some time"

"Okay baby bye see you soon"

I smiled and hung up

"What happened Rose"
Dark asked

"Oh my dad called me to tell the deal I have cracked a few weeks back earned him a great profit"

Dark nodded and other gave me a questioning look I just replied them with my eyes to tell them later anyways it will be soon all over the news

"So I will pay the bill my treat"
I said and they smiled happy congratulating me

And suddenly our phone beeped at same time it's our newsfeed Dark read it aloud

"The Arterbery's Platinum became the first company to be Trillion dollar empire"

"Oh that's amazing"
I said and they all smiled at me except Dark because he didn't knew the real me he also nodded

"No all we have to see is that who is the next heiress of Arterbery's"

Bella pulled at my hand I looked at her and leaned down and she whispered in my ear

"Rose why are they all talking about us"

"Baby don't say anything I will explain you later"

I whispered back and smiled at everyone

"Guys I think it's time we should head back I also have to drop by dad's office"

They all nodded and I picked my phone and dialed Matt's number

"Hello Rose"

"Hey Matt bring the limo and take Bella back"

"Okay just 5 minutes"

I got up and went to pay the bill after that we all hugged each other and Dark kissed me

"Bells Matt will drop you home I am going to see dad okay"
She nodded and we made our way outside

Matt nodded at me and I made Bella sit inside and closed the door

"Matt drop her straight at home and massage me as soon as you reach"
I said and he nodded

I just want my baby sis to be safe and sound they drove away and I turned around and saw a car parked beside me but it's just not a car it's Megan's car and she came out

"Rose how have you been dear"

"I am doing great Magen"

She hugged me and whispered

"Congratulations dear"

"Thanks Maggie"
I whispered back  and pulled away

"Hey guys how are you all"
She said to all my friends and they nodded and smiled

"Umm. Are you Magen Arterbery"

Dark asked it's not hard to recognize Magen as she is a Arterbery and one of the most famous doctors of New York

"Yes I am you must be Dark Dark, Rose's boyfriend"

He nodded and said

"How do you know each other"

"Umm. We are family friends"
I said

Was all he said

"By the way Magen what are you doing here"
I asked her

"Oh I just came here after my shift was over and saw you guys so I thought to greet you all"
She said

"Okay Megan but now I have to go"
I smiled and said

"Take care dear"
She smiled at me

I went to my car after hugging Dark and drove towards dad's office

Dark's P.O.V

She left for her dad's office and others also left after that I was about to unlock my car when someone tap my shoulder I turned around and saw Magen

"How may I help you Ms. Arterbery"

"By having a word with me and by the way call me Magen"

I nodded but what she wanted to talk to me

"What do you want to talk"
I asked her

"Let's go inside and take a seat than continue"
She said and I nodded

We entered again and she sat in a far away corner and ordered a drink

"What it is Magen"
I asked again

"Look I don't like beating around the bush so I will come directly to the point"
She said and I nodded at her to continue

"It's about Rose and I know I can tell you because you love her and she loves you"

"How do you know"

I asked

"I am a psychologist and a doctor in other fields too and I can see in your eyes just how much you love her"

I smiled I do love Rose very very much

"So as a doctor I can't tell anyone about my patients but I think you can help her"

"What do you mean do Rose have some kind of problem"

I asked I hope not

"Yes she have depression I diagnosed her 8 months back and she is recovering but as a doctor I know only two things can help her"

"And what are they"

My heart is beating so fast on hearing her say that my Rose have depression and she look so perfect and fine still I can't believe it

"One is medicine other is you because love can heal everything"

I nodded for her to continue

"Let me explain Rose have a past many of us have and I know that she still haven't told you"

I nodded

"What past?"
I asked

"I think you already know here birthday is on 5th and she will tell you that day so wait for it"

This is all too confusing

"I want you to help he don't let her drink much make her happy"

I nodded in daze

"Can I ask you a question"
I asked her and she nodded

"Umm did she fainted because she was under stress"

"Yes, she always take stress on even minor things"
She said

"But why?"

"Because she have to hire her dad's company soon and she want to prove herself even when her IQ is so high than a normal human even when she is the most perfect the only imperfect is that she thinks she will disappoint others"

Oh my God

"Dad's company who is her dad?"

"I can't tell you she will tell you her every secret just wait and make her happy"

I nodded and she stood up

"I have to do an operation so I should leave I just came special to meet you"

I nodded at her and she left and I left too

Rose I will treat you and I will make you realize that you some times disappoint others but you are not to be blamed

I promised myself and drove towards my mansion

Rose's P.O.V

I reached the office and parked my car in basement garage and opened my phone

'Bella reached home safe and sound'

I sighed in relief

I can't help but be worried about her I stepped out of my car and grabbed my purse and put the shades and mask on and just then Max came with my special bodyguards we went in the elevator and it stopped on dad's floor all the gards moved out and then I stepped out and every single person that was in the hall was standing in the corner and looked at us I  knocked at dad's door and he said come in I opened the door and as soon as I entered dad hugged me


"Princess I love you so much"

When we pull away he kissed me on forehead and said

"My baby today you proved yourself you made us become trillionaire"

"Thanks dad but can you please tell me the whole thing"

"Come sit"

He made me sit in the couch and sat beside me and said

"You prepared the documents for the last deal we did with African company and the profit we made is in billions so our net worth turned out to be more than 1 trillion"

Dad explained

"So this is the call for a celebration dad"

"Yeah but we already have a gala prepared right"

"Yeah two in one"

"We are the first trillionaire in 21st century I still can't believe it my daughter did it"

I smiled I have proved my worth and I didn't disappointed my dad I am happy now I can live without much of regrets.


Hey everyone I hope you are doing good

So how's the new turn from billionaire to trillionaire

So tell me your views please do like and comment

With love


Published on:- 13th, October, 2020

Word count:- 2146 words

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