Chapter(20) Friday Night

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Rose's P.O.V

Yesterday was more than amazing and I can't be more happy but I still have so much on my plate.

Yesterday when I went to dad's office he called all of the Platinum members and my friends too and we celebrated in the penthouse above our office.

Now I am free sitting in my room it's still early morning 6 AM so I just turned my laptop on and watched some pending episodes of Korean web series.

Yeah I am a big fan of Korean drama and Chinese drama I watched all the episodes and then got up already 7 AM it is so I went to washroom and took a long refreshing bath after that I get ready and went to my study and took my laptop out and checked the file of our presentation it's complete and I checked it last time and put the laptop in bag and went down.

Alex and Max are already waiting for me
"Good morning mam"
They both said and I nodded

"Where is Matt"

"Mam he is at company Mr. Arterbery's assistant took a day of to visit is daughter in Canada so he is assisting him today"
Max said

"Okay let go"

They nodded and Alex opened the car door for me and I sat and took my phone out

Meet me in the cafeteria

I massaged Dark I want to discuss about the project with him

We reached in half hour and I went to cafeteria straight Dark was already sitting at our table, he waved at me as soon as he saw me I smiled at him and walked towards him

"Good morning Rose you massaged"

"Good morning yeah I wanted to discuss the final details"

He nodded and I sat beside him and he kissed my cheek and I smiled at him and we began to work after the first lecture it was finished well it was a free lecture anyways after that we took our books and went to the 4th lecture hall it's our political lecture and we are the second last to present today and I know we will do the best.

We sat in the 8th row and Mrs. June entered

"Good morning everyone I hope you all are done with your assignment"

Everyone said yes in unison and I just watched

I think she should start already why waste so much time

"So we will start now but before that I want to make a proclamation that is, the marks for assignment will be put in the assessment of this semester as this is the last assignment of this semester"

What the fucking boring lecture of her we all already knew that man now being

".......The marks of every student will be marked alone on the basis of how the answer the questions of the fellow students"

After her long boring lecture on the importance and rules of presenting she finally called the first pair and it all went in blur till she called one specific name

Samantha Williamson and Mary Tyler

Well Samantha you all ready know but let me tell you about Mary Tyler she is a nerd but a genuinely nice girl and I had once did a project with her, her dad is a millionaire and is working as one of our department heads.

Well how did this angle ended up with a bitch.

And let me tell you that this assignment would be done by Mary alone because Samantha is a dumb bitch you can call her the typical cheerleader and highschool bitch and she called me a gold-digger time for revenge.

They began the presentation and Mary explained it all and Samantha was just looking at her nails and just standing at the corner of the board and in between looking at Dark and glaring at me

"......So this is the end of our presentation now you can ask your questions"

Mary stopped the penetration and stood in the center with Samantha

Mrs. June asked some questions and Mary answered all of them after that she looked at us

"Students you can ask now"

As soon as she said I stood up and said

"Ms. Williamson can you please describe the relationships of USA with Russia after 1991"

Well there penetration was in the relationships of USA with other countries after world war one.

She glared at me as soon as I asked her the question and Mary started explaining

"After 1991-"

But I cut her off as soon as she spoke

"Ms. Tyler I asked the question to Ms. Williamson please let her answer"

Now whole class was looking at me and Samantha when Mrs. June said

"Umm. Ms. Williamson please answer Ms. Parker's question because I also noticed that you hadn't said a single word in the whole presentation"

Take that bitch

She glared at me and said

"After 1991 there relationship was quite nice and Russia and USA was having a great friendship"

She said and I smirked

"Ms. Williamson looks like you never paid attention to the assignment because Russia and USA was always enemies and even if they never said anything they never were friends nor they are now"

And whole class was silently laughing

And she was burning with embarrassment and anger and gave me a death glares but Mrs. June said

"I totally agree with Ms. Parker and It definitely looks like you didn't did any learning in assignment so Ms. Williamson and Ms. Tyler please take your seats Ms. Tyler as you did all the work alone I give you full assessment and a zero to Ms. Williamson"

I sat down and Dark looked at me amused

"Baby I never thought you will do that"

He said and I smirked

"Well I have to teach her a lesson she deserve it because she bullied Mary Tyler to do all the assignment alone"

"How do you know"

Dark asked surprised

"I overheard their conversation in locker room"

He nodded and the next pair came after 2 more presentation Mrs. June called us we stood up and and I connected my laptop with projector and Dark was handling it and I am done the speaking work

"Good morning everyone Our topic was World War 1 A History and we selected two other related topics World War 2 and The Cold War and Disintegration of U.S.S.R........."

After explain Mrs. June asked Dark some questions and then asked the others to question us and we did it perfectly and I saw Samantha in the corner burning with anger.

"Ms. Parker and Mr. Matthew you did a great work full assessment to both of you"

Mrs. June said and we nodded and made our way to our seat

"You did a great job Rose"

Dark kissed my cheek and I smiled

After that the last pair did there penetration and Mrs. June came in the center and said

"Thank you all for the amazing work and now I will announce the best penetration and that is Ms. Rose Parker and Mr. Dark Mathews great job you both"

I am happy because we beat everyone and being the best at every thing is what I do.

We walked out and met the group in the parking lot

"So guys tell us is it true that that Queen bitch got detention in political"
Rayn asked leaning against my car

"Well that's true"
I replied

"That's great"
Sofia said

"Excuse me Ms. Parker"

Someone called from behind I turned around and say Mary

I said

"Thank you Ms. Parker for standing up for me today"

"It's Okay Mary she deserves it and I know she bullied you"
I said and she looked up at me shocked

"Actually I-I am sorry"
She said

"Don't be it was not your fault but don't let her get you next time"

She nodded

"So do you wanna hangout with us we are going to celebrate today what say"
I asked her and she looked at me shocked

"You want me to hangout with you"

"Of course only if you want"
I smiled at her and she nodded

"So guys let's go guys"

Dark opened the car for me and I sat in and he went to other side and sat

Sofia, Lily and Mary sat in Sofia's car while Rayn, Nick, Adam, and Aria sat in Nick's car and we drove to our favorite restaurant

"Baby can I ask you a question"
Dark asked out of blue

"Go on"
I said drinking water from my bottle

"Do you know Arterbery's daughter"

I choked on the water and coughed he patted my back and gave me a tissue with one hand while focusing on road.

"Baby are yo uh alright"
He asked looking at me we had parked our car in front of the restaurant

"Yeah I am fine what did you said before"
I asked

"Do you know Arterbery's daughter"

"Yeah I do know her why ask?"

I said and I prayed in my head

Don't ask more. Don't ask more. I don't wanna lie to you.

"Oh just that you are friends with all the Platinum's and all so it just that"

He said though his eyes were say something else well leave it I nodded and we got out and made our way inside.

Dark's P.O.V

I asked her if she know Arterbery's daughter because today I saw a file on her laptop when I was doing the presentation there was file named as

'Arterbery's Platinum'

I don't know I was just curious but I didn't opened it and whatever she may know her it doesn't bother me
Now we were sitting in a private room in one of Arterbery's restaurants

We ordered our dishes because we didn't get time to eat anything and so after our lunch we will be going to Nick's ranch he invited all of us and we are staying in his villa there as it's in the countryside and is a very beautiful place.

Rose is sitting beside me and we were driving to Nick's place and she is sleeping I guess she is tired

We reached the place and it a beautiful mansion and I got out and went to other side of car and opened her door and scooped her in my arms and shut the car lightly with my back and went to the front of the mansion everyone was standing at the bottom of the stairs of the entrance

"So she slept"
Nick asked and I nodded

"Will you speak in low tone don't disturb her"
I whispered and glared at him he raised his hands in surrender and said sorry but I know he didn't mean it

"Come let's go in and put her in bed or else she might get cold"

Sofia said and I nodded only she is thoughtful

We went in and it's really beautiful house I saw many pictures of Nick, Rayn, Adam, Aria, Sofia, Lily and Rose in the hallway I am a bit confused we went upstairs and to some other hallway it's so big that you might get lost that's when we finally stopped at the far end of the hall and Nick took Rose hand in his and frowned at that what he is doing then he pressed her index finger on the screen that is on the door and the door opened

"Actually we have all have room here that are protected by our finger prints"
He said

But why so much mysterious we walked in and let me tell you it a beautiful room

Black walls, off-white ceiling golden outlines, big mirror behind the bed, blue and white bed in center, a couch and single seater sofas at the other end of the room fresh flowers, and on the top of that two beautiful Chandeliers were hanging one in the middle and other one where the couch was her room was like one of the royal princess have.

I gently put her down and removed her heels then covered her in duvet.

And I heard someone clearing their throat that's when I realized I was not alone with Rose others are also here I turned around and saw all of them were smirking at us

"What the fuck man"
I whisper yelled at him

"Oh nothing I was going to show you your room only if you weren't acting like a married couple"

Rayn said

"What my room?"
I asked confused am I not sleeping here with Rose I mean not in that way for now

"As much as I love the idea of you two her in the same room but I can't help it straight orders from her dad that you are not allowed to sleep in her room so Let's go"
Nick said

"Umm. Okay can you tell me a little more about her dad and mom"

I said standing up and they nodded I turned around and kissed her on forehead before we left

Now I was sitting in the garden with Rayn others are in there rooms

"So tell me about her family"
I asked

"Well you already met her sis and mom"

I nodded and said

"Her mom is quite mysterious they way she dressed up was telling she is a beautiful lady but that mask and shades were quite different and her sister I don't know if I am wrong or right but I saw Rose looking at her like she regret something and sadness was clear in her also the love and protectiveness, I can't study emotions of people like Rose but I can see in her eyes"

I said

And he looked at me and smiled

"Dark you did observed quite right about Rose her mom and dad are the best people and her dad is very protective for both of his daughters that's why you are the first one to be Rose's boyfriend she had rejected many guys till now because her beauty and heart are both like a goddess"
He said in a calm tone and after a pause he said

"She may look like a cold person but she is very loving and caring they day she confessed her feelings towards you the day before that she got to know about her sister"

What how could even it was possible

"Man how could this be true?"
I asked him

"She was 10 years old when she was last time was seen happy before meeting you after she turned 10 she went to London for 4 years and lived with her Godparents and when she returned she was not the Rose we knew she changed she was a perfect lady when she came back but was not the happy Rose because she had suffered a lot, lost a lot, when she came back she was all alone like she had shut off the world and after her 14th birthday she that's when she slowly started being friends with us again but she was still arrogant ruthless you name it she was all so no one dared to tell her about Bella but she found her the day she fainted and came in mansion that's when she came to know about Bella's existence"

My God how much she would have hated herself and blamed herself for not being able to see Bella

"Bro you brought smile back at her face and warmed her heart just don't hurt her"

He said and patted my shoulder

"And one thing more she is not pathetic she is way too strong than you can imagine don't ever sympathize her she don't like that"

He laughed lightly and walked away leaving me in deep thoughts

"Rose I love you and will love you forever"


Hey guys I just hope you like the chapter this chapter isn't my best because I am a bit sick

I just hope you like it

Take care and stay safe

With love


Published:- 19 October 2020
Word count:- 2679 words

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