Chapter 5: Betrayal. . .

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The Royal Doctor came out of King Thomas's chamber with a white face, "He's severely injured...The gash to the side along with a blow to the head, he isn't doing well. . .", Remus and Deceit were scared as well as the others, Thomas was the only heir to the throne and he was just nearly killed by the Head Guard, that he had known since he ten. Logan and the others entered Thomas's chamber, Patton had a bucket of water and rag, Virgil hasn't said much since last night, the whole Kingdom was now worried for King Thomas...Patton wet the rag ringed it out and gently placed it on Thomas's forehead...Logan was pacing the room with worry written in his eyes, Thomas's Father was now bedridden and now Roman had betrayed his kingdom! Vigil stood up from the chair, "Logan. We have to do something.", Logan didn't reply but he beckoned everyone to follow him. . .

Logan pulled out the white rose and began to talk, "This rose is a magical seal.", Deceit and Remus both looked at each in fear, "I'm not entirely sure who owns this magic but, it is most definitely unstable dark magic.", Virgil seemed to be confused, "If the rose is a magic seal, then how did the magic leak out?", Logan's face sure serious and his voice became cold, "Someone had awakened this magic and absorbed it.", Patton was shaking, "You don't think...Roman had anything to do with the seal, do you?", Logan pushed his glasses up his nose and sighed, "Unfortunately, the dark magic aura surrounding Roman has the same amount of strength as the rose did.", Deceit seemed shocked, "So. . . What does that mean for the kingdom? Roman has almost started a war, now that King Thomas is unconscious.", Virgil sighed heavily and looked out the window, "We have to find Roman. If it's a war he wants.", he turned to the others with a determined look, "It's a war he'll get.", Remus seemed to be silent, "I hate to bring this up now...But does a magic seal sound familiar to anyone or is it just me?", the others were silent before answering, "Yes, actually.", Patton then realized where they had heard it before, "I remember! Deceit's story!", Logan seemed interested, "Maybe there's something we are missing. I shall continue my research.", Virgil turned to the door with no emotion displayed upon his face, "I shall prep the guards and the army for any battle. . .", he left. Patton took Prince Deceit and Remus to the Library for anything on this Witch, leaving Logan to his work. . .

Deceit, Patton and Remus looked through any book they could find on the Witch, "I may have found something!", Remus held up a brown leather book as Deceit and Patton rushed to him, "Well?", Remus showed them and it was exactly what they were looking for! Deceit opened the book and began to read the story that no one had ever told in complete detail. . .

". . .The Witch lay there in defeat as her spell had backfired, she wanted to scream in rage but she didn't want to alert any unwanted attention from the forest. She walked and walked...She was tired...But she was determined to get away before the village returned to slay her...As she walked further into the forest, she collapsed in exhaustion next to a colony of white roses, as she lay there in defeat, ready to give up, she looked up at the flowers and noticed that they were turning black...With what little magic she had left, she sealed it within the white roses and they became Black Roses...Those who come across the Black Roses were never seen again, those who come across the Black Roses were lured into her grasp and were used to get her magic fully and she would continue her reign of terror.", Deceit lowered the book after the last sentence, Remus put the pieces together, "The Roses! Roman must have seen a Black Rose!", Patton was shaking, "Whatever shall we do?! King Thomas is in no state to fight as his father is close to death, we are on our own!", Deceit managed to calm Patton down, "It's alright. . . We'll get Roman back!", Patton and Remus both looked at Deceit, "Listen, we know Roman, what if ourselves, Logan and Virgil go out looking for him and the witch??", Remus and Patton shared a look of concern before agreeing. Deceit tucked the book under his arm as Remus got a book on magic seals as they left to get Logan and Virgil. . .

Virgil swung his sword at the hay, his anger only rose as he pictured Roman as the hay dummy, "Virgil!", he heard Logan call out his name, he turned away from the obliterated dummy, "We have updates on the situation and it requires your assistance.", Virgil sat down with them on the bench as they gave him an update on Roman and The Black Rose, "So, Roman isn't in control?", Logan shook his head, "Very much. Roman would never betray us.", Virgil stood up, "Well what are we waiting for?", Patton stood up, "But, what about Thomas?", Logan gave his glasses a quick clean before replacing them, "I suggest you, Patton and Remus stay with them until we get back.", Remus jumped to his feet as he heard that, "What?! But-But if- ", Deceit put his hands on his brother's shoulders and looked him in eyes, "I promise you, that I will be alright...But the kingdom needs a king and you and Patton must stay here...I promise I'll send you a letter as soon as I can. . .", Remus hugged his brother tight, not wanting to let go, "We'll...We'll do our best, brother. . .", Remus, resentfully let him go. . .

Virgil leads Logan and Deceit to the stables to retrieve their rides, "You honestly believe that Roman would be that blind to go into the Forbidden Forest?", Virgil got his horse out of the stable, "Probably. . . The punishment is quite severe, I don't even know if King Thomas will ever forgive him, let alone spare him.", Deceit and Logan received their horses as Virgil climbed up on his, "So, he's somewhere in the Forbidden Forest.", Logan took a hold of the reigns to stop the horse, "I have spoken to Thomas's father and he was given us permission to search for Roman and bring him to justice.", Deceit brushed the horse's mane as he got on, "Shall we begin our journey?", Virgil and Logan nod, "Let us go!", Vigil, Logan, and Deceit took off towards the Forbidden Forest in the speed of lighting. . .

Roman stood in the center of the ruin, the women bowed before him, "Your Majesty!", he smiled, Thomas's crown was still firm in his grasp, "Why to thank you! As soon as I dispose of those thorns in my side, I shall finally have what I have dreamt of for so long!", Roman sat upon the ruined throne as he held the crow in his fist...Little realizing that he was nothing compared to the real game that was being played. . .

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