Chapter 8: The Village. . .

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The Fairy, Virgil, Deceit, and Logan stood by the outskirts of the small Village, "Now. I know someone that can aid you to the castle, just follow me and don't look anyone in the eye.", they obeyed and kept their heads down, the Fairy leads them into a small shop, "Joan?", there behind the counter was a young man with a black blindfold covering his eyes completely, "Valeria? Is that you?", Valeria the Fairy perked herself on the counter, "Of course! We have visitors!", Joan smiled, "Ah.", Logan and Virgil approached the counter while Deceit guarded the door, "Excuse me for asking, but why are you wearing a blindfold?", Joan sighed as Logan finished his question, "You see...The Witch turned the town into mindless spirits, they take their physical form but aren't fully human. If it hadn't been for Valeria, then I would have also lost my soul.", Deceit nods, "Could you help us get into the castle?", Joan fell silent before answering, "Yes, but there are many creatures and monsters within her castle as well as she shadow Knights, also knights that lost their souls to that Witch.", Joan lead them upstairs, with the help of Valeria, "You got this Joan. . .", once they got to the second floor to see armor stands, "I worked as a blacksmith before this place became a ghost town.", he smiled at Logan, Deceit, and Virgil, "Take what you need.", they were shocked at such generosity from a man they hardly knew.

After they were equipped and gotten all that was required, they set off towards the wall with Valeria and Joan. . .

Virgil threw his makeshift grapple, "Alright. . .", they pulled themselves over the wall and sat down on the wall, the castle was almost destroyed, they looked down at the shadow Knights, who were guarding the front door, "Alright. . .",Joan knelt down but made sure his blindfold was fastened on, "The only way in is through the front door. But there is a back entrance, but that's in the Garden.", Valeria suddenly jumped up and down on Joan's shoulder, "I can distract the guards!", Joan flinched, "W-What if you....-", "Don't worry Joan, I'll be alright. . .", without a sign or hint, she flies down to the guards and started to make them try and hit her as she drove them away from their post. Virgil, Logan, Deceit, and Joan got in before they got back. . .

Virgil and Deceit blocked the door while Logan looked around, "Woah. . .", Joan breathed with exhaustion, "Woah....No one has ever made it this far. . .", Virgil turned to Joan, "Do you know where the Throne Room is, Joan?", he nods, "Yes, it's on the top floor.", Logan helped him upstairs as he leads them up the stairs...

Two more Shadow Knights were guarding the second staircase, "We have no choice but to fight. . .", Virgil turned to Logan, "Cast us a spell that will fill the room with light.", Logan nods, in a quick flip of a page he summoned light, "Lumos!", the hallway was filled with a blinding light as those words left his mouth the light blinded them as it was so bright, but the Shadow Knights vanished, "You did it!", they opened the door to see three more, "HEY!", the knights came at them, but Virgil and Deceit were more than prepared for this battle. Deceit dodged the Shadow that tried to grab him, but easily avoided it and shoot several arrows at it before it disappeared, leaving its armor as Virgil managed to slice the other two in half. Logan had been making sure Joan was safe, "Please, you four go on without me. I'll be here, and if you need me just blow this.", Joan handed Logan a small wooden flute, as Logan blew, it was a loud and very pitch, "Thank you, Joan, please stay safe.", he nods as Deceit, Logan and Vigil exited the room. . .

Deceit peaked around the corner to see two ogres guarding the door, "How do we get past them... .?", Logan smiled. Logan picked up a flower vase of rotten roses and threw it down to the first floor! Logan, Deceit, and Virgil heard large footsteps coming towards them as they tucked into the shadows, the ogres appeared in looked down, Logan, Deceit, and Virgil slipped behind them and into the room. . .

Virgil, Logan, and Deceit looked up the flight of stairs...They hear very faint voices, but as they climbed the stairs the voices grew louder and clearer. They knew one of the voices belonged to him. . .As they reached the top, they were stopped by a werewolf. It growled aggressively at them as he smelled the scent of prey. . . He was ready to pounce on them, Deceit and Virgil fought with it while Logan tried to come up with a solution. Logan found somehow found some raw meat and whistled and caught their attention as they smelt the raw meat, "Yeah. . . You want this... .?", the werewolf followed the scent of raw meat and as it was close enough to Logan, he threw the raw meant down the stairs. The werewolf ran downstairs after it, and as soon as it was out of sight, Logan ran to Virgil and Deceit, "Go! Go!", they ran to the final door and busted through it...But. . . Weren't expecting what was on the other side. . .

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