Chapter 9: The Turncoat.

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There he was...Standing with his back to Virgil, Deceit, and Logan, holding the crown above his head, "At last...What I have waited for. . .dreamed for, for so long as finally became a reality. . .", he started to lower the crown onto his own head, "And at last, everyone will soon know, what a true king is----", "Roman.", Roman froze. He turned around and saw them, "Why~ Have you all decided to join me?", Deceit let out a low growl as Roman could ever dream of them leaving their families for this broken life! Virgil raised his sword at Roman, "We shall never join you!", Roman tutted as Virgil spat his words out like daggers, "Oh, please~ What chance could you have at defeating me??", Logan smirked as Deceit and Virgil exchanged looks of bravery, "It's not that we don't have a chance. . .", Deceit pulled out his bow as Logan wiped out his spellbook, "We know we have a chance.", Roman threw his head back laughing, "Let us see how you will last!", Roman threw the crown to the lady and summoned, the vines and bushes of Black Roses, "Let the battle commence!", he shot his vines out at Virgil but, Virgil managed to cut the vines easily as they were no match for his sword and strength. Virgil cut and doges, as Deceit looked around for something, anything, that would aid. Logan was busy chanting spells to aid Virgil...Deceit knew that everyone had a weak spot, "Deceit!!", in a swift move of his hand, Roman shot his vines at Deceit, Deceit reacted and used his shield to block the vines. Roman started to push full force, Deceit tried to shove back, the vines were pushing him to the edge of the tower, "Fire!", as Deceit was at the very edge of the ruined tower, a fireball came hurling at the vines and hit them, causing Roman to fall to the ground in pain...As soon as the fire started to burn the vines, a light was descending from above. . . They all looked up, including Roman, the crystals. . . They showed Thomas, Remus, and Patton...Deceit and the others had to fight back their tears...Thomas was yet still no awake, Patton was sitting by him as Remus was trying to calm him down...Logan, Virgil, and Deceit knew what they were fighting for...The room showed four crystals around the tower. They nod at each other before taking off running in different directions. Roman was yelling at them as they were now all over his throne room, "What do you think you're doing!!!?" Virgil ran in front of the first crystal, "Let us see if you are as strong as you think!", Roman turned around in fury and shot his vines at him, Virgil dodged it and Roman destroyed the first crystal causing him to scream in pain, the crystals seem to be giving him the power! Deceit and Logan had another trick up their sleeves, as Roman recovered, Logan used a duplicating spell to make a copy of him, "Roman!", Roman turned and fired at the clone, "HA!!", "Over here!", Roman turned to see Logan standing on the opposite of the room. In fury, Roman shoot his vines at him, Logan simply stepped aside, causing Roman to destroy the second crystal! Logan smirked to himself as he heard Roman screaming in pain. Roman was on down, he pulled himself to his feet as he didn't have enough power to heal...He spotted Deceit running towards his throne, "This will be an easy kill!!!", Roman shot his vines at Deceit but continued to miss until Deceit ran right past the third crystal Roman hit it and shattered it into a million pieces. Roman fell to his knees and was screaming so loud that tears were falling from his eyes. His breath shaking as he got on his hands and knees, he looked up to see Logan and Virgil standing by the last crystal. Roman didn't shoot his vines at them...Deceit then appeared in front of him, Roman fired. . .

Deceit barely dodged the attack as the final crystal was turned into nothing more than a pile of dust, Roman screamed in pain as never before! Logan and Virgil rushed to Deceit and Logan started to use a healing spell to heal all their minor injuries. . .

After they were healed...They turned to Roman, he was on the ground...Powerless...He sat there in complete shock, "Did...Did I...Do this...?", Virgil stood up immediately, "Of course you did! Not only this, but you nearly killed Thomas!!", Roman's face had lost its color... .," No... .That-That wasn't me! I was under someone's control!" before Virgil could release the anger that he was holding in, the young women approached them, "I believe this is yours, Sir.", the women held out the crown...Logan gently took it from her hands and bowed, "Thank you. . .", she smiled, but her smile soon turned into fear "Oh...Oh no... .! She's here! Pease! You all must flee!!", "Who do we have here~?", everyone looked up to see a small little girl standing on the throne, "You...You're the child----", she threw her head back laughing, "I'm far from a child, my little errand boy~", she giggled softly, she closed her eyes...When she opened them...They were hallowed. . .A storm started to brew as black mist surrounded the little girl, at this point, the woman was hysterical, "Please! Please flee!!", suddenly violet energy shot her in the back and immediately turning her into stone. Virgil, Deceit, Logan, and Roman were starstruck...They all looked up at the throne to see the madness herself...The Witch of the forest had indeed returned.

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