Chapter I: A New King. . .

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He stood dangerously at the edge, his sword directly at him, "Please, we don't have to do this!", he looked at us for a moment before turning his attention back to him, "You knew how much I wanted my own kingdom. . .", I could see him shaking as his words were spat out like acid, "So now, I shall have what I want. . .", his sword was now so close to him, his words were like daggers. . .


Logan, the Royal Advisor, swiftly walked through the castle halls in search of the Prince. He soon came to the Royal Mentor's room, "Maybe the Prince is having his lessons at this hour.", he opened the door and he was correct. Padre, or Patton, was in the middle of teaching Prince Thomas, neither of them was aware of Logan's appearance. After a few, moments, he cleared his throat, gaining the attention of them. Logan politely bowed before the prince, "Terribly sorry for interrupting your lessons, your highness.", Prince Thomas stood up and smiled, "There's no need to be formal, just call me Thomas.", Logan raised from his bow and pushed his glasses up, "Well, informal or not, I'm here to inform you that your father wishes to have words with you.", Thomas nods, "Of course...Excuse me, Padre.", he walked out towards his father's room leaving me and Padre alone. . .

Prince Thomas placed his hand on the door handle, he wasn't ready to hear what his dying father had to say to him, he turned the handle and slipped inside the room. . .

He stood by as his back was pressed against the door, he could hear the raspy breathing of his father, "Son. . .Is that you. . .?", talking a deep breath, Prince Thomas walked slowly over to his father, "Yes. . .Yes, Father. . .", I sat beside his death bed, his father looked into the eyes of his son, his only son, "Thomas... .I'm dying. . .And I know it. . .But. . .", he paused to catch his breath, "Yes, Father?", he reached out his weak hand to hold Thomas's hands, "I have. . .One thing to say before, I leave this world. . .", Thomas was silent as he held his hand, "Thomas. . .It is time that you. . .took over the throne. . .", Thomas could feel his blood going cold, as well as feeling butterflies in his stomach, "Me. . . King. . .Father, I---"," I know. . .You are scared. . .But, I will always be there to guide you. . .I know you will do well, my son.", Thomas could feel tears starting to form his eyes as they blinded his vision, "Thomas. . .", he felt his father's hand, gently wiping his tears, "I know you will do well. . .I know you will not let me down. . .", the door was suddenly swung open, Thomas shoot his head to only see the doctor, "I apologize for startling you both, your majesties!", Thomas rose from the chair, "No, you are alright, we were just finishing up, I apologize for making you wait, Doctor.", Thomas bowed slightly before making his way out, "Goodbye. . .My child. . .", Thomas closed the door and leaned against it, he couldn't. . .He didn't want to take over the throne. . .He sunk to the floor, unable to compress his tears any longer. . .

Roman, The Head of the Guards, made his way through the castle to meet Logan and Padre, along with his second in command, Virgil, as he flung open the door, he startled Patton but didn't startle Logan, "Ah. Roman and Virgil. I'm pleased you have managed to pull yourselves away from your training to attend this small meeting.", Virgil smiled and took a seat by the window, "Of course.", Roman remained standing, "So, what seems to be the issue, Logan.", Logan fixed his glasses before replying, "I have just received word from the Royal Doctor that there is a high chance that the King will die. . .", Patton gasped, Virgil immediately rose from his seat and Roman was lost for words, but alas Logan continued, "I had a conversation with the King before he ordered me to bring him, Prince Thomas.", Patton's eyes were as wide as cat eyes, "But. . .But, then what will happen to Thomas. . .?", Virgil, however, seemed to know what that meant for Thomas, "That means Thomas is next in line for the throne. . .", Roman flinched at those words, he himself knew Thomas was never so keen on becoming a ruler, but Roman had always dreamed of having his own kingdom. Roman pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind and resumed in the conversation, ". . .Maybe we should go check on Prince Thomas.", Virgil was already walking towards the door, "Of course!", Logan quickly followed after him along with Roman and Patton. . .

Prince Thomas looked out his window at the kingdom below. . .His face was still stained with his tears, he didn't think he would be the perfect ruler as his father is. . .Prince Thomas let out a heavy sigh as a knock was heard, "Your Highness, may we enter?", Prince Thomas was hesitant but, he felt like he could use some company, "Of course. Enter.", the door opens and Prince Thomas was glad that it Logan, Patton, Roman, and Virgil entered, they all bowed before him, "Arise.", they were the only workers that at Thomas has ever had a connection to, "Prince Thomas, we are very sorry for what has accrued.", Thomas smiled lightly, "It's alright, Logan. . .", Thomas turns his back to them to face the window, "I just don't believe I'm ready to be a king. . .", Patton tutted, "Nonsense, you're the perfect Prince!", Virgil stood by Thomas, "I know, that it seems like the world is ending. . .But, we're all going to be here to help you. . .", Virgil could see a small smile as Thomas wiped his tears, "Thank you. . .", after a moment of silence Thomas decided to ask the most important question, "How long does he have left to live, my father. . .", Logan opened his notebook and replied, "He has on average. . . A few months. . .", Thomas turned back to the window, "Wait. . .", Thomas and his friends rushed to him and looked out of his window, "Who's that in the Garden?", a cloaked figure disappeared into the Garden, "Roman, Virgil, you two better check that out.", with a simple nod, they both took off down the Garden. . .

Once in the Garden, they looked around for a cloaked figure, with no success. As Virgil was about to give up, he spotted something peculiar, "Hey, did they more flowers. . .?", Roman came over, confused at first before he saw what Virgil noticed. A single Black Rose within the red roses, "I don't remember any Black Roses in the Garden. . . Let along exist.", they looked around in case the Gardener had planted it, "You know, let's just bring the rose to Logan.", Virgil made a face, "Sure. Let's give Logan and random flower that has probably grown itself, just leave it, Roman.", Virgil started to walk away from the area, but Roman couldn't take his eyes off this certain rose, "Roman! Come on! Let's not keep the others waiting!", Roman snapped out of it as Virgil yelled at him to hurry up. . .He took one last look at the rose before following Virgil into the Castle. . .

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