Chapter 10: Rise of The Black Wolf!

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it's a sunny day in the land of King's Landing and sat in the garden of the Red Keep is the oldest of the Stark girls, Sansa.

Sansa is just sitting there clearly grieving over the news of her Brother's and Mother's demise, at a wedding no less.

Meanwhile Shae is nearby plating up some food for the oldest known living Stark while a hand maid stands off to the side, Shae places the plate of food on the table in front of Sansa as she just looks ahead of her with a far away look in her eye.

Shae: You need to eat something.

Shae remarked stating the obvious to the redheaded northern girl but once Shae didn't get a response she slightly moved the plate closure to Sansa.

Shae: Pigeon Pie.

Sansa seemed to come back to reality during this action and looked to her left slightly moving  her gaze away from Shae.

Sansa: No, thank you.

Shae took the answer as she couldn't really do much else, she looked around the wide range of food around Sansa and opted to offer her a different option.

Shae: Lemon cakes?

Sansa waited for a second seemingly trying to decide if to have one or not and then came to her decision.

Sansa: No, thank you.

Sansa answered but Shae didn't take the answer.

Shae: You love Lemon cakes.

Shae pointed out trying to perused Sansa to eat something but it didn't work, Shae turned though once she heard someone approach and she saw the Imp of the Lannister family, Tyrion.

Shae placed the plate of cakes back in their previous place as she spoke to him.

Shae: Tell her she needs to eat.

Tyrion listened to his from bedpartner's instructions and did just that.

Tyrion: My lady, you do need to eat.

Sansa: I don't want to eat.

Sansa responded pretty much instantly making the people around her worry slightly, Tyrion looked to Shae and the hand maid as it was his turn to instruct.

Tyrion: If I could have a moment alone with my wife.

The hand maid bowed right away and left the area while Shae stayed for an extra moment looking to Tyrion like a women with hate, Shae wasn't going to leave till Tyrion gave a slight head movement making her walk away but not before saying one last time.

Shae: She needs to eat.

Tyrion sat in the extra chair next to Sansa and took her hand in his while looking to the last Stark child.

Tyrion: I can't let you starve...

When Tyrion said that Shae stopped and turned with a look of jealousy and scowled as she left the wedded couple alone.

Tyrion: ... I swore to protect you.

Sansa removed her hand from his and sat up straight trying to get as far away from the Imp as possible without him noticing it, Tyrion however did notice and sat awkwardly.

Tyrion: My lady, I am your husband. Let me help you.

Tyrion asked showing that he cares about Sansa not as a wife but more out of respect for her family and what they've gone through.

Sansa: How can you help me?

Sansa asked through gritted teeth, to her Tyrion is the enemy and his family is the reason her's is no longer here.

Tyrion: I don't know, but I can try.

Tyrion wanted to do just that, he spent time with the Stark family and found that he admired a lot of them, not many boys can stand against his father Tywin in War and come out undefeated, yes Robb lost the war but he never lost a battle to the head of the Golden Lions.

Sansa: I lie awake all night staring at the canopy, thinking about how they died.

Tyrion listened to her words as he tried to come up with a way to help the grieving girl.

Tyrion: I could get you essence of nightshade to help you sleep.

Tyrion suggested hoping Sansa will take his help but she wasn't done.

Sansa: Do you know what they did to my brother? How they sewed his direwolf's head onto his body? And my mother. They say they cut her throat to the bone and threw her body in the river.

Sansa reminisced with tears brewing and streaming down her face as she could do all but forget about the tragic events of the Red Wedding.

Tyrion: What happened to your family was a terrible crime. I didn't know your brother, Robb. He seemed like a good man, but I didn't know him. Your mother, I admired her. she wanted to have me executed, but I admired her. She was a strong women. And she was fierce when it came to protecting her children...

Tyrion tired his best to make Sansa fell better but she still has tears in her eyes, sometimes tough love is what you need though and her talking about it will help, Tyrion however over stepped.

Tyrion: ... Kenway however, I had his presence on my trip to the wall, he's was a strange boy that one...

Sansa grinned sadly thinking about Kenway and all the way's he'd get into trouble as a boy and how un Lord like he was when it came to the important meetings, Sansa heard about the Battle for Winterfell where 250 Greyjoy's stormed the northern capital and never came back out but neither did any Stark's, that was until Tyrion caught her attention.

Tyrion: ... They say he walked away from the Battle for Winterfell, with Wolf by his side and a sword in his hand...

Sansa's mood changed a little from that piece of information but didn't let it show as Tyrion looked to her still hoping his words helped her in some way.

Tyrion: Sansa.

Sansa looked to the Imp belonging to the Lannister family as her tears seemed to be slowing down and her eyes drying up.

Tyrion: You mother and Brothers would want you to carry on. You know it's true.

Sansa didn't respond though and just stood up, Tyrion respectfully followed her actions.

Sansa: Will you pardon me, my lord? I'd like to visit the Godswood.

Sansa walked around the small table and stopped at the small walk path leading away from the  meal while Tyrion agreed.

Tyrion: Of course, prayer can be helpful, I hear.

Sansa looked to him sadly and responded with her true intentions of going to the Godswood.

Sansa: I don't pray anymore. It's the only place I can go where people don't talk to me.

Sansa left thinking about the fact Kenway might still be out their in the snowy north while Tyrion looked down sad that he didn't manage to help her the way he was hopping to...


Kenway is lying in a rickety bed inside a dark room, while an older women pats his head with a damp cloth, Kenway is alive and breathing but it's been weeks since he was brought to the house and he hasn't woke up since.

Jeffrey: How is he?

A man older then the women steps down a few steps showing that Kenway is being kept inside of a basement.

Alysia: Nothing's changed.

Alysia stood up from his bedside and looked to her husband as they both watched over the new King in the North, Jeffrey is around the age of his late 30's early 40's while his wife is mid 30's, he placed his hand on her shoulder while they both thought of what to do, if the Bolton's find Kenway here they'll have them flayed.

Alysia: Go get the boy. His bandage's need to be changed.

Jeffrey nodded and walked back up the steps to get his son while Alysia pulled the cover's off the surviving Stark boy showing all the cuts and burses he was giving trying to defend his home, the only down side is him lying in the bed all this time is he's lost his figure and his hair hasn't stopped growing.

Jeffrey walked into the kitchen out the door of the basement and looked into the dining room, it's a small hut and sat at the table admiring Cold Breath is a boy around Kenway's age grinning to the bright blue gem in the handle of the sword.

Jeffrey: Put the blade down boy.

The young man jumped at his father's presents and fumbled putting the sword down while standing and apologising.

Duncan: Father I was just...

Jeffrey chuckled at the boy as he walked over to the Worner and the blade.

Jeffrey: It's okay, son. This sword was some of my finest work...

Duncan: You forged this?

Duncan asked his father in surprise, Jeffery Worner is a blacksmith but he only made weapons  for fun and family, he mainly focused on armour and other smaller items but one time he was asked to forge with Valyrian steel.

Jeffery smiled to his son's reaction and pulled the sword out it sheath.

Jeffery: Before your first name day, a knock came to the door. I answered and who but Lord Eddard Stark stood with his trusted Rodrick beside him.

Duncan sat back down as Jeffrey told him of the night Eddard Stark came to a lonely blacksmith.

Jeffrey: He asked me to make a blade fit for a King. I agreed and got to work then a few hours later, this sword came out the fire...

Jeffrey twirled the sword in his hand as it was the perfect weapon,not to heavy, not to light and sharp enough to cut through a tree truck with a single swipe, Jeffrey and Duncan admired the blade till...

Kenway: ... And stand with the blood of my enemies since.

Duncan and Jeffrey stood up and looked over to the basement door to see the Black Wolf leaning on the door frame breathing heavily as he has bandages around his torso.

Alysia: Your grace, you should be resting...

Kenway moved out the way of the door and towards the house door while picking his sword up from where Jeffrey laid it down.

Kenway: I'll rest once my brother is back from the war...

The Worner's looked uncomfortable as Kenway's been in a deep sleep for the passed few months and doesn't know about the red wedding, they watched as Kenway stumbled with Duncan catching him and sitting the Black Wolf on the chair he once sat in.

Jeffrey: You must rest, your grace.

Kenway went to wave him off but he heard what he was called, Kenway is a Lord, nothing more.

Kenway: Why are you calling me that?

Kenway asked looking to the three people around  the house, Duncan is tall and could make a great fighter, Jeffrey is about the same size but older and Alysia has kind eyes, she probably only held a knife to cut her meat.

Jeffrey: The war is over, your grace.

Kenway knew what that meant, he wouldn't be here if they had won and Robb killed the incest king, instead he was being kept in the basement of a small farm house somewhere in the north.

Kenway: So Robb's gone.

Alysia stood nearby Duncan as Jeffrey knelt in front of the Black Wolf, Kenway looked into the Blacksmith's eyes as his normal grey and cold have nothing but fire and revenge in them.

Jeffrey: The north remembers...

Kenway dropped his head as he thought about all of this that has happened over the passed few years, all of it started that day the king rode through the gates of Winterfell but that was just the beginning, the real story starts right here...

Jeffrey: ... My King...

Kenway looked back to him as Jeffrey walked over to his sword still in it's sheath, Jeffrey walked  back over to Kenway and dropped to his knee bowing his head and presenting Kenway his blade.

Jeffrey: For the King in the North.

Kenway stood up and looked to the bowing man, Kenway didn't know what to say, he just looked to Duncan and Alysia as they dropped to their knee as well and spoke the same words, Kenway looked to the bowing family as all came clear in his mind, he can't fight the Bolton's in this condition.

Kenway needs to heal and find Jon up on the Wall, the Nights Watch will help him reclaim his throne.

Kenway reached his hand out and grabbed his sword ready to take back what's rightfully his, the Black Wolf is the only King in the North...


(To Be Continued)

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