Chapter 9: The Legend Begins Here!

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Kenway is in his room at Winterfell while he thinks off all the things that have happened recently.

Rodrik is gone and Theon is dead, okay Kenway didn't like Theon but he grew up with the fool and now he isn't here to bitch and complain while sucking up to Robb.

Kenway finished his drink and stood from the table in his room, Kenway walked to the fire and passed the chair holding his new armour while Midnight slept by the warm flames, she was awoken though by a knock to the door, Kenway didn't move when a guard let Osha into the room.

The door shut while Kenway didn't look happy and Osha walked towards her lord.

Osha: You summoned me, my Lord.

Osha went to touch his freshly bandaged wounds from earlier today but stopped when Kenway gripped her wrist.

Kenway: You want to explain yourself?

Kenway looked into her eyes as he hasn't been the same kind caring person since that night he  got the letter from King's Landing about Joffrey taking his father's head and who would be the same after that.

Osha: What do you mean...

Kenway: You know exactly what I mean.

Kenway cut her off as Kenway seemed to have fire in his eyes much like the flames that would shoot out a dragons angered mouth, the scene kinda worried Osha as Kenway is normally the cheerful guy who reads scrolls but now he's the Lord of Winterfell killing one of the people he grew up with, needless to say that Osha was quick to defend herself.

Osha: It was just a trick. As soon as I had the spear I would have put it in his back.

Being a member of House Stark means that you meet a lot of people, meeting a lot of people can help you learn skills and one of the skills Kenway has learned is who to tell if people are lying and if or not you can trust them.

Kenway knew he can trust Osha, she maybe from beyond the Wall but she cares for Bran and that's enough for him.

Kenway: I asked you here for a favour.

Kenway said letting goof her wrist and sitting on the edge of his bed, Osha looked to her Lord and smiled thinking she understood what he is requesting.

Osha: Of course my Lord...

Osha went to drop her dress but Kenway stopped her.

Kenway: Not that.

Osha stopped with her bare right shoulder being seen while she looked confused to him, if it isn't to fuck her brains out then why is she here.

Kenway: I need you to take Bran and Reckon to the Wall.

Kenway instructed while she still looked confused, Kenway knows that Theon would have  bragged about him wanting to take Winterfell to his Sister before he even got here so once she doesn't hear from him, she'll come for Kenway's head.

Kenway: Take this...

Kenway walked over to his desk and to a piece of parchment that Kenway addressed to the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Osha watched as Kenway used a nearby ink stick to sign the letter but Kenway used a stamp instead of his name.

Kenway rolled the page and sealed it with the symbol of House Stark, he walked over to  Osha and held it out to her.

Kenway: The Lord Commander is a friend, he'll give you all a roof till Winterfell is safe again.

Osha took the scroll and looked it over while Kenway moved back to his bed this time getting ready for the small amount of sleep he will get, Kenway sat on the edge and went to take his boots off but Osha did that for him as she sat on her knees in front of her Lord.

Osha: Your not even going to say bye to the little cubs.

Kenway isn't going to, saying bye would mean he'll have to explain himself and it will take to  long, Theon's Sister could already be on her way here as they speak.

Kenway: You'll leave tonight. Tell them I'll meet them there and take Hodor.

Osha stood up after taking Kenway's boots off and sat on his lap while his hands found their way to her ass.

Osha: Well the nights still young.

She said working at his trouser while also taking her own clothes off, Kenway watched as Midnight still slept by the warm fire.

Kenway: Are you disobeying a Lords command?

Osha smiled and kissed him but Kenway pulled her away and stood up throwing her on the bed, Osha watched as Kenway lost his trouser and they had their fun before she got the Stark boys away to safety...


The next morning Kenway woke up to being the only Stark left in Winterfell and it was for the best, Kenway can now focus on the coming Greyjoy men.

Luwin: My Lord. A Small army has been spotted heading towards Winterfell.

Kenway is on the main wall looking over to the surrounding area's that belong to the House Stark while he looked to his right and to Maester Luwin.

Kenway: Greyjoy's?

Maester Luwin nodded making Kenway face back to the snowed land of the North while he smirked.

Kenway: How many men?

Luwin: Just sort of 250. My Lord.

Kenway nodded and walked off to get Midnight ready while he needed to come up with a plan to survive this seemingly winless fight.

Maester Luwin watched him leave sadly till a guard approached the Maester with a question.

Guard: Do you think he can win?

The Maester looked to the young solider as he was clearly worried but the Maester has faith.

Luwin: 250 Greyjoy's against 1 Wolf.

The Maester looked to where Kenway walked off and looked over the railing as Kenway marched across the courtyard barking orders getting everyone ready for the fight ahead.

Luwin: I say the odds are about even...


Inside King's Landing, Jamie has returned to his home with all but one hand and his dignity, he will always been known as the King's Guard who lost his hand to the Boy King.

It's not all bad for Jamie though as he stands with a brand new Valyrian Steel sword in his one good hand while his Father Tywin stands close by holding the sheath.

Jamie: Magnificent.

Tywin just replied with a hum, while Jamie admired the sword.

Jamie: Looks fresh-forged.

Jamie remarked while twirling the blade a little trying to get a better look at the weapon.

Tywin: It is.

The father to the King Slayer confirmed while walking around to sit in the chair that belonged to the "Hand of the King".

Jamie was confused by this and turned to him still with sword in his hand.

Jame: No one's made a Valyrian steel sword since the Doom of Valyria.

Tywin: There are three living smiths who know how to rework Valyrian steel...

Tywin put the swords sheath down while Jamie played with his new toy.

Tywin: ...The finest of them was in Volantis.

Tywin sat on his chair while Jamie payed attention to his Father.

Tywin: Came here to King's Landing at my invitation.

Jamie went back to admiring his sword but only one question came to his mind.

Jamie: Where did you get this much Valyrian steel?

Tywin: From someone who no longer had need of it.

Tywin replied as he, of course, melted down the sword of House Stark "Ice", Jamie nodded with  a smirk because of this and slightly tested out the weight of the sword by lifting it up and down a little getting a good feel of his new blade.

Jamie: You've wanted one in the family for a long time.

Tywin: And now we have two.

Tywin spoke catching the King Slayer's attention once again.

Jamie: Two?

Tywin: The original weapon was absurdly large. Plenty of steel for two swords.

Jamie: Well, thank you. It's glorious.

Jamie thanked his father as he went to slide the sword back into it's sheath but being one handed and doing it wasn't easy so Tywin helped by holding the sheath in place allowing Jamie to slide the sword home.

Tywin: You'll have to train your left hand.

Jamie sat opposite Tywin while Jamie looked to the older Lannister.

Jamie: Any decent swordsman knows how to use both hands.

Tywin: You'll never be as good.

Jamie didn't like the sound of that and yes Tywin has a point, Jamie will never be as great of a swordsman as he once was but he can still be one of the greats.

Jamie: No. But as long as I'm better than everyone else, it doesn't matter.

Tywin: You can't serve in the Kingsguard with one hand.

Jamie: Where's that written? I can and I will. The Kingsguard oath is for life. 

Tywin: The war is over. The King is safe.

Jamie sat back in his chair huffing and smirking.

Jamie: How can you say that when a Stark is still alive.

Tywin: Are you talking about the boy?

Jamie: Yes, I'm talking about the boy...

Jamie sounded frustrated and annoyed by this, Jamie hates Kenway and he's made that known, mainly because Jamie didn't like the way Kenway treated to King Slayer in the north.

Jamie: ... When the Black Wolf finds out...

Tywin: Black Wolf? Ah yes, the prophecy.

Tywin wasn't a believer of prophecy's and stories, he was a man that made his own destiny and took what he wanted and got what he took, a child's bedtime story isn't going to worry him.

Jamie: When he finds out that his brother is dead, his mother is dead and we lost on of his sister's he will come for blood.

Tywin had enough and sat forward in his chair crossing his fingers and looking at his son dead in the eye.

Tywin: He is but a boy, a boy who is chasing around a tiny bit of story that leads to an impossible outcome. Let him come.

Jamie was about to argue a little more before a ward came into the chamber with a piece of parchment in his hand.

Ward: Message for you my lord.

Tywin welcomed the boy into the room and waited for the message as the young man walked over to him and handed the message over, the ward quickly left the room after and Jamie watched his Father's face drop as he read the message.

Jamie: What is it?

Tywin scold and scrunched up the piece of paper, throw it aside and leaned forward on his desk.

Tywin: The Bolton's have taken Winterfell.

Jamie sat confused,what's so bad about that.

Tywin: I asked for a small army of Greyjoy's to liberate it from the so called "Black Wolf".

Jamie: And...?

Tywin: The Bolton's got there and the castle was destroyed and the Greyjoy army along with it.

Jamie understood where this is going and jumped in.

Jamie: But the Stark survived.

Jamie smirked not because he's routing for the Black Wolf but because he was right and his father was wrong.

Tywin: Send word that the Stark boy died along with the Greyjoy girl. Send her and the Greyjoy boy's remains back to the Iron Islands as a show of good will...

Jamie took the order and left but not before worrying about what the future might bring, he's seen the fire in Kenway's eyes, especially when it comes to his family, a wolf always finds his  pack...


Daenerys is sat on a bolder on the edge of a cliff with her two Dragons flying up head playing while Drogon rests his head on her lap, Deanery's giggles while stroking the Dragon's head till her piece is broken by Rhaegal and Viserion dropping a goat's corpse nearby.

Daenerys jumps in shock while Drogon joins the fight for the food, Daenerys try's to calm them down but jumps back when Drogon snaps at her and goes back to eating the dead animal.

Daenerys' sits there watching as all three Dragons took to the sky's fighting over the meal while Jorah approach's the Mother of Dragons.

Jorah: They're dragons, Khaleesi. They can never be tamed. Not even by their mother.

Daenerys sat there listening to her protector till he walked closure with some news she'll wont to hear.

Jorah: We found the Black Wolf.

This caught her attention as she hopes to meet him and persuade him to join her and help her win back her throne.

Daenerys: Where is he?

Jorah looked down and thought while Deanery's went back to watching her children argue over the goat but what Jorah said next made her attention snap back to the older man.

Jorah: He's dead, Khaleesi.

Daenerys couldn't believe it, the prophecy was wrong and un true, never has a prophecy written by the Gods ever been un  true.

Daenerys was about to ask how but didn't need to as Jorah already started to answer.

Jorah: He was cut down in his home of Winterfell defending it from Greyjoy forces.

Daenerys didn't want to believe what she was told and tried to forget it, if the Black Wolf can't help then she must use the help she has to take what is rightfully hers...


Night has fallen over the North as the wind blows and the trees rustle, about half a days walk away sits Kenway Stark, lying up against a tree with Cold Breathe in his right hand, armour strapped to his body and a hole in his right shoulder and stab wound in his right thigh.

Kenway breathed as much as he could till he let the feeling of sleep wash over him and he slowly closed his eyes but not before seeing someone in front of him.

???: Oh my dear boy... Let's get you some help...

Kenway couldn't fight as that was the last thing he could do, the only thing he felt after that was being dragged away leaving a trail in the snow...


(To Be Continued)

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