Chapter 21: Taking Back Our Home!

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Kenway was woken the next morning by a loud horn ringing out across the base camp letting the near 7,000 men know what's about to come, it wasn't just that, which caused him to wake, it was also the aching feeling in his mid-section, forcing him to tug his shirt up with a pained hiss, only to see nothing, nothing by the sensation of having been impaled by a small spike.

Kenway: It's was only a dream.

Kenway told himself, this time not believing it as much as the last time but he doesn't have time to dwell on it, he has a battle to go and win, then get his brother back, so he finished his half empty cup from last night while putting his armour back on, strapping his sword to his waist before heading out to where Shah is with Midnight following them out the camp and to where the fight will be taking place, most of the men already here as he sat on horseback with Midnight to his left waiting beside him.

Robett: My men are in place. They'll wait for you're signal, Your Grace.

Kenway looked to his right where Lord Glover halted his horse, Kenway still hasn't quite got used to the fact there's a Giant fighting with them, but he'll take all he can get to win this battle, Kenway nodded his thanks before Robett took off to join his own men, leaving Kenway alone as they all looked over the battle field where the Bolton men stood with the Karstark's and Umber's, Jon Umber leading the line.

Jon eventually joined Kenway's right side both looking a head to the many more Bolton men, that's only because the rest of Kenway's men are lying in wait for the signal which is Midnight hollowing, as soon as that happen's, the battle will turn in their favour, Ramsey just needs to feel like he's in control here, catch him off guard and he'll panic, making him an easy target for Kenway's fury.

Jon: You really think this will work?

Jon asked looking straight ahead, not looking away from the army their about to fight, Kenway too didn't look away, the dream last night still fresh in his mind while his abdomen still ached a little but he's The Black Wolf, he's not gonna let a little pain stop him from bringing his family home.

Kenway: Would it make you feel better if I said, yes?

Kenway asked looking away from the army a head of them and to Jon on his right, Jon, although having technically been in more battles then Kenway, is much more nervous then he, snapped his head towards Kenway making the now younger Stark smirk.

Kenway: We have no choice but to win. We win, or we die taking that bastard down with us.

Kenway is determined, he decided, instead of worrying about him never seeing Daenerys again, he should just live long enough to see her again, then they can hopefully talk about that whole baby thing, though by the time he see's her again, if she was pregnant the kid would be here by then.

Kenway looked back ahead just as Ramsey started to make his way to their front line, that surprised Kenway, Kenway half expected him to stay in Winterfell and wait the battle out then scoop up the scraps.

Jon: Kenny.

Kenway watched as did Jon while Ramsey tugged a rope behind him, on the other side of the rope is Rickon by pulled behind the horse, Kenway didn't even notice the fact he used the nickname Robb and his father called him.

Kenway: Easy, it's a power play.

Kenway was confident that Ramsey wouldn't do anything to Rickon and his hunch seemed to be correct as Ramsey climbed down off his horse, with the help of a Bolton man, Jon however is still uneasy as he climbed down from his horse and stepped a head of him, Kenway joined him so Jon doesn't do anything stupid.

Jon: Kenway.

Kenway watched now getting as uneasy as Jon is while Ramsey stepped towards them, Rickon still tied by the wrists as he looked completely terrified.

Kenway: He's bluffing, he needs him alive...

Kenway said not fully believing his own words at this point as they both watched Ramsey pull a dagger out from his back and raise it to the sky for all to see, even Kenway's men looking past the burning effigies of flayed people dotted around the dirt field.

Kenway: ... Okay, maybe he's not bluffing.

Jon once again snapped his head to Kenway then right back to the scene as they both watched Ramsey move the dagger towards the scared but brave faced Rickon, Kenway is now worried but then calmed down when he cut the ropes holding his hands together, Davos and the others watching while Kenway and Jon stared daggers at the Bolton Bastard.

Ramsey: Do you like games, little man? Let's play a game.

Rickon didn't answer him as Ramsey tugged on his worn out clothes before putting the boy in front of him making him face where Kenway and Jon are, Rickon still facing the dirt till Ramsey pointed past the boy.

Ramsey: Run to your brother. The sooner you make it to him, the sooner you get to see him again. That's it. That's the game. Easy. Ready? Go.

Ramsey then pushed Rickon towards them as Kenway stepped forward, Kenway loved his little brothers, if anything happens to him, he's not sure what he'll do to Ramsey, Rickon didn't know what to do, he only walked a little as he turned back to the Bolton Bastard.

Ramsey: No, you have to run, remember? Those are the rules.

Rickon still didn't run, not until Ramsey was giving a bow with a few arrows, Rickon then took off sprinting as fast as he can towards Kenway and Jon, Midnight still stationed by Davos, with their horses nearby till Jon turned to mount his horse, Kenway didn't he just ran towards Rickon to intercept the boy.

Davos: Wait.

Davos called to Jon as Jon sat on his horse both watching as Kenway ran towards Rickon, much faster then any other man could run, jumping over boulders and getting closure to Rickon as arrows hit the dirt around him, Ramsey was toying with the boy, he could have hit that shot first try if he wanted but now seeing Kenway move as fast as he was, made the man panic, he then let one last one go as Kenway was withing reach of Rickon.

Kenway: I got you, little Pup.

Kenway had Rickon held close to him in his right arm with the arrow Ramsey fired in his left hand, mere inches from his brothers back, Ramsey looked shook as Kenway stood up, his brother shaking beside him.

Rickon: Jon said you were dead.

Kenway didn't look to Rickon, he only looked a head to the Bolton army and held the arrow in his left hand, while Rickon looked between Kenway and Ramsey, Ramsey having pure fear in his eyes.

Kenway: And I told you to stay at the Wall.

Kenway whistled and his horse Shah started making the journey towards them, Kenway looked to his entire army and none of them had seen a man, a mortal man run so fast before, even Jon, Davos and the others are in complete shock, wondering if Kenway really did die that day in the ocean and something else took his place.

Kenway: She'll take you back to camp. Sansa will be waiting for you.

Kenway lifted Rickon up onto his horse as the boy wiped a few tears from his eyes, he was inches from death, Kenway would be disappointed in him is he wasn't scared, Kenway sighed trying to calm down a little before rubbing the back of his little brother head.

Kenway: Your safe little Pup. Now get going...

Kenway slapped the back of Shah making her take off, before she did though, Kenway pulled a small battle axe from the saddle he packed before he left...

...  Kenway drew his sword in his right hand while the axe rested in his left, he walked towards the Bolton men as they drew arrows before letting them loose, Kenway didn't stop walking though using his sword to block an arrow as he walked, Ramsey is where Kenway want's him to be, panicking and running back to his horse.

Ramsey: Charge him...

They all looked up to him confused to why they'd do that, Ramsey in his slightly panicked state looked around them all before barking the order once more, giving them no choice but to follow orders.

Ramsey: ... Charge him now!

A Karstark man called for the charge as Davos smiled with pride, their men are running right into the trap as Ramsey with a few guards sit on the hill, Kenway then started to run again, this time giving another whistle, a little more high pitched then the one before, they all knew what this meant as Midnight did her job...

... As soon as the howl came, Kenway's army charged to wards the Bolton's, Jon leading the line with the rest of the men shortly following him, the Glover men waited for a little while longer, making sure to box the Bolton forces in, with nowhere for them to go, after the time, Lord Glover made the call and they all charged out from their hiding place, catching the Bolton men, Karstark's and Umber's by surprise, not sure where to fight.

The 3,500 pushing them from one side to the other 3,500 pressing towards them, Davos called for their archers to draw which they did after Kenway and Jon collided with the Bolton army, all of them fighting like mad men to take back their King's kingdom, Ramsey copied the older man but Davos had a change of heart.

Davos: No. We'll just kill our own men. stand down.

Ramsey had no such morals and ordered for his men to "Loose" which they did, luckily for Jon killing a man who was just about to shove his sword in his back, Kenway however had no such issue moving like a man possessed, cutting them down easily with sword and axe, his flesh and armour being covered in the enemies blood as the army slowly dwindled, the Bolton army causing Ramsey to panic and turn to Jon Umber the only other man who hates the Stark's as much as the Bolton's.

Ramsey: Now.

Jon Umber thought he'd never get asked and drew his sword while Davos felt left out, he climbed down from his horse, drawing his sword and letting out a loud battle cry charging with the archers heading into the fight, Ramsey watched as he was losing this batter as Jon Umber got the rest of the Bolton men prepared to fight.

Umber: Who own's the North!?

He bellowed across the men standing and waiting, the Glover men pretty much meeting the rest of Kenway's army in the field, only leaving the Umber's left to deal with, the men replied to their Lord, like good foot soldiers would.

Men: We do!

Jon Umber repeated the question and they gave the same answer, just louder then before, Kenway looked up as Jon Umber roared out charging into the battle, Kenway smiled a little while panting heavily, side stepping a wild swing before cutting the man's head off with a single swing of his sword, he heard a growl and looked to see Midnight be his side, she seems fine, just with blood around her mouth.

Kenway: Rip and tear.

He could swear that she smiled to that then took off killing a few other men, Kenway went to as well but saw Jon get knocked to the ground, Kenway tossed his axe into the air a little before throwing it into the man's back, Kenway walked over to him, holding his right hand out.

Kenway: Can't have my only heir dying on me now. To your feet!

Jon accepted the help and Kenway pulled him up as they looked around, it's nearly over, the Bolton men, Karstark's as well as the Umber's are slowly lowering, the added men from the Glover forces has really helped them turn the tides.

Jon: You were right...

Jon panted as Kenway turned to him no longer looking around the battle field, all the dead men on their side, wasn't necessary but he will honor them in death as soon as this is other, they will celebrate in their name and show respect to the fallen.

Jon: ... I doubted you and I shouldn't have.

Kenway didn't mind, what kind of man would Jon be if he didn't question him, Kenway let it slide as a horn rang out around them, Kenway didn't know who it was and got a little worried that Ramsey got some more help, that was until he saw the banner of the Arryn flying around, wiping out the last few Bolton men, Kenway and Jon looked to a small hill top the Arryn men were running out from to see Sansa on horse back with Little Finger beside her, Kenway smiled for both, being wrong about his sister and her bringing Little Finger to him, he has a lot to say to that man.

Jon, Kenway were joined by the Giant and Tormund as they all looked to where Ramsey is still sitting on his horse, clear fear in his eyes while he watch's as his army is being wiped out, Ramsey locked eyes with Kenway who still held both axe and sword by his side, Midnight sliding just between he and Jon, they watched as he turned tail and ran back to the safety of the castle.

Kenway: Let's put an end to this, brother.

Jon agreed and both Stark's took off towards Winterfell, Tormund and the Giant hot on their heals, Midnight leading the way, Sansa watched a little worried that their running into another one of Ramsey's traps, which seemed to be true as Ramsey climbed off his horse.

Ramsey: Their army's gone.

He told a Bolton general walking past him, seemingly not scared of The Black Wolf seconds away from the front gate, the general didn't look as calm for facing the King of the North.

Bolton General: Our army's gone.

Ramsey scowled, rolling his eyes before turning to the man, a sick smile on his face almost as if he hadn't just sent thousands of men to their graves for nothing.

Ramsey: We have Winterfell. They don't have the men for a siege. All we have to do is wait.

As soon as he said that a loud banging came to the front gate, causing all the men to rush towards it, Kenway, Jon, Tormund and Midnight stayed safely hidden while arrows rained down on the Giant who's trying to open the door, he put his fist through it and reached for the bar holding it, instead he got a spear to the hand which he just pulled his hand out, leaving a massive gap in his head.

One last roar though and he broke the bar with a shoulder bash, swinging the doors to Winterfell open, he stumbled into the courtyard of Winterfell as the rest of their army caught up and charged through the now open gates, wiping out the rest of the Bolton men, Kenway, Jon and Tormund stopped, watching from the side of the kneeling Giant, they all looked worried for him as he was riddled with both arrows and spears, Jon was about to reach for him but stopped when an arrow pierced his eyes.

Kenway looked to see Ramsey there with a sick grin on his face as the Giant face planted the dirt, dead, after all that he survived in the battle, this bastard is the one who killed him.

Ramsey: They do say "There's always a Stark in Winterfell". Welcome home.

Kenway was over this man and wanted this to end, so he walked towards him dropping his weapons as Ramsey draw another arrow, Kenway still kept his walk up when Ramsey fired, Kenway just caught the arrow though, like he did earlier, this time he snapped it in half before tossing the ends to the mud, once again Ramsey started to panic as his army lowered their weapons, the Bolton's, Umber's and Karstark's are all gone, he's the last one left and it looks like Kenway wants to end him.

Ramsey drew another arrow this time pulling it back and firing, Kenway side stepped making the arrow fly past him and into the wall, Ramsey drew another arrow but before he could fire, Kenway punched him to the floor and stood over him, Ramsey laid there as Kenway looked around to all the Bolton shit in his home and ordered it to be replaced with the Stark banner, not before Kenway ordered for Ramsey to be taking to the dog cages.

Winterfell once again, is home to the Starks...


(To Be Continued)

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