Chapter 22: Winter Is Here!

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It's been a few hours since Kenway lead the army to victory, the battlefield being cleaned up as the courtyard has been turned into a make shift camp where they can get patched up as well as something to eat and drink, Kenway however just sat there on a barrel, leaning on his sword while the tip pierced the dirt.

He only looked up when foot steps approached him, he looked up to see Sansa walking towards him with Rickon beside her, Kenway smile standing up and hugging his little brother, not having seen him since he sent him away with Osha, speaking of which where is she.

Sansa: Kenny. Where is he?

Kenway stopped smiling and hugging their brother as he looked up to her, he already knew what she wanted to know, it's also the only reason he didn't kill Ramsey, Ramsey's not his to kill, his life belongs to Sansa and he nodded for her to follow him.

Kenway: Not you. Go help Jon.

Kenway said to Rickon who went to follow him, Kenway knew what Sansa wanted to do and doesn't want his little brother to go down that road just yet, Rickon nodded though happily running to where ever Jon is as Sansa and Kenway walked in silence to the places they kept the dogs, he stood at the gate, Ramsey still passed out tied to a chair as Sansa looked to him.

Kenway: I'm sorry.

Sansa looked up to her brother as he looked down to the snow beneath their feet, Kenway spent so much time in Meereen, living with a level of luxury while she was going through hell, then he said those things to her last night and it was un called for.

Kenway: Your not just a girl who knits dress. Your my sister, a Stark. I need to remember that as well as the rest of the North.

She smiled to him as Kenway lent to her and planted a kiss on her cheek, Kenway's never done anything like that before, before he was closed off in his little story's and tails to even care what she felt, now he seems to be a weird mixture of himself, Robb and their father Eddard.

Kenway: I can't begin to understand what you went through, I wish I could but I can't. What I can do, with your help. Is stop that from happening to another person.

Kenway held her upper arms in his hands as he made her face him, she nodded to him thankful of his words, he didn't need to say them but he has and that's what matters, he gave her one last hug before leaving her to her revenge, Kenway has to send a Raven to White Harbor about forgiving them for their treason, if they send 120 ships to Meereen for Daenerys, as a sort of, apology for leaving out of the blue, if he didn't though, Ramsey might have beaten Jon and killed the last of his family, this is a win for them.

Sansa waited and waited watching Ramsey like a hawk as he finally started to stir after hours of watching, it's now dark out, that's how long she's been here waiting for him to wake up, he started to come to as his blood dripped from his beaten face and to the floor.

Ramsey: Ah... Sansa. Hello, Sansa. Is this where I'll be staying now?

He asked as he slowly came more to his senses, Sansa didn't answer him though, only watched him as he started to look around where he is, Sansa looking at him without a single regret in her eyes while he continued to talk.

Ramsey: No. Our time together is about to come to an end. That's all right. You can't kill me. I'm part of you now.

Sansa let him finish whatever he was talking about, he seemed to have this idea that Sansa will spare him after everything he's done to her, even if she did, she's not sure Kenway would, he'd take his head off before he could reach the courtyard.

Sansa: Your words will disappear. Your house will disappear. Your name will disappear. All memory of you will disappear.

Ramsey actually gave out a small huff of amusement, that was until he heard a growl from his right and turned to see one of his hounds at the open gate, looking at him, Ramsey smirked again now turning to his left after another growl caught his attention, this time the hound came out of that gate and started to circle him, the smell of blood filling their noses while two more left a gate at the back, making their way towards their master, Ramsey glanced back at the dog to his right, to see it now drooling from the potential meal in front of him.

Ramsey: My hounds will never harm me.

He sounded both confident and shaky in his words while looking towards Sansa lifting his face up to try and assert some sort of authority, Sansa didn't care though and reminded him of something he told them yesterday.

Sansa: You haven't fem them in seven days. You said it yourself.

Sansa still seemed to show no emotion, care or regret nowhere in sight as the hounds still circled Ramsey, letting off the odd growl here and there making the bastard worry more and more.

Ramsey: They're loyal beasts.

His voice braking as he grew more and more worried sitting here un protected in front of these hungry savages, Sansa still had no care or concern about what happens to him.

Sansa: They were. Now they're starving.

Ramsey now looked scared as more growls came from around him, the hounds becoming more sure and sure that their former master is their next meal as the dog from the right cage, stepped out and climbed on to him, resting it's front paws on Ramsey's legs as it's back legs kept it up.

Ramsey: Sit...

He hissed trying to order the dog but instead the hound just got closure and closure to  Ramsey's face sniff at the blood, clearly, it understands that Ramsey is his master but the dog's hungry.

Ramsey: Down... Down!

He yelled as the hound started to lick his face getting a taste of his master blood, thanks to Kenway's punches earlier, Ramsey's orders seemed to work for a second as the hound moved away.

Ramsey: Down! Down!

It didn't work that well because the hound had the taste and wanted more, launching forward and eating away at his master face, Sansa watched and listened to Ramsey's screaming for a moment as the hounds he trained became the things to kill him, she eventually turned tail and walked away with a small grin on her face, nothing is stronger then a wolf pack and the wolves are finding their way home...


Jon's found himself in the great hall at Winterfell, the High table being the only thing in the room right now as he ran his hand over the chairs there eventually coming to a halt, taking all of this in, he's finally a Stark and will sit up here, with his brothers and sister, like he's always dreamed.

Jon: When we had feasts, our family would sit up here and I'd sit down there.

Jon said to the Lady Melisandre standing to his side looking around the empty room with him, she believes that Jon is the true King of Westeros but now thanks to Kenway, Jon will never have a clam to the Iron Throne.

Melisandre: Could have been worse, Jon Snow. You had a family. You had feasts.

She called him his bastard name not having known that Kenway legitimised him, the news will spread around soon, although it won't be official until it's witnessed by the North, Jon didn't seem to notice it though and looked down to the stone floor with a huff.

Jon: Aye, you're right. I was luckier than most.

What they didn't expect was for Kenway to walk through the main door, no longer in his armour but in proper Stark robes, looking right at home again, Kenway looked up and saw Jon with the women and stopped.

Kenway: Apologies. I'm not interrupting am I?

Kenway smirked towards Jon, making the former Bastard grow a little uncomfortable, he did love a women once but she's gone, long gone and he isn't going to love again, at least that what he believes.

Melisandre: Not at all, Your Grace.

Kenway slightly nodded his thanks before walking towards Jon, stopping at the table leaning his closed fists on it, he just learnt that Jon has a friend in the Citadel, Kenway has been meaning to send someone, or even himself there to read more about this prophecy.

Kenway: I heard you have a friend in the Citadel. I need them to look into the prophecy of "The Black Wolf", their to bring it directly to me, no one else.

Kenway ordered with a little bit of a question, Jon agreed and was about to go send a Raven to Sam about it but before he could Melisandre caught their attentions, apparently she can give Kenway what he wants.

Melisandre: I can read you the prophecy, Your Grace. I'll just request you in a more intimate setting.

Kenway and Jon looked in her direction, Jon looking to his right and Kenway looking to his left, Kenway is the bigger man, height and muscles, also depending on who you ask, he's also the better looking but he didn't feel like disrespecting Daenerys like that.

Kenway: I'm honored but my heart belongs to another.

Jon looked towards Kenway and wondered who it might be, he thought it could be Osha, it was no secret that he and her shared a bed more then one occasion, Rickon told them, Kenway must have been pretty upset when he heard that Ramsey killed her.

Melisandre: Not so like that, Your Grace. I would just ask for you to be in a relaxed spot, that way I can read your path through the Lord of Light.

Kenway raised his eyebrows to her, he's born believer of the Old Gods, all this Lord of Light and new gods is bogus to him, before he turned it down though he honestly thought about it, it would be quicker then waiting for Jon's friend, and seeing his path might help him understand what's going to happen in the future.

Kenway: Alright. Any funny business and I'll hang you from the front gate for your precious Lord of Light to see.

Melisandre bowed her head a little as she understood the terms, she's always wanted to get into the head of The Black Wolf and now she can, all she needs is him alone and the prophecy will be clear to her and he alike, Kenway turned to Jon about to tell him to leave the message but before he could the sound of approaching footsteps caught their attentions and they all looked to see Davos walking towards them with a purpose.

He stopped in the middle of the room and throw something at Melisandre, she caught it and looked it over for a second, it looked like a hand carved model of a Stag or something, either way Kenway and Jon had no idea what's going on.

Jon: What is that?

Davos looked at Melisandre like a man filled with anger and hate, Kenway walked around the table, now standing beside Jon and behind his chair, the chair his father sat at, the one his brother Robb sat at, then the one Jon will sit at when Kenway is no longer here.

 Davos: Tell them. Tell them who it belonged to.

She took a second, looking down at the toy while Kenway and Jon just watched not really sure of what's going on here, they both have a small bad feeling but that's just because it doesn't look all that great from where their standing.

Melisandre: The Princess Shireen.

Kenway knows that name, she is the daughter of Stannis Baratheon, the older of the Baratheon brothers and in Kenway's eyes, before he met Daenerys, the rightful King to the Iron Throne after Roberts death.

Davos: Tell them what you did to her. Tell them!

He bellowed making Kenway look to him, he was about to scold him for yelling in the Great Hall but before he could he saw the hurt and pain in his eyes, this now made him curious to what this women did.

Melisandre: We burned her at the stake.

Jon couldn't believe it, and honestly, neither could Kenway but Kenway needs this women now, if she has any chance of giving him information he needs to know that he doesn't already know then he needs her.

Davos: Why?

Kenway leant on the table again, Jon just behind him a little closure to her, Kenway looked between the trio in the room and listened to her words not just heard, her voice was breaking, her words were trembled, she isn't happy of what she did.

Melisandre: The army was trapped. The horses were dying. It was the only way. 

She seemed to be trying to reason with them more then defend her actions, if she apologised for what she did, then that would be one thing but she seems to be avoiding blame more then anything here.

Davos: You burned a little girl alive!

Kenway was getting a little tired of his telling, he gets he is emotional and what not but he's still tired from the battle yesterday, he wasn't able to get much sleep last night, he hasn't ever been able too since he woke up in Meereen, Daenerys just made the sleepless nights more comfy.

Melisandre: I only do what my Lord commands.

Kenway started to re think this whole, her getting in his head situation, if her Lord makes her do things like that, it's making him wonder how much help she can be to him.

Davos: If he commands you to burn children, your Lord is evil.

Kenway stood up now looking towards Melisandre, his arms folded across his chest as Davos still kept yelling, at this point though, Kenway's going to allow it, especially since she seemed stunned someone spoke such words about her God.

Melisandre: We are standing here because of him.

Kenway had heard all he needed to hear and spoke up for the first time since Davos walked into the room, he's made up his mind and it the King, everyone can challenge that if they want.

Kenway: Wrong, we're standing here because of me.

Kenway looked around to them, the grieving Davos, the stunned Jon Stark and the regretful Melisandre, he approached her, slowly making his way before stopping in front of her, his arms be his sides, she couldn't look him in the eye as the other two men watched.

Davos: I loved that girl like she was my own. She was good. She was kind. And you killed her!

She looked past Kenway and to Davos as his words seemed to get to her a little, she didn't respond and looked back down to the floor as the bigger Black Wolf stood mere feet from her, Jon wasn't sure what to make of all this, this kind of thing is defiantly more Kenway's field then his own.

Davos: I ask your leave to execute this women for murder. She admits to the crime.

Kenway glanced to Davos over his shoulder and thought about this, he can't ignore what she did, yes the girls parents could have stopped it but she had them wrapped around her little finger, anything she said they would have done, he looked back to her and needed to make a choice, it wasn't very difficult, Kenway will find out about this prophecy, it'll just take longer with Jon's friend then it would with her, he can wait though.

Kenway: Ride South. If you return to the North, I'll have you hung for Murder.

She looked up to him and her chance of looking into the Black Wolf's future is over, she will never get that chance again, she nodded to him though before giving a small bow, she reached past him, putting the toy on the table before walking towards Davos, heading out the door, Jon and Kenway watched as Davos stepped in her way.

Davos: If you ever come back this way, I will execute you myself.

Kenway didn't really like the fact Davos undermined him but let it pass as the man's emotions are clearly not in check, all Kenway could think about though is what if Daenerys was pregnant with his child and Melisandre tried to do to them like she did to this little girl and he'd honestly have killed everyone who tried to stop him to save her, the way Kenway sore it though is she regretted it, that's now something she has to live with, death would be too quick and painless for her.

Kenway stood on top of the wall and watched as the women did what he told her, she left heading South on one of the horses, he heard someone walking towards him and saw Sansa, not looking much different from when he left her yesterday.

Kenway: So. Feel better?

Kenway knew what Revenge on the heart can do for you, Kenway's been building it for years now he never seems to catch a break, all his enemies are still alive, well, except the Bolton's, maybe he can catch a break.

Sansa: Not really, the memories are still there.

Kenway nodded sadly to her, he whished he could take those memories from her but he can't, all he can do is make sure she's protected and with since he appointed Duncan as her protector, he's pretty confident she's in good hands.

Sansa: Oh, this came for you. It's addressed to the Lord of Winterfell.

Kenway looked to her as she held out a rolled up parchment, he had hopped it was word that Daenerys is on her way but the seal isn't her's, he's actually not sure who's it is which is strange considering he spent all his teen years educating himself about all the different houses around them.

Kenway stepped towards her taking the scroll and broke send seal, he unrolled it for a second and quickly scanned his eyes over it till he saw a date, "7 AC", Kenway didn't know what to make of that, that would mean this scroll was write 296 cycles ago, that's impossible, that is what he thought till he looked at the title "Prophecy: The Black Wolf and The Last Dragon", this is it, what he's been searching for all his life, right here in his hands.

Sansa: ... Kenny! What is it?

Her voice pulled him out his mind state and he looked to her, he must have been miles away but he shook it off, rolling the scroll back up before placing it on the side on his hip, where he'd normally keep his sword.

Kenway: Nothing important. I'll be in my Chambers.

Which is actually his parents old chambers, the Lord of Winterfell must sleep in the Lords chamber's, it's been like that for the family's entire history and although it's strange for him now, he'll get used to it.

Sansa: Kenway, wait.

She called out to him and after a few steps he turned back to her, he just wants to go and read this scroll to learn what he's been trying to learn since he started reading about tails and prophecy's, she did have something pretty important to tell him.

Sansa: A raven came from the Citadel. A white raven.

Kenway knew what this meant and looked around him to the snow covered lands while snow was falling around them as they spoke.

Sansa: Winter is here.

All those years of their family saying those words and now it's happened, this one will be more dangerous then any their ancestors have faced, especially with the Night King walking around, Kenway nodded to her and walked away, he now has Winter to deal with as well...


(To Be Continued)

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