Chapter 11

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Hey sorry for the really long wait, I was taking a break as you've probably noticed. So first things first:
Hiccup will not be getting his eye sight back
Second, my updates will be completely out of wack for now on. I'll update when I can and if I update twice in a week or twice in a month. I never know what will come into my life at the time.
Anyway here's the chapter you've been waiting for.

"No! Wouldn't it be easier if we do it this way?" Astrid asks me as she moves her arm lower on my abdomen. We are working on our fighting skills and figuring out which position is the best place to hit someone.
"Well if you hit up here you are more likely to hit something and course some damage." I tell her moving her hand high more to my ribs. I could tell she was thinking by the way she was breathing. She pretty much stops breathing when she's thinking, sighs loudly when she's content or happy and huffs A LOT when she's angry. She hasn't been angry lately though, thank the Gods. Astrid is a horrible person when she's angry.
"Oh now i see what you mean." She said fixing her hand placement. We continued learning different fighting techniques from each other when a strange noise came from my stomach and Astrid started laughing her head off.
"Sorry that's the funniest sound I've ever heard from someone's stomach" she kept laughing and I charged towards her. I knocked her over putting her onto her back. I laid on top of her while she kept laughing.
"Oh for Thor sake shush." I say with a slight giggle. She rolled us over pinning me onto the ground.
"You're always so serious." She said pecking me on the lips. I sit up so she's on my lap.
"Easier said then down.  Need to be on high alert constantly because at any moment some random could come up and try kill me." I tell her
"That is why you have me." She said. I kissed her on the cheek and she stood up. We made our way to the Great hall before my stomach made another loud noise that would make Astrid laugh like crazy.

We arrived the Great Hall and sat down at the table to eat lunch. We enjoyed the peace and quiet until the rest of the teens came in to eat their lunch too.
"Hey Astrid you want to work on our fighting skills again today?" Fishlegs asked. I don't know why he seemed excited to fight, he doesn't like violence. Right?
"Sure Fishlegs. But why?" She asked with a slight giggle
"Ah well... I don't know actually." He said sounding really confused. I tried not laugh because everyone at the table was now probably really confused.
"Let's just go after lunch" I say breaking the silence. I got yes's and sure from everyone.

When we finished lunch we went to the fighting arena. I was still confused to why Fishlegs would suggest working on fighting skills but I just shrugged it off. We arrived at the arena and spread ourselves out in a circle. 
"What do you guys want to work on today?" I asked them
"Stealth. We need to learn how to sneak up on a person with really good hearing" I hear Astrid say. I could feel that she was looking at me when she said that.
"Of course M'lady." I say bowing in her direction   I go stand in the middle of the arena and waited for someone to make their first move. I heard them walk around me trying to get the element of surprise. Fishlegs and Snotlout came at me from behind. I could tell they were getting ready to jump onto me. I patiently waited for their attack. When they were just about to pounce I tripped Fishlegs and he landed with a thud. I whipped myself around and elbowed Snotlout in the ribs. I hear Fishlegs and Snotlout crawl away groaning. The twins do the usual circle around and run to each other. Like usual I step back just in time for them to run into each other. I take a second to have a laugh. They are intelligent but also so dumb. I listen for Astrid's steps but I couldn't hear anything. I stood very still and closed my eyes hoping it'd help me concentrate. I slowed my breathing and still nothing.
"Astrid the point of this is to sneak up on the blind person, not standing still." I say with a chuckle
"I wasn't standing still" I hear her whisper behind me. I turned myself around and wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. She starts laughing really hard.
"Why are you laughing so hard?" I asked
"I won. You didn't hear me coming. I told you I could beat you one day but you didn't believe me." I smirk at her.
"I guess you did best me. Good job Astrid"

The training session went well. We did more stealth stuff then some other fighting thing that I didn't bother joining in because it sounded extremely dangerous especially if you're blind. Astrid sounded like she was enjoying herself. As we were waking back to the village, Astrid stopped me from walking any further.
"Have you ever thought of telling your dad about yourself?" Wow where did that come from. Why would I tell my dad that I'm his son? So he can tell me what to do again. No thank you
"Um no. I never thought about doing that but I have thought what would happen if I did tell him. Nothing good comes out of it." I could tell she was disappointed about it but I couldn't do it. But... for her I'll think about it.

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