Chapter 10

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I wait until all the dragons calm down. They haven't seen me in 4 years yet they still rememberer and trust me. The gronkle slowly came up to me and gave me a light nudge. I pat her on the head and i heard her leg starting to twitch. The nadder made happy noises while the monstrous nightmare stayed back. Oh yeah and the zippleback is just doing their own thing. They remind me of the twins. Always happy without a care in the world.
"Sorry that i left you guys for so long" I tell them loud enough for only them to hear. They didn't seem to care that much about being left behind.
"Hey Astrid! Bring your friends in here i want to show you all something" i yell to her. They didn't respond but I heard them open and close the gate. They close to me.
"Astrid give me your hand." I felt her hand in mine and i smiled to myself before placing it on the Nadder's nose. The Nadder was let a happy noise and licked Astrid on the cheek. She laughed and continued to pat the dragon. Next I got Fishlegs to bond with the gronkle. It was easy since they already had some sort of connection. I grabbed the Zippleback and the twins since they were both pretty much bouncing off the walls.
"Stay still!" I yell to them all. The zippleback was interested in the twins. They were a bit reluctant to go the dragon but slowly warmed up to their energy and personality. The nightmare was going to be harder to train if he doesn't trust anyone but me. I stopped him from playing and put my hand on his nose. Snotlout was next me and i grabbed his hand. He pulled away but I firmly grabbed it again. Once he started to relax the nightmare calmed down too. The teens spent a few hours bonding with their new dragons after 'introducing' themselves to me. They gave their dragons names and finally got enough trust to ride them.

"Did you hear what Hookfang did to Snotlout. Snotlout tried to get onto him but he flung him off then laughed." Astrid explained. Her laugh is hypnotising. It's so beautiful.
"Yeah then he set him on fire. Cooked Snotlout does not smell good" we both chuckled. As we walked back to the cove to talk. We sat down on a rock. Toothless was behind us playing in water. The dragon training session was a good way to get this village to understand dragons like I do. Astrid and Stormfly are a really good tea. They bonded quickly and are now close friends like Toothless and I. I wonder how much longer I'll stay in Berk? No one knows who I am and I kinda hope they never find out. I have no idea what my father will do to me if he finds out. I could tell Astrid? I mean we are becoming really close now. The only problem is, is that I have no idea how SHE'LL react.
"Hey? Did you hear what I said?" Astrid aid pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Ha? Oh sorry. My mind was somewhere else. What did you say?" I said feeling a little bad.
"I said: tell me more about yourself. I know some of your stuff is private but I'd like to more about the dragon rider." Astrid sounded nervous. What was going to do? Kill her if she found out.
"Well I ran away from home because father... and mother kept trying to control me because of blindness. During a dragon raid someone hits night fury and warned not to go into the forest. Me being curious and adventurous went into forests and found toothless. We become friends and I made him a new tail so he could fly with me. My parents found out and we're going to go into the forest to kill him so i left island before they could kill him. I spent months trying it find a new island on and now i have home just behind the archipelago. And yeah the rest of the story you know." I say with a shoulder shrug.
"Wow that's sad but also amazing. Will you take me to your island one day." She said with such hope in her voice.
"I can't see why not. Before i do that I'll tell you my identity just in case you change your mind"i tell her
"Why would I change my mind?" She asked
"Just trust me you will" i say with sadness in my voice. I hope she won't change her mind about me. She's the only other person who doesn't treat me like I'm blind.

The days passed by and Astrid and I became closer. I was organising a picnic in cove for her. Well as much of a picnic as I can. I do the set up and she'll bring the food. I'd rather not cook food for myself. It took me 6 months to learn how to cook fish for myself. I think today I'll tell her who I am. I feel ready and I think she'll trust me enough. If it all goes down hill I have an escape route. Toothless is ready to take me away from this place. I hear the flapping of Stormfly's wings as she lands a few metres away.
"Wow. This is beautiful" Astrid says.
"I sure hope so. Since I can't actually see it." I say with a light chuckle. She laughs too and we sit down to enjoy our picnic. How do I tell her? Make it a guessing game? Just straight up say it? Maybe a game, at least it'll be fun for me too.
"Astrid let's play game. It's called 'guess the identity of this guy right here'." I say pointing my thumbs towards myself. I hear her laugh again which makes me smile.
"Ok sure. How do you play" oh yeah. There's supposed be rules and instructions. Oh Thor I didn't think this through. Whoops.
"Oh ah hmm. I didn't think this through... maybe I'll tell you my story. More in depth and truth" Astrid stays quiet meaning for me to continue what i was saying.
"Ok. My mother was taken away by a dragon when I was was only my father and i until i learned how to walk by myself without anyone having to follow me around. No one believed me and still tried to help me. When i was 16 my dad put me in dragon training AFTER found toothless. I think if I didn't find him this would be a completely different story. Anyway, i did well in training and no one could understand why I was doing so well. I told them i could feel vibration but of course they still didn't believe. I got to the point where i just wanted to get away. So after someone found out i had toothless i pretty much took off the next day. Not after my dad yelled at me for it. Now I'm back with many villages confused to why the mysterious dragon rider is blind even though the chief's son and the mysterious dragon is the same person. So that's my story. Still want to come to my island?" Astrid didn't say a word. Had she walked off while i was telling the story? I heard her take a breath. Ok she didn't leave. I waited for her response but it never came. I was about to get up and walk away when i felt her hands on my shoulders. I looked straight ahead waiting for her to do something. What she did wasn't what i was expecting. Her lips were pressed against mine. I didn't know what to do at first. It only lasted a few seconds and the feeling was gone. All that was left was a tingling feeling.
"I'm sorry Hiccup. I never should've told your father about Toothless. I was just so jealous that you got chosen instead of me. I feel terrible now." I gave her hug and we sat down to talk about dragon training.

New update.

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