Chapter 9

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We've been in the woods for quite some time and it's the most relaxed I've ever been. Last time i was this chill was when Toothless and i arrived at our new island for the first time. We had some much fun exploring and i ran into so many things. Toothless just laughed at me most of the time. Astrid and I are leaning against toothless. She's looking up at the sky while I feel the sun and breeze on my face.
"Have you always been blind?" Astrid asks breaking the silence.
"Ah yeah. I was born blind. Back at home people didn't always believe that i could take care of myself." I tell her
"Wow that must of been annoying. Having people follow you and always worrying that you're going to hurt yourself." She makes it sound like she completely understands but i don't know how. Astrid was allowed to leave her house by herself at a young age and she was allowed to do whatever she wanted because she could take care of herself.
"By the sound of it, you must've been independent when you were younger?" I say making it sound like a question instead of a fact
"Ah yeah. Everyone thinks I was allowed to go where ever i wanted because i could take care of myself but that's kind of a lie. My parent actually gave my curfew of when i was supposed to be home. Sometimes I would ignore them and stay out later." She tells me. I never would have thought that her parents would be so protective as well
"Yeah i would stay out later too. My fath... parents would want someone with me or I'd have an hour by myself but they would only last 10 minutes. Sometimes I'd go into the woods just to scare them." I laugh to myself. I usually got punished after doing something like that but it was definitely worth it.
"So what happened to them?" Astrid asked me knowing what I was about to say.
"Um my mother got taken away from me at a young age my father I ah don't know. I don't know what happened to him, but i have a feeling that he is alive and well somewhere. I'd know if my father was dead. Trust me." I say with a slight smile. I feel Astrid's arm on my shoulder as a sign of comfort.
"You're really comfortable with Toothless. Why?" I was really curious since Berk used to kill dragons.
"Ah someone left years ago and after they left i had a completely different opinion on dragons. I don't know where they are now but I really hope they are ok." I sense her smiling. We sat in silence a little while longer until a felt a weight on my shoulder she's fallen asleep on me. I smile at her and i slowly drift off too. Listening to her steady breathing.

I was awoken by someone shaking me awake. I look around to get used to my surroundings. Ok we're still in the forest and Toothless is still behind me.
"Morning Astrid. Sleep well?" I ask
"Yeah kind of. I haven't slept on the floor for years. It felt really weird." Sh says with a chuckle. I smile at her because it's true. The last the teens and I slept on the floor was a tracing exercise Gobber made us do when we were 10. My dad was out looking for the nest so Gobber snuck me out so i could join the rest of the group. No one talked to me but it was nice to be outside with no one to tell me what to do.
Astrid and i made our back to the village while Toothless did his thing isn't eh forest. I am wondering what he is doing but if he feels more comfortable there then he can stay. We made our what to the Great hall for breakfast. I couldn't wait to hear what the other teens have been up to. I wonder if they are the same or they've matured... yeah they will be the same. I say laughing to myself. We enter and we take a seat i sit at the end so it's easier for me to tell who is around and who is coming closer. Speaking of which my father is coming towards the table.
"Stoick. What can i help you with?" He stops for a few seconds before talking to me.
"Ah Lad. I was wondering where you and the Lass went last night?" He asked
"We were in the forest and kind of fell asleep. But we ad Toothless to protect us." I Stoic stiffen the mention of my dragon but quickly relaxes.
"Ah yes the Night Fury. Someone i knew had one of those. Don't know where they are now" there was not a single hint of sadness in his voice mentioning me. I was a little heart broken then remembered how he treated me and how he treated me after he found out about me befriending a dragon. I wasn't going to let the past get to me. I don't need my past life in my mind right now.
"Anyway... do you mind helping us with something? We have 4 dragons in the training area a that we need to train. We feed them but we can't them to trust us. Can you help us?" Stoick asked hopeful. Well i guess since I'm here i could help them.
"Sure i can help. Show me the way."
We walked for sometime before Stoick stopped.
"Here we are. " he says
"Open the gate then close it behind me before opening the gate to the dragons. " I could heart someone gasp. I heard the gate open and i walked in. Once i knew i was over the line i stood still waiting until the gate closed behind me.
"Ok. Let them out. And yes all of them" i hear them hesitate before opening the gates. They slowly lifted and i heard all 4 dragons come up to me. They just sat in front of me waiting for my next command.
I heard a few wows in the crowd. More people must've come to see what I'm doing.
"Who is this guy?" Someone said in amazement. If only they knew. The party just got started.

New update is here. I'm on a role with this book but I will not be updating early unless I feel like I left you on a cliff hanger or I know you guys need something to read. I any who, new update next week.

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