Chapter 8

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"Who are you?" The person said. By the way their voice is traveling, they are beside me and is also a female
"Ah hi. I'm not from around here so I'm just going to leave without an trouble ok" i say to the girl. She doesn't back away and her body posture doesn't change. I start to walk away when i feel a hand on my shoulder.
"You're him aren't you?" She ask curiously
"Who?" I say facing her. I was really confused. I haven't had real human interaction since I left berk so this is pretty weird. I don't' even talk to the people I'm delivering too.
"I don't know who you are referring to?" I say trying to get an answer out of them. She doesn't say or do anything. I just stand there waiting for her next move. I'm kind of surprised that she hasn't noticed the night fury standing behind me. Toothless must be so confused right now because he's not moving or making a noise.
"You're the Dragon conquer" she says with a little bit of excitement in her voice.
"Oh my Thor. It's so nice to finally meet the person who stopped all the dragon raids while being blind. How did you defeat the Red death? How long have you been blind? How did it happen?" She kept babbling
"HEY enough. I can't really tell you anything about my identity." I explain
"Oh that's fine. I'm Astrid. I'm from the island of Berk." Astrid... i couldn't figure out where i knew her voice from. My crush is standing in front of me thinking i am so kind of hero. She's the one that told my dad about Toothless and now she thinks I'm some kind of hero. This is weird.
"It's nice to ah meet you, Astrid." I saying trying not to sound like i knew her. I wish i knew what she looked liked so I can see how pretty she is.
"Um... ok then. I'm going to go now bye." I walk away and start to walk towards Toothless. I got on him and we take off.
"Wait. Come back to Berk please. Our chiefs wants to meet the blind dragon conquer." I sigh. Oh Thor
"Of course he does." I say under my breath. But since she asked so nicely i might consider it. I think about. What could possibly go wrong. Right? It's not like his going to recognise his son that trained a Night fury and ran away. I hope.
"Fine. I'll meet you chief" i say in defeat. I might as well figure out how the people of Berk are.
"Great!" Astrid says in excitement.
I get to see my dad again... ok maybe not see. You know what I mean.

I stay at dragon island for a few days since it's takes 3 days to get to Berk. I did my business and left when I thought they'd be back on Berk. It takes a few hours to get there. I didn't know what to expect when I arrived. Will people recognise me? Will they like me? Will they make fun of the blind Viking? I don't know. I sometimes wish i could read minds. I need to know what goes through people's minds when they see me. I know what dragons think. They think I'm harmless and defenceless but I'm not. I'm just like everyone else. I'm only missing one of my senses.

I arrive at Berk and i can feel people looking at me. I keep a blank expression on my face to make myself look more serious. I walk through the village and make my way to the Great Hall where I'm guessing my father is. I know I'm in the centre of town so now i need to make my way up the hill. I can hear people gasp when i walk and not run into things. They are surprised that I'm not running into objects or passing by people. I continue making my way until i feel the stairs t the tips of my toes. I hear Toothless not far away from me.
"Ready Bud" i say so only he can hear. He nudges me and i make my way up the stairs. Step by step, going up slowly feeling my heart rate rise. I take a deep breath before opening the huge doors. I decided I'd make an entry.
"Ladies and gentlemen. It is i the dragon conquer." I heard people shuffling in their seats and shocked gasps in the background. I waited until I knew my father in this room and in front of me. It felt like forever before i felt a presents.
"Ah you must be the chief of Berk." I say looking in front of me. I don't know how he'll react to a person who loves dragons in his village.
"Welcome to the Isle of Berk, I'm Stoick the Vast." He said still proud as ever. After walking to the great hall I noticed nothing has changed. Everything was still in the same place from when i left. I wonder why? Was my father hoping I'd return some day or do they like everything being organised?
"Nice to meet you Stoick. I've heard a lot about you." I say. Even though no one talks about Berk
"Really? From who?" He asked sounding worried
"Oh ah... um. From your earlier years." Nice save Hiccup I tell myself sarcastically.
"Oh ok then. Well I've heard marvellous stories about you young dragon rider. Please tell me more about yourself." For once in my life my father is actually interested in what I'm doing and he doesn't even know it's me.
"Sure. But i can only tell you so much. My name and where I live must stay anonymous." I say with a smile.
"Of course." He sounded sad or disappointed. I'd rather people not know who i am. It'd course way to much trouble and I don't think I can deal with that right now.
I start to tell them about my adventures as best i can since i sense things differently than everyone else. Once i told them of my adventures someone tapped me on the shoulder.
"Hey Astrid." I say
"Hey um. I was wondering if you'd like to go on a walk with me in the woods." She asked. I tried not to look too excited. I haven't been in that forest in years.
"Sure I'd love to. Come on Toothless." I call and he pats behinds us while we talk.

So here's the next chapter. I decided to put it up early so there won't be another update on Monday but I'll post the next chapter for 'Supposed to be banished' up though. Enjoy this chapter.

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