Chapter 7

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4 years later

"Ready or not here I come!" I yell loudly. Right now, Toothless and I are playing hide and seek. It's our favourite game. It gives us the chance to work on our stealth skills and it helps me find my way around areas where I haven't been before. I usually win because Toothless never knows how close I am and he starts fidgeting and pacing. I heard a light rustle to my left and I make my way over there. I stopped walking so I could listen better. He shuffled one of his feet and I started walking over to him. I didn't know what way he was facing so I might have to do some running to catch him. I was getting close so he must be facing away from me. I felt really close to him and I jumped. I jumped onto his back and he nearly flung me into a tree.
"Got you" I say laughing. I could tell he wasn't happy with me. He hated losing as much I did. I jump off his back and started to walk towards the river. The other thing we love to do is play in the water. I might be able to locate where i am, but i always know Toothless is far from me. We could spend hours in water if we could. I suddenly felt water being splashed across my face dripping down the rest of my body.
"Oh, you little... you're going to pay for that later." i hear him laugh in the distance. He must have backed away from me. He knows once we start a war it'll take days to end.

Other than our little wars, not much has happened since I left Berk for the better. No one is around to boss me around and I'm with my best friend. I fly to Berk once and while but haven't heard anything about me. The only new thing I've learnt is that there is a blind dragon conquer. I'm actually surprised that haven't connected the dots. I'm the only blind Viking in the archipelago that I know of and I'm the only person who trained a night fury. I got this name because I defeated the Red Death. I stopped all the dragon raids and I made the archipelago a safer place for children to grow up in. So many villages want to meet me but i refuse to. If someone recognise me as the blind disappointed of the haddock family, I'd never hear the end of it. Why did I leave? Why did I train the most dangerous dragon? Why this? And why that? I don't need that in my life wright now. I have other problems to worry about. I need to deliver some items to dragon island. But sometimes Gobber takes the other teens to that island for training. They don't kill dragons anymore, its so they can learn how to defend themselves if they ever come across one. I think it's a really good idea. I wonder whose idea it was. I'm guessing it was either Gobber or Fishlegs. Both of them rather not kill dragons, they only pretend to hate them.

Toothless interrupted my thoughts by jumping on top of me and licking my face.
"Bud you know that doesn't wash out easily. Get off me." I say laughing. I stand up and I hear him start laughing.
"So, what should we do today?" I asked him. He was thinking and starting bouncing up and down like he had a brilliant idea. I heard  him running in a circle.
"You want to go flying? Ok, let's get everything organised then. Maybe I'll drop off the items while we're out" I walk back with Toothless and grabbed everything we need to go flying.

I usually dislike flying because I can't 'see' as well. I only fly with Toothless because he can't do it by himself. But I'm planning on making the best Snoggletog present ever. I'm going make him a tail where he doesn't need me to help him. It'll also make it easier for me to ride him. It's sometimes hard to figure what gear we're supposed to be in.
Once I grabbed everything I need we took off. At this point I have no idea where we are going. I just let him do his thing in free flight.

When he was done with his little free fly, we started heading to Dragon island, not knowing what surprises lie about. We land on the south part of the island and I pretty much did a dump and run. I didn't want to see if the Teens where there but now thinking about it. I'm curious. Toothless and I go high in to the sky and just say there for a while, waiting and listening for any movement or voices.

We've been up for here for what felt like hours with no luck. We were about to leave when I heard something big being dragged across the water followed by a familiar voice.
"Alright everyone, you know the drill. Get to one side of the island without camping equipment and we start at night." I heard everyone groan when he said they were allowed to go now during the day.
"Let's getting to the ground" I whispered to Toothless. He cooed in uncertainty. I pat him on the head to reassure him. He made a lattice sighing noise and started to fly down to earth.
"Ah that's better." I say feeling the grass between my toes. I was to occupied with my love of long grass that I didn't hear someone come up to me.
"Who are you?" Oh great.

New chapter yay. It's also my birthday. Finally an adult. Anyway, new chapters for each book for come fortnightly. It's too hard to update both books on the same day so next week will be 'supposed to be banished" bye everyone enjoy this chapter :):):)

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