Chapter 6

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"Dad. I was going to go into my room and get some sleep. It was a very tiring day yesterday" I say pretending nothing happened today.
"Astrid came by the house today. Saying that you've trained a night fury is this true" should I lie, tell the truth or pretend I have no idea what he is talking about.
"answer me Hiccup or you're going to regret not saying anything"
"dad I'm so sorry. I went for a walk and I heard a dragon in distress and he had no tail fin so I thought I'd help him. I had no idea what type of dragon he was. You never bothered telling me the features and details of what they looked like. You always thought I'd never encounter one but I guess you were wrong. The thing you should always do for your BLIND son is to explain what this look like but you wanted to protect me from the world. You can't keep protecting..." he stopped my rant about how much of a terrible father he was
"Hiccup enough. I've heard enough. You are not to leave this house until further notice. I will ask Astrid tomorrow to show me where the dragon is"
"dad you can't do this he is my only friend..." he stopped me again by stamping his foot. He does that instead of holding his hand up because you I'm blind.
"go to your room. I don't want to hear another word from you" I sigh and crawl up the stairs. I plant myself on my bed. I leaving this village tonight.

I waited until my father fell asleep before I put my plan in action I went out the back door so I could get to the forest faster. I started to hug myself because it was getting cold. I made my way to toothless so we could sleep and then get up early to leave. I can't wait to start a new adventure, to leave everything and everyone behind without a second thought. No one will have to worry about me anymore they can worry about themselves now. When I get to the cove I slide down the hill and I listen for Toothless. I heard his shallow breathing a couple of feet away from me.
"Toothless?" I loudly whisper. I hear stir and coo when he knew it was me.
"Hey bud. We are leaving this place tomorrow." I heard he jump up and run over to me. He licked me on face with excitement. He lied back down and I laid down with him. I felt his tail wrap around me so he could protect me. I dozed off quickly. Ready for the what the day has for me.

I woke up with the sun barely hitting my face. I knew if I wanted to bring some of my things with me I'd have to go before my father wakes up. I nudge Toothless awake and he almost hit me in the face with his tail.
"woah bud. Careful. You almost hit me" he cooed at me to apologise. I scratched his head and made my way home for the last time.
It was a quick trip since Toothless thought it'd be a good idea for me to take him with me. I got to the front door and told Toothless to wait at the edge of the forest. When I got upstairs, I grab my basket that sits at the edge of my bed. I put in a few tunics and small accessories. When I was done I quietly went downstairs and got everything connected to toothless and we were off. Off to find a new home that doesn't think I'm a useless blind runt.
Before we took off I heard someone come up behind us. I turned myself towards their direction and waited for them to talk.
"Hiccup. Where do you think you're going?" Dad
"Dad. I'm sorry I can't live here anymore. You guys hover way too much and I need to get away... goodbye dad" I jumped onto toothless and he flew off. I didn't hear the last words my father said to me but I knew they weren't encouraging. I lay back on Toothless and wondered what our new home would be like. Would it be a large island or a small one? Would we find a village or find a deserted island? So many options we could chose from yet I'll never actually know it will truly look like. Plus I'll have to learn how to see again. Great!

*few weeks later*

Yeah it only took a few weeks but we found a island. No one lives here and we have some wild dragons protecting us from other dragons. Toothless and I found a small like entrance in a tree that lead to an underground connection of tunnels. It made it easier for me to see since we're closer it the ground and it's also above me. Right now toothless and I are chilling by the pond. Toothless is helping me learn how to hunt for fish. He does it in a funny way but if that's what he likes.
"Toothless i can't learn how to catch fish if you keep catching them first" I tell him putting my hands on my hips. He just cooed in laughter. Only I can make a dragon without even trying.
"Come I'm bud. I've got learn" he grunted in agreement. I love it when I'm right.

New chapter. Yay!! So I don't know when I'll update next but I'll try and get something done next week if not a little later. Enjoy the rest of week and enjoy this chapter

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