Chapter 5

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Today is the day I regret not listening if someone is following me. I went to the forest to see Toothless like I do every day to play and sometimes fly if I have time. The trail I dug is pretty deep now but I don't think I need it anymore. I've gone down his path countless times. I arrive in after a few minutes and hear Toothless playing in the water.
"Hi Bud. What are you up to?" I hear huff and I suddenly felt water come up at me making me soaking wet.
"Toothless! Now I have to wait until I dry before going back to the village" he laughed and wondered off somewhere. I have a feeling in a cave somewhere. I shake the water off my hair and went to sit in the sun before training. I was dozing off when I heard light footsteps approach me. My eyes shot open and I turned my head towards the person.
"So, this is where you've been sneaking off to during the day. You know Gobber had been worried sick everyday wondering where you were." The voice belonged to Astrid. She didn't sound worried, she seemed angry that I found a place hide where no one could find me.
"I only come here so I don't have people worrying about me 24/7. Do you know what it's like to be blind? Ha, do you? Having people worry that I'm going to hurt myself or that I'm going to get lost. It hasn't happened to me before and it's definitely not going to happen now. You saw trail didn't you. How di think I find my way around?" I finished yelling at her and didn't say a word. I shake my head and walk towards the place Toothless wandered off to.
"Ni..ght Fury" I heard a whisper behind me
"what did you say?" I say little fearful I turn around to face towards Astrid again
"there's a night fury right behind you" I heard light patting of feet and I knew it was toothless.
"hey bud" I say putting my hand up to keep him back. So, this whole time I was wondering what type of dragon toothless is and I find out that he is the unholy offspring of lighting and death itself. That pretty cool if you ask me.
"leave her be she won't hurt you" I feel him put his nose to my hand and I heard a gasp
"your friends with a Night Fury?" she asked barely able to get the words out
"yeah... I guess I am" I say smiling. Before I could say anything, she ran off. I'm going to be in huge trouble.

Astrid POV (onetime thing)

I ran and ran. I was running so fast that I could barely see where I was going. I knew where I had to go though. I have to tell Stoick that his only son trained and befriended a dragon. How could do this? He knows for hundreds of years Vikings and dragons never got along so why would he this? Why?
I arrive the chief's house and franticly knock on the door. It took a few seconds before Stoick came out slightly annoyed.
"Lass what are doing banging on my door so loudly, I'm not deaf you know" he says with his hands on his hips
"sorry chief. I have something really important to tell. Hiccup he um... his trained a..." I couldn't say it
"spit it out Astrid" he says
"Hiccup has trained a night fury in the forest" I say. I finally told him. I breathe heavily feeling out of breath. When I finally felt better I looked up at Stoick. He had the most vicious look in his eyes. He was no happy.
"go find Hiccup and bring him to me."
"he should be back in a few minutes. He usually comes home at this time" I tell him. He nods and goes back inside. I'm guessing that was my cue to leave. I walk back to house no wanting to see or hearing what the chief is going to say or do to Hiccup.

Hiccup POV
After Astrid left I thought I should be panicking but I just couldn't be bothered. Whatever my father has to say I knew the simplest thing to do was to run away. Leave everyone. No one has to worry about me and I don't have to worry about people worrying about me. I waited for a few minutes before making my way back to the village. I knew I wasn't going to enjoy this father son time but I had to explain myself before he starts making assumptions about why I did it.

I arrive at the house and I walk in. I didn't know if my father was there or not. There was no sound, just the sound of the fire flicking. I make my way to my stair about to crawl up them when his voice filled the silence.
"Hiccup. Where do you think you are going?"

Sorry that this chapter took so long. I just got a job and I will have less time to write but this story not be forgotten. Even if I don't update for weeks or months, chapter will keep coming. So on my day off I will be writing as many chapters as I can so I don't leave you guys on a cliff-hanger. Yes this chapter is left on a cliff-hanger but the next chapter will be put up next week. Sorry you guys had to wait so long. I will try and update either once a week or once ever fortnight depending on how tired I am and how much time I have to write. Thanks for understanding

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