Chapter 4

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This week has gone quick. I've been doing well in dragon training. I was more surprised than anyone else. Who would have thought I could be doing well without even trying. All the dragons would just charge at me then suddenly stop.
Like the Zippleback 2 days ago for example. We were supposed to throw water on the head that sparks the fire. Obviously I couldn't really do it and everyone else failed. I remembered that I had a smoked eel with me after I tried to feed it to Toothless. He didn't like it at all. So when everyone ran away I backed the dragon back into its cage and gave them the eel as punishment.
I finished the tail thank gods. Toothless wouldn't sit still long enough for me to put it on. Now we're experimenting with the tail movements. I'm so ready to get him in the air.

I walk to the cove where toothless is and I slide down the hill.
"Hey bud I'm here to try flying." I stood still and waited for him to 'appear'. He came within seconds. He's been waiting for this day since I first put the tail on. I connected the flight suit and hopped onto his back.
"Ok. Let's hope this works". We took off to the sea stacks just a few miles from the island so we were out of sight. He takes us a bit to figure the right movements.
"Ok bud lets give this move a try"
We did many little combinations until it went down hill. Me being the clumsy Viking I am, I fell off. Toothless had to grab me before I fell into the sea stacks. We ended up getting through them without thinking. It was awesome.

After the flight I went back to the house to find someone was in the house.
"Hiccup. You're home. Where were you? It's late" dad's home. Oh jeez. I highly doubt I'll be going to see Toothless as often.
"Dad you're home. How was the trip?" I ask sounding interested.
"Uneventful sadly. But I will find that nest one day" he says sounding confident.
"I'm sure you will. I'm gonna go to bed. I have a long day tomorrow" I say walking up the stairs.
"Oh yes you do. I'll be there to watch"

My father is going to watch me do nothing in front of these dragons. How am I going to impress him if I physically do not do anything. Let's just pray to the gods that he doesn't notice anything.
Before anyone was awake, I went to the cove to tell Toohtless that I won't be around as often because my father came home. I made it a quick visit so no one becomes suspicious.
I go to the arena where everyone is waiting. I have a feeling today we are fighting the gronckle. Today Gobber was going to tell us who will go to the next round fighting and who won't. I hoped I get taken out. I really am getting of doing nothing. Gobber opens the gate and I keep my shield close to me in case the gronckle doesn't recognise me straight away. I was wrong. The first thing the gronckle did was fly over to me. I grabbed some grass that found that Toothless likes and I put it towards its face. I made sure I was hidden by the barriers provided in the arena. It enjoyed the grass a lot. I hide it back in my tunic and put my shield up. I heard all the Vikings come over to me. They stopped and I could tell they were shocked.
"Ah Hiccup is still in the competition. Fishlegs, Snotlout and the Twins are out" no one complained they were still shocked of what happened. I just shrugged my shoulders and went back home. I waited there so my father could tell me what I did wrong or what I could do better. I ate a piece of bread while I waited for him to return. The door flung open and I was engulfed into the biggest bear hugs.
"Oh son, I'm so proud of you. Who would have thought that you'd make it to the final round."
"Ah thanks dad. You can put me down now. I'd like to breath again" he puts me down and straightens out my clothes that he wrinkled. We sat down for dinner and enjoyed the silence. Tomorrow is going to be another long day. I'm definitely not looking forward to it.

I went to see Toothless early again and stayed with him longer. He kept splashing me water and made it into a game. I had to dodge the water as he flicked it at me. At first I was terrible. It was so fun though. By the end he barley touched me with a drop. I thought I was doing well until he tricked me and pretty much squirted water all over me.
"Toothless! How am I going to explain this to me dad?" I say lightly. He just cooed in amusement. He loves it when I'm the one who get last wet or muddy. I give a big scratch under his chin. While training with the dragons, I've noticed that Toothless not like any of them so the question was. What type of dragon is he? I wasn't worried. Whatever breed he is won't change the way I think of him. He's my best friend no matter what. But I am curious.

This is the chapter I promised but for 'Supposed to be banished' I have no idea when I'll update that. I'll try my best to get up on Sunday if not Monday. I hope you guys understand.

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