Chapter 3

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Early update

I spent my morning with Toothless and trying to figure out how to fix his tail. I knew it'd have to be a soft, flexible but strong material. Yesterday was great considering I almost died. I felt toothless nudge my arm.
"Hey buddy." I say giving him a scratch on the chin. He cooed in content. I heard his leg twitch as I scratched his neck. I couldn't help giggle at this. We were having so much fun when suddenly heard the horn telling us we need to go to the arena for training.
"ok bud. I've got to go but I'll be back when I can. He guided me to the trail and I walked back to the village to get to the arena.

When I arrived, everyone was already there and looking at me. as they were walking towards me, I noticed they were swerving in different direction. Is there something in their way? Oh no. Gobber's put barriers up like a maze. Oh Thor. I sighed in disapproval.
"alright people listen up. Today you all will be doing a maze but the twist is their will be a deadly Nadder in with you. There are no dead ends just lots of circles. Good luck everyone" he says and I felt him walk off. I'm confused. Am I doing it too?
"hey Gobber. Am I doing this exercise too?"
"of course, lad. You are part of the training group, aren't you?" he says with a smile in his voice. I smile back and he pats me on the shoulder. Gobber is the first person do actually believe that I could do something on my own. I walk off to where all the other teens were standing.
"Ready. On mark. Get set... Go" everyone started to make their way through maze to get other end. I heard heavier footsteps coming towards my left. I stopped for a second and felt what I think is the Nadder run past me. moments later I heard a girly scream. Snotlout. I chuckled to myself.
Every step I took, there were more screams. Most likely from Snotlout and Tuffnut. They think they are big strong Vikings but they are pretty big wusses. I kept making my way through the maze hoping to find the end soon. I heard the Nadder its way to me so I went the opposite direction. There must've been another opening because the Nadder was nearly next me. I pushed myself against the wall hoping it wouldn't know I was there. I felt it come next to me. I made myself look at it. I heard it make a noise and walk off. I stood there confused. It did exactly what Toothless did when we first met. He was about to kill me then just stopped. I wonder why? I just shook it off and continued going through the maze. Without knowing Gobber started yelling at the top of his lungs
"Hiccup is the winner" I looked at him in shock.
"I'm sorry what?" I heard everyone else getting out of the maze.
"how did he beat us?" Snotlout complained.
"I listened. Since I can't see I have to use my hearing and I also can feel the vibrations" I could tell they weren't listening so I put my shield down and made my way out of the arena.
"Oh, Hiccup before you leave. Just remember we are having dinner at the watchtower tonight." He yelled to me
"thank Gobber" I yell back to him.
I walk home so I can get some ideas and materials to start Toothless tail. I haven't been able to take measurements but once I have a plan the rest should be simple right?

When I was finished I walked to the highest watchtower to where everyone will be sitting. By the sound of it only two people were here. I hear a few voices behind me. Ok right on time. I take a seat in the far corner away from human contact. I'd rather not have to talk to anyone right since they still don't believe how I got through the maze and I don't know why that dragon completely ignored me.
"Hey Hiccup. Thank you joining the group" Gobber said. He almost scared me off my seat. When did he become so stealthy?
"Gobber" I nod towards him.
We spent the night listening to Gobber talking about how he lost his arm and leg by the same species of dragons. Snotlout really wants to be the favourite but I can hear in Gobber's voice he could care less about his opinion.

After our little picnic dinner, I went back to the house to finish off my plans for Toothless' tail. He better like it or I might be the Viking to kill him. I started cutting the fabric the best I could and I sewed the edgings. I made it big enough so if I have to cut it down smaller I can. I put all the stuff in a basket and went to bed. I have an early morning and I busy training session tomorrow.

Its kinda obvious but who knows why both Toothless and the deadly nadder left Hiccup alone when they were about to kill him.
And sorry if this chapter is crap also I'm taking a break from writing for 2 weeks. The next chapter will be put up on the 10th August.

I'm having trouble getting my shit together so with this break I should be able to get enough chapters written so I have less pressure to write every week.

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