Chapter 2

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Instead of the sun warming my face to wake me up, Gobber decided to come into my room yelling at the top of his lungs.
"COME ON HICCUP!! It's time for dragon training."
"Gobber you're my guide not my babysitter. Speaking of which, I don't need a guide. I can use my other senses" I explain to him. But like always he just ignores me and continues doing whatever he is doing right now which is running and pacing around my room.
"Gobber? What are you doing?" I ask listening to his footsteps change from one ear to the other
"I'm making sure everything in your room is in place" he tells me. I shot out of bed and made my way towards him so I can't stop him.
"you're not touching my stuff, are you?" I asked. He pauses for a minute
"oh, for Thor sake. Gobber, put everything back where it was or I will find a way to kill you" I sometimes wonder why I deal with the people in this village. All they do is move everything around so I won't bump into things. But every time they move something I have to try and remember where it is. I shake my head, put my tunic on and left the house without another word.

I started walk to the dragon arena when I heard Gobber trailing behind me.
"Lad? How you so much faster than I am" he asked in surprise
"I'm intelligent Gobber. Just because I'm blind doesn't make me stupid" I say with a sarcastic smile. I walk into the arena and stand at the entrance on the left waiting for everyone else to arrive.
"I hope to get some serious burns" I heard what sounded like Tuffnut. He was a strange one.
"I hoping for small like shoulder lower back" Ruffnut his twin. Just as strange.
"Eh. It's only fun if you get a scar out of it." And Astrid. She sounds so beautiful
"Yay pain love it" I say pushing myself off the wall and made my way towards them.
"Oh, great who let him in" Snotlout practically yells.
"I'm doing exactly what you're here for. Except I don't want to be here" I mumble the last sentence.
Gobber went on telling us what dragons we will be fighting. He almost made me sit out but I could tell he changed his mind halfway through the sentence. He let out the first dragon, a gronckle and I heard everyone running around frantically. I felt Gobber out a shield in my hands so I could block anything coming at me. I listened to the flapping wings and the heavy footsteps. I heard a lava blast being released and I put my shield up to protect my face. I started to move around so I didn't get hit. Before I knew I was being pushed up against the wall, hot breath in my face. The gronckle was about to fire at me when I felt it being pulled away from me sharply.
"A dragon will always, always go for the kill" Gobber said picking me up. I frowned. Then why didn't that dragon in the woods kill me when I found it.

I quickly left the arena before Gobber could try and follow me back. I walked behind my house into the forest. I followed the trail I left and when thought I reached the end of it, it kept going. So, I kept walking until it went downhill and I sat down and slide down it. I kept walking when I felt myself being lifted off the ground.
"Hey put me down" I laughed. The dragon put me down carefully like I would break if he put me down the wrong way.
"it's ok bud. You can't hurt me" I could feel him smile. I reached out to pat his head and he leaned into my touch.
"what should I name you?" I kept petting him on the head when he moved his head and I suddenly felt something wet and slimy.
"Eww is that your mouth" I said with a disgusted giggle. I kept my hand and I slowly felt teeth come in.
"I know what to call you now. Your name will be Toothless" I say and he cooed in delight. He must've really like the name. I started to feel a bit cooler meaning the sun is started to go down.
"I've got to go but I'll see you tomorrow ok." I felt him nudge me and picked me up to put me back on my path.

I made my way to the Great Hall to hear the other Viking teens talk about what they did wrong in the ring. I sat on the other table so I could listen to what they have to say. Astrid talk about her untimed somersault dive and did his little flirty comment while Fishlegs talk about all the other dragons in the archipelago. The twins just blabbered on about how they will win and blah blah. Gobber told them they had to read but obviously they all tried to get themselves out of it. They left, leaving just Gobber and I.
"Hiccup. I never thought I'd say this on your first day but you did pretty ok considering..." I felt him point at me and I let a huff with an amused smile. Some people just love rubbing it in my face that I can't see but others try and not mention it. I could care less about being blind. They never know what I can and can't do and I want to show them what I can do in the ring. Win or not I'll show them how not helpless I am.

Here's the next chapter. I'll post the next one next week. Thank you for all the supporting comments and the encouragement. Xoxo

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